Friday, September 30, 2022

Seven Reasons people go to Religious places

People go to their religious places for different reasons.
Here are some common reasons:

1.   Ritual:
Many people simply go to their ancestral or family religious places as a ritual, a part of their faith. 
They believe this is part of their religion. 
They simply go - sit for a while, and perform the rituals according to their tradition. 
For many people, this might be the reason to go to a Temple, Gurudwara, Church, or other religious places to perform certain rituals, Pooja, or some prayers that are required on certain days or a few times every day. 
In their opinion, this is their religious duty - a necessary requirement.
They think that is all they need to do and nothing else.

2.    Chanting
Many people like Chanting. 
Singing the devotional songs in a high pitch and fast rhythms collectively in a group setting creates an effect of intoxication. Hearing piercing music and singing loud keeps the mind away from other thoughts and worries. 
Most people feel momentarily happy and at peace in such environments. Therefore, they like to go to the Satsang places where singing, Keertan, and chantings are offered.

3.    Meditation
Meditation is an essential part of every religion. 
They may have different names for it - such as Sumiran, remembrance of God, being with God, being with oneself or silence in solitude, etc. 
They may have different methods - such as specific postures, a rosary or Tasbee, etc. 
But the end goal is the same - to still the mind and achieve peace. 
Some people like to meditate privately, and others like it in group settings. 
Some people may not have the right atmosphere in their homes because of noise or other distractions, so they like to go to places where they can find the right atmosphere. 
They may also need to learn how to do it, as well as some motivation by watching others.
Such people go to ‘Meditation groups and Satsangs’ to get motivation, the right environment, and to learn how to achieve peace.

4.      To please others:
Many children and teenagers go to these places simply to please their parents.
Some do it to please their spouse, relatives, or friends - To create and maintain a public image, or simply to make their boss or co-workers happy.
They have absolutely no interest in what is really going on at those places.

5.      Entertainment:
For some, going to a religious or spiritual seminar or a lecture session is more like fashion or entertainment. 
Many wealthy and well-off people attend some events as a fashion. 
They go to classical music concerts - or visit art galleries - just to show off to their friends that they are very traditional and sophisticated - even if they are not really interested in them.
Similarly, some people like to show off that they have attended the lectures or seminars of a famous spiritual teacher or leader.
And some people may go to listen to such lectures and seminars for entertainment purposes only. 
What could be better than spiritual entertainment? 
It would be like killing two birds with one stone - getting entertainment and being labeled as a Spiritual person.

6.   Socialization:
Some people think of such places as social gatherings and go there only to socialize - To meet their friends or try to make new friends and increase their social circle - Or to meet new people to find new clients to improve their business.

7.   To gain knowledge / To attain Gyaana:
Many people like to go to some religious places or Satsang to listen and learn something new. 
Most intellectuals fall in this category. 
In the past, some religious traditions in India used to hold lectures and debate sessions. 
Even these days, some individuals and organizations in every major religion and mission organize regular lecture seminars, teaching classes, and learning groups. Because of the higher literacy rate, most people want to learn more and enjoy listening to something new every time. 
The learned saints and scholars with good oratory skills attract huge gatherings during their lectures. 
There are so many good speakers who can keep their audiences spellbound for hours with their knowledge and oratory skills. They narrate impressive stories; even tell jokes to make people laugh. They are becoming more popular these days, which is why we see many new religious, spiritual, and new-era motivational speakers on TV and everywhere. So many people get hooked on their shows and even pay handsome amounts of money to see them in person.
But, most people (not all), who watch or attend these lectures, enjoy them momentarily and then forget later.

However, sincere listeners and seekers - who are interested in gaining more Gyana - more knowledge will try to find the right place, the right Saints, Preachers, and the Guru to achieve their desired goal.  
Even if they are too busy - they will make time to attend these events, seminars, and Satsangs.

