Friday, September 16, 2022

A Cobbler who Mended my Spirit

There is a Cobbler - who sits across the street in front of my home. 
Every day, I see that a stray dog comes and sits with him as soon as he arrives at the place, and he feeds him biscuits and sometimes milk. 
The man gets busy with his work while the dog sits there and gives him company. 
One can feel an unknown connection between them - they seem to have a conversation without a word being spoken. 
He also brings food for birds, which he keeps at different places on the street pavement where he sits for his work. 

Many people stop by and ask him for directions. He always guides them with a smile. Even if he doesn't get any business from them. 
If he sees a homeless person passing by, he offers them water and food - that he has brought for himself. He engages in conversations with them too. One can see and feel the peace that his conversations bring to them.

This morning, I decided to meet him - and talk to him.
He greeted me with a smile. 
He said his name was Dayaram (quite befitting to his kind and generous nature). 
He asked me if I would like to have some tea?
I was surprised and started to wonder.
Here is a man - who must be struggling to make Rs.100 a day, out of which he might be spending 15 to 20 Rupees on the food he brings for the dog and the birds. 
And now, two cups of tea would cost him another 20 rupees. 
But nevertheless, I said, "Sure, let's have some tea." 

He, being rich in his own way, smiles radiantly. I smiled back at him. His calm, effortless, and peaceful nature seems to be contagious. 
We continued talking. 
I told him that I have been observing him, what he does, and that I am humbled and fascinated by it. 
I asked him about the dog. 
He said, "Oh!  he's just one of us - God's Creation". 
(Talk about non-duality! )
When I praised him for his generosity, he said: "I am not serving or doing anything ... it is He who is making it happen through me. 
It would be wrong to say that 'I' am doing it!" 

I folded my hands and bowed to him - and requested him to accept some money, saying, "it is not I who is giving you this money. It is He who is sending it to you through me."
He laughed and obliged me by accepting it.

As I was about to leave, he said: 
"Maango Sirf Usi say - Baanto khushi say - par Kaho na kisi say" 
                           माँगो उसी से, बाँटो ख़ुशी से, पर कहो ना किसी से 
(Ask only from Him, but then - don't just accumulate it - share it with others with happiness and gratitude. 
And do it silently! Without publicizing it)

The cobbler who seemingly mends shoes - mended my spirit today.
                                                     (From the net)


  1. Kon kheta ha ki kamoshyion saay parupkar nahi hotey.
    Hum naay dekha ha darkhatoon (tree) ko bhi saya detay huvey.

  2. Beautiful Jì 🙏🙏

  3. Cobbler has practiced the gyaan which we preach only...

  4. Karam bolte hain
    , Hamesha hi. Seeking blessings and guidance

  5. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Thought provoking read..... befits "Do good & forget it"!!!! Maango Sirf Usi say - Baanto khushi say - par Kaho na kisi say"

  7. मैंने ट्रांसलेट कर के पढ़ा बहुत ही सुंदर लगा जिस पर कुदरत स्वयं नाजिल हो जाये उसे ज्ञान लेने की आवश्यकता नहीं पड़ती वो अपने कर्मो द्वारा निरंकार तक पहुंच जाता है बहुत से संतों ने पाया बाबा फ़रीद , बुल्लेशाह, कबीर,
    और भी बहुत से !

  8. Wonderful story to learn good lesson 🙏🌹🙏🌹

  9. Great and inspiring thought, the truth which I myself experienced in Srinagar, with the Saint Raju ji Saint Ujala ji , who lived in Slums at Rambagh.


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...