Saturday, September 17, 2022

Those who have Millions

Those who have millions - usually have no value for one. 
Be it millions of Rupees or dollars - or millions of people or followers. 
They know that one Rupee is not equal to or comparable to one million Rupees. 
That's why they don't value it.
Even if a Rupee falls out of their pocket, they don't care about it.

But they forget that even if one falls out - a million does not remain a million anymore.
You might be like a million - and someone else might be worth just one Rupee in your eyes.
But keep this in mind - that by discarding the one - after removing one from your life - you will also not remain a million anymore.

So respect everyone and value their opinions.
There is some quality - some goodness in every human being. 
Every person has their own value.
Don't scorn or despise them just because they have differences of opinion - 
don't let them go away because of petty differences in thoughts.
Like it is said:
            "Tinka kabahun na nindiye - paanv talay jo hoy 
             kabahun ude aankhan paday to peer ghaneri hoy"

A straw lying under the foot appears insignificant to us. 
But if somehow it flies and gets in our eyes - then only we realize its power - that how painful even a little straw can be.
So never despise anyone for any reason.
Don't neglect or disrespect them. 
Don't make fun of them.
If you can't respect someone, at least don't insult them.
                                  "Rajan Sachdeva"


  1. Rev. Rajan Jì thanks for sharing all the wonderful thoughts and blessings Jì. Keep on blessing Jì.

  2. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏....

    Aapkay baav ruh ki khurak hain.

    It's a privilege for me to that you as a divine mentor in my last fe.

  3. Thank you Uncle ji for this blog post. It is very insightful and I wholeheartedly agree with everything you have written.

    Today, with the growing number of spiritual orgs that have so many followers, millions of views on social media and yet I always ask this one question, has one person, just one got closer to the Truth or God? Sometimes, in the search for clout and recognition, we lose focus on what matters and that is the growth of our people, whether in corporates or in spirituality.

    It is so important to value each person and to make them grow into a leader themselves. If this isn't happening then we may have decent manager(s) but not effective leader(s) and more so, a dysfunctional organization.

    Human beings have a natural tendency to be led, to be guided and for that, they need to be listened to, they need to be heard. If they are not, why would they stay in that group? We must ask this even of our relationships with our loved ones.

    Once again, thank you Uncle ji and I wanted to share my thoughts with you! :)


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...