      Now -- What is your reason to attend a Satsang?
                                     ' Rajan Sachdeva '

Thursday, September 29, 2022

सत्संग का उद्देश्य - सत्संगत्वे नि:संगत्वं

          सत्संगत्वे नि:संगत्वं - नि:संगत्वे निर्मोहत्वम्
          निर्मोहत्वे निश्चलतत्वं - निश्चलतत्वे जीवन मुक्तिः
                                            (आदि शंकराचार्य )

जीवन-मुक्ति प्राप्त करने के लिए किन किन पड़ावों से गुजरना पड़ता है, ये समझाते हुए आदि शंकरचार्य कहते हैं कि पहला पड़ाव है सत्संग।
सत्य का ज्ञान प्राप्त करने के लिए - अर्थात सत्य को जानने - और फिर ज्ञान को परिपक्वता से जीवन में धारण करने के लिए सत्संग अर्थात सत्य एवं सत्पुरुषों का संग आवश्यक है।
सत्संग करते करते - संतों की संगत में रहते रहते भक्त अंततः नि:संगत्व अर्थात संगविहीन हो जाता है - भ्रम एवं व्यर्थ के विचारों और अनावश्यक और अत्यधिक सांसारिक इच्छाओं - आशा, मंशा,अपेक्षा और तृष्णा इत्यादि के संग से मुक्त हो जाता है।

नि:संगत्वं होने का एक अर्थ निर्विचार अथवा विचार रहित मनःस्थिति से भी है
जिसे मन से परे या मन से स्वतंत्र होना भी कहा जा सकता है।

नि:संगत्वं अथवा निर्विचार एवं अनावश्यक इच्छाओं से मुक्त होते ही मन से मिथ्या मोह का भी नाश हो जाता है और भक्त निर्मोहत्व की अवस्था प्राप्त कर लेता है। संसार एवं सांसारिक पदार्थों से अनावश्यक मोह से रहित - आशा, मंशा,अपेक्षा और तृष्णा इत्यादि वासनाओं से मुक्त जीव - गलत मान्यताओं, धारणाओं और कर्म-कांड में भ्रमित न हो कर सत्य मार्ग पर चलते हुए अपने वांछित गंतव्य की ओर बढ़ता रहता है।

उपरोक्त मनःस्थिति को प्राप्त करके जीव निश्चल-तत्व में स्थित हो जाता है।
निष्चल-तत्व अर्थात अपरिवर्तनीय सत्य को जान कर सदैव इस एकमात्र सार्वभौमिक परम सत्य में विचरण करता हुआ निश्चल मन जीवन-मुक्त हो जाता है।

स्वतंत्र,अथवा किसी भी बंधन से मुक्त होना ही मुक्ति अथवा मोक्ष है।
जब तक हम किसी वस्तु-विशेष, व्यक्ति-विशेष या किसी विशेष विचारधारा अथवा परिस्थिति से बंधे हुए हैं तो मुक्ति संभव नहीं है।
'अपरिवर्तनीय सत्य ' को जान कर - निष्चल तत्व अर्थात निराकार प्रभु में स्थित हो कर मन का निश्चल हो जाना ही जीवन-मुक्ति कहलाता है।
                                                                  ' राजन सचदेव '

Purpose of Satsang - Sat-Sangatvay Nis-Sangatvam

          Sat-Sangatvay Nis-Sangatvam
            Nis-Sangatvay Nir-Mohatvam
            Nir-Mohatvay Nischal-Tatvaam
           Nischal-Tatvay Jeevan Muktih
                                (Adi Shankaracharya)

While explaining the stages to attain liberation, Adi Shankaracharya says that the first step is Satsang.
To acquire the Gyan - that is, to know the Truth - and then to grasp and imbibe the Gyan in life, it is necessary to have Satsang - to keep the company of enlightened saints.

While doing Satsang - while living in the company of saints, the devotee eventually becomes Nisangtva. 
Meaning: without association - free from the association of illusions and trivial thoughts and unnecessary and excessive worldly desires, expectations, and cravings.
By keeping the company of Saints, noble and righteous people - one becomes free from delusions.

