Thursday, September 15, 2022

We can not force people

We can not force someone to hear a message they are not ready to receive. 
Whether it's friends, colleagues, or children - no one likes to be forced into believing or doing something they don't want to - or do not find valuable and beneficial. 
In fact, when we try to impose our thoughts forcefully, people become rebellious. 
They might even want to do the opposite of what we ask them to do.

Everyone wants to do what they find interesting - what they think is beneficial for them. 
If we - the parents, teachers, or leaders think something is good for our children, students, or followers - then we should try to find the proper ways to convince them. We must create appropriate circumstances and environments for them to enjoy and learn new things and see the benefits directly. 
If we force them, children or people may follow our directions to some extent and for some time. But, eventually, they would stop following the directions and leave. 

Therefore, the responsibility lies on the shoulders of parents, teachers, and leaders of society to pass on their wisdom and lifelong experiences gently and appropriately - with valid logic and selfless actions. 

Remember - we can only plant the seeds in young minds. 
They have to water it with their own understanding and wisdom, and personal experiences to make it grow and reap the benefits. 

As the famous poet Poorn Prakash Saaqi once said:
       "Teri mehfil me deewanay chalay aatay hain
         Sab apnay aur begaany chalay aatay hain
         Koyi kehtaa nahin insay ki challay aayiyega 'Saaqi'
        Jab shamaa ho raushan to parwaanay chalay aatay hain"

No one sends invitations to moths and insects - no one forces them to come
But when the candle is lit - invariably, the moths come and start dancing and embracing the flame. 

So, let's mend our ways. 
Instead of forcing them, we should try to make it worthwhile for them to come and join us.
                              " Rajan Sachdeva " 


  1. Rev. Rajan Jì. Thanks very much for sharing this wonderful message and advice Jì. Keep on blessing. May Nirankar bless you more wisdom and Bharpoor Khushian always Jì.

  2. Truly said ji
    In schools good teachers teach the kids through PLAYWAY METHODS,to make learning interesting for them.🌹

  3. well said Rajan jee.. Problem is more for the parents having teenagers and higher age children.. To divert their direction towards spirituality is very difficult.. they are not kids who can learn through play method.. creating a continuous environment suitable for them is difficult. However attempt can be made and let it be a good beginning.. 🙏🙏

  4. You're right Professor Sahib. In fact, contemporary generation is wedded to idea of being more practical. Like to undergo experience of whatever seems new to them. Spirituality is something alien to them, especially when existing age is heavily materialistic & competitive. Realization of fact that at end of the day, all so called acquirements will not go along except good moral deeds, is the idea more appropriate to drive home Gen-Z to the point of spiritualizing materialistic pursuits for ultimate "SALVATION"

  5. Wonderful thoughts on the subject 🙏🙏

  6. well said. accept as one is. no one can force anyone


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

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