The state of being 'Nis-Sangatavam' - free of all company can also be interpreted as the thoughtless state of mind. - beyond or free from the mind - a state of mind without thoughts.

When one becomes Nisangtvam or free from trivial thoughts and unnecessary desires, the false attachments from the mind are destroyed, and the devotee attains the state of Nirmohatva. 
A state - free from undue attachment to the world and worldly objects – free from expectations, wrong beliefs, assumptions, and dogmas. 
And thus, continues the spiritual journey without getting confused and going astray from the desired destination of achieving the Truth. 

This state of mind - being free from the attachments - further results in the union with the 'Unchangeable Truth' - the one and only Reality.
By attaining the above state of mind, one becomes settled in the Nishcal Tattva - the immovable element - the almighty Nirankar Brahm.

Absorbed, immersed in the Nishchal Tattva - the immovable element or the Absolute Truth - ultimately results in achieving the Jeevan-Mukti; Liberation while living in the world and from the repetitive cycle of birth and death.
Being free from any kind of binding is the Jeevan-Mukti - the Living-Salvation - the True Liberation.

As long as we are attached to an object - a person or personality - to certain dogmas, situations, or environments - we are bound and cannot become Jeevan-Mukta.
To be free from any bondage is called Mukti or Moksha.
                   ' Rajan Sachdeva '

Sat -- Eternal Truth
Sangatwam -- Keeping the company of
Nis-Sangatvam -- Not having any company
Nis-Sangatvay -- By not having any company
Nir-Mohatvam -- Free of attachments
Nischal -- Unchangeable
Tatvam -- Basic Element, Reality, The Truth
Jeevan -- Life
Mukti -- Salvation, Liberation.
Jeevan-Mukti -- Living Salvation or Liberation

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

सब से आसान काम The Easiest Thing

जब भी चाहो  - किसी की बुराई कर लो 
इस से आसान तो दुनिया में कोई काम नहीं 

Jab bhi chaaho - kisi ki buraayi kar lo 
Is say aasaan to duniya me koi kaam nahin 

Gossip and criticize someone whenever you want - 
There is no task easier than this in the world.

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Happy Navratri - Navreh - Niraatay

Navratri - literally meaning nine nights.
It's called Navreh in Kashmir, Niraatay in Punjab, Durga Pooja in Bengal, and Dashain in Nepal.

Goddess Durga is the icon or the symbol of this festival -
it represents the mother - as all life stems from a mother.

Nine days and nights symbolize the nine months - that human life takes to develop in the womb.
Durga is known as Shakti - Energy.
        Yaa Devi Sarv Bhuteshu Shakti roopain sansthita
        NamasTasyai, Namas Tasyai, Namas Tasyai Namo Namah
                या देवी सर्वभुतेषु शक्तिरुपेण संस्थिता ।
                 नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः ॥
The one who abides in all beings in the Form of Energy
Salutations Salutations Salutations - again and again.

The word Nav has two meanings - New and the number Nine.
It's time to renew energy through self-analysis and introspection.
The nine forms, faces, or Avtars of Durga during these nine days are the nine steps or ways that can help us achieve the goal.

                          Three forms or faces of Durga
Shakti - the Divine energy - has three prominent incarnations - Durga, Lakshmi, and Saraswati.
They represent three main aspects and characteristics of Shakti - energy.

1. Durga - Strength, courage, confidence, and protection - shield and defense.
2. Lakshmi - Wealth, riches, and prosperity.
3. Saraswati - Education, knowledge, and wisdom.

All these three forms must be invoked - conjured, and achieved to attain contentment and peace.

Divinity is present everywhere - but it requires Self-contemplation and worship - discipline, and practice to awaken it.
                                   ' Rajan Sachdeva '
(To be continued)

Monday, September 26, 2022

There are no secrets to success

There are no secrets to success. 
Success is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.

जो मुस्कुरा रहा है - The one who is smiling

जो मुस्कुरा रहा है - उसे दर्द ने पाला होगा
जो चल रहा है  उसके पाँव में छाला होगा
बिना संघर्ष के जीवन में चमक आ नहीं सकती 
जो जल  रहा है उसी दीपक में उजाला होगा 
Jo muskura raha hai - usay dard nay paalaa hoga 
Jo chal raha hai us kay paanv mein chhaalaa hoga 
Bina sangharsh kay jeevan mein chamak aa nahin sakti
Jo jal rahaa hai - usi deepak mein ujaala hoga 
                    English Translation
The one who is smiling must have been fed by pain.
Whoever is walking will have a blister on his feet
Life can not shine without struggle
Only the candle which is burning - provides light to others.

Sunday, September 25, 2022

Helping Others

                    Helping others is a sign of strength 
       Helping others is a sign of strength 

Friday, September 23, 2022

A Birthday Gift

I love this picture someone sent me on my birthday today.
      Gift of Nothingness... the greatest gift ever. 
                               " Rajan Sachdeva "

Choose your words wisely!

The choice of words we use directly reflects the quality of our thoughts. 
Choose them wisely!

पर्यटक / मुसाफिर

भारत में वेदांत दर्शन के एक प्रसिद्ध संत जी शास्त्रों के गहन ज्ञान के साथ साथ अपनी विनम्रता और सादगी के लिए भी प्रसिद्ध थे। 
दूर दूर तक उनकी ख्याति फैली हुई थी। 
अमेरिका का एक पर्यटक उन से मिलने उनके निवास स्थान पर गया।  
वह यह देखकर हैरान रह गया कि संत जी के घर में केवल एक ही कमरा था जो किताबों से भरा हुआ था।
कमरे में एकमात्र फर्नीचर एक छोटी सी मेज़ और एक बेंच थी जो रात में बिस्तर का भी काम करती थी।
"गुरु जी, आपका फर्नीचर कहाँ है?" आगंतुक ने पूछा।
 संत जी ने कहा -  "तुम्हारा फर्नीचर कहाँ है?"
"मेरा? लेकिन मैं तो यहाँ सिर्फ़ एक पर्यटक हूँ। एक मुसाफिर - एक मेहमान हूँ "
 गुरु जी ने कहा - " मैं भी तो वही  हूँ --  मैं भी एक मुसाफिर - एक मेहमान ही तो हूँ "।

आज हम वीं सदी में - एक आधुनिक समाज में रहते हैं। 
हमारे पास बहुत सी चीजें हैं - हमारे घरों में इतने सारे स्वचालित यंत्र (गैजेट) हैं, लेकिन  फिर भी हम संतुष्ट नहीं हैं।
हमारे वार्डरोब कपड़ों से भरे पड़े हैं। 
और फिर भी - अगर हमें किसी के घर, किसी समारोह या पार्टी में, या यहां तक ​​कि किसी विशेष सत्संग के लिए भी जाना होता है, तो हम शिकायत करते हैं कि हमारे पास इस अवसर पर पहनने के लिए कोई कपड़े ही नहीं है। 
और हम नए कपड़े खरीदने चले जाते हैं।
हमारी पैंट्री और रेफ्रिजरेटर भोजन से भरे रहते हैं 
फिर भी बच्चे शिकायत करते हैं, "इस घर में खाने के लिए कुछ भी नहीं है।"

ऐसा लगता है कि हमारे पास जितना अधिक है, हम उतने ही कम संतुष्ट हैं।
हमें जितना अधिक मिलता है - हम उतनी ही अधिक शिकायतें करने लगते हैं। 
ये सब क्या हो रहा है? ऐसा क्यों हो रहा है?
                             " राजन सचदेव "

Traveler / Visitor

A tourist from the United States visited a famous Saint of Vedantic philosophy in India known for his vast knowledge of the scriptures - and his humility and simplicity.

He was astonished to see that his home was just one room filled with books.
The only furniture in the room was a small table and a bench that also served as a bed.

"Guru ji, where is your furniture?" asked the visitor.
"Where is yours?" Asked the Saint.
"Mine? But I'm only a visitor here."
"So am I," said the Guru.
Now, in the 21st century, we live in modern society. 
We have so many things - so many automatic gadgets in our homes, yet we are not satisfied.
Our wardrobes are overfilled with clothes. 
And yet - if we need to go to someone's home, a function or a party, or even for a special Satsang, we complain, "I have nothing to wear for this occasion. And we go shopping for new clothes.
Our pantries and refrigerators are overflowing with food -yet the children complain, "There is nothing for me to eat here in this house."
It seems that the more we have, the less satisfied we are. 
The more we get, the more we complaint.
What is happening to us?
                             " Rajan Sachdeva "

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

उपहार या उपस्थिति ?

ये ज़रुरी नहीं कि उपहार या Gift कोई चीज़ या वस्तु ही हो।
प्यार, परवाह और सम्मान भी बहुत अच्छे गिफ़्ट हैं।
अपने कीमती समय में से कुछ समय अपने दोस्तों मित्रों और संबंधियों को दे कर देखिये कि वो कितने प्रसन्न होते हैं। 
कभी बिना मतलब बात करने और सिर्फ हाल-चाल पूछ लेने से भी संबंध मजबूत हो जाते हैं।
क्योंकि उपस्थिति - उपहार से ज़्यादा मायने रखती है।

Presents or Presence?

A gift does not always have to be a thing or a materialistic object.
Love, care, and respect are also fabulous gifts. 
You can make your friends and relationships happy and delighted simply by giving them some of your precious time - just by asking about their welfare, etc. 
Remember, more than the presents, it's the presence that counts. 
                                                       " Rajan Sachdeva "

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

क्या स्वभाव बदल सकता है ?

आज सुबह कुछ पुरानी फाइलों को देखते समय संत तुलसी दास जी का यह दोहा हाथ में आ गया l
                        "लोहा पारस परस कै कंचन भई तलवार
                         तुलसी तीनों न मिटे - धार मार आकार "

राम चरित मानस के रचयिता संत तुलसी दास इस दोहे के माध्यम से अध्यात्मिक जीवन के एक कटु सत्य की ओर हमारा ध्यान आकर्षित करते हैं l
वह कहते हैं कि जैसे एक लोहे की तलवार पारस पत्थर का स्पर्श करके सोना तो बन जाती है लेकिन उसका आकार और गुण वैसे का वैसा ही रहता है l 
उसकी  तीक्ष्णता और कार्यप्रणाली पहले जैसी ही रहती है। 
उसमें चमक आ जाती है और उसकी कीमत भी कई गुना बढ़ जाती है। वह दर्शनीय और प्रशंसनीय तो बन जाती है लेकिन न तो उसका आकार बदलता है - और न ही उसकी पैनी तीखी धार - और मार काट करने का गुण ही बदलता है l भले ही वो तलवार अब सोने में बदल चुकी है फिर भी यह घायल करने में सक्षम है और अगर कोई उसे  दबाने अथवा  उसके रास्ते में आने की कोशिश करे तो उसे काट भी सकती है। 

इसी तरह सतगुरु के सानिध्य और ज्ञान के सम्पर्क में आने से धन-धान्य तथा यश और मान तो प्राप्त हो जाते हैं लेकिन इन्सान का स्वभाव नहीं बदलता l
जिनके स्वभाव में पहले से ही विनम्रता हो वो विनम्र ही बने रहते हैं l 
और जिनके ह्रदय में स्वभाविक रुप से अभिमान है - जिनमें स्वयं को दर्शाने और लीडर शिप की भावना और इच्छा होती है, वो अध्यात्मिक क्षेत्रों में भी स्वयं को दर्शाने - आगे रहने और दूसरों पर नियंत्रण रखने का यत्न करते रहते हैं। 

तो क्या इसका अर्थ ये हुआ कि इन्सान का स्वभाव कभी बदल नहीं सकता ?               
तुलसी दास इसका उपाय भी समझाते हैं l
             "ज्ञान हथौड़ा जे मिले, सतगुरु मिले सुनार
              तुलसी तीनों मिट गए धार मार आकार "

तलवार की धार और आकार को हथौड़े  की चोट से बदला जा सकता है l
उसे स्वर्ण कलश, स्वर्ण आभूषण या स्वर्ण मूर्ति में रुपान्तरित करके उसके मार काट करने के गुण को भी बदला जा सकता है l
इसी तरह संतों के वचनों को बार बार सुनना और ज्ञान को बार बार अपने ह्रदय में दोहराना एक प्रकार से हथौड़े  का काम करता है।
लेकिन गुरु ज्ञान और गुरु वचनों की चोट कानों पर नहीं, ह्रदय पर पड़ेगी तभी स्वभाव बदलेगा। … अन्यथा नहीं ।
                                                                        " राजन सचदेव "

Does Nature or Temperament change?

While going thru my old notes, I found this beautiful Doha by Sant Tulasi Das.

                 "लोहा पारस परस कै कंचन भई तलवार
                   तुलसी तीनो ना मिटे - धार मार आकार "
                                                  " तुलसी दास "

           "Loha paaras paras ke, Kanchan bhayi Talwaar
             Tulasi Teeno Na Mitey, Dhaar, Maar, Aakaar. " 

In this beautiful Doha (verse ), Sant Tulasi Das, Author of the Raam Charit Maanas, the popular Ramayan - beautifully explains a bitter fact of our spiritual life by giving an example of a sword. 
He says when a sword made of steel comes in contact with the 'Paaras Patthar' (alchemy) - it turns into gold. 
Its value multiplies many times. 
It shines, glitters, and becomes quite spectacular and expensive - but its shape, sharpness, and functioning remain the same. 
Even though it has turned into gold, it still injures and may even kill whoever rubs and hones against it.

When we receive the Gyaana, it is like coming in contact with the 'Paaras. We may shine and become very important in the eyes of others. We may start getting a lot of respect and reverence from others - but our 'Svabhaava' - our nature may not change.
Those who are humble by nature - remain humble. 
Those who are arrogant by nature - may remain the same and try to become leaders to control others.

Does it mean we can never change?
Well. There is a solution.
         "ज्ञान हथौड़ा जे मिले, सतगुरु मिले सुनार
          तुलसी तीनो मिट गए धार मार आकार "

      " Gyaan Hathauda Je Milay, Satguru Milay Sunaar  
        'Tulasi' Teeno Mit Gaye - Dhaar, Maar, Aakaar. " 

The shape and sharpness of the sword can be changed and molded by hitting with a strong Hammer - repeatedly.
Its killing properties can also be changed by converting it into a gold ornament or a golden sculpture.

Remembering the Gyana over and over is like being hit by a hammer. It can slowly remove the ego and arrogance from the mind and change the 'Svabhava' - the nature of a person.
But this hammering of listening and remembering the Gyana must hit the heart and sub-conscience mind..... not just the ears.
Only then the ' Svabhaav ' can be changed.
                           " Rajan Sachdeva "

Note : *  Paaras Patthar is a mythical -  magical stone also known as Philosophers' Stone

Monday, September 19, 2022

माना कि मुकम्मल नहीं हूँ मैं Maana ki Mukammal nahin hoon

माना कि मुकम्मल नहीं हूँ मैं 
                   पर ख़ुश हूँ कि मरहम हूँ - 
                                             ज़ख़्म नहीं हूँ मैं 

Maana ki mukammal nahin hoon mein
                            Par khush hoon ki marham hoon - 
                                                                       Zakhm nahin hoon mein

Though I'm not perfect
                    But I am happy that I am like an ointment -
                                           Not like a wound 

Mukammal   = Complete, Perfect
Marham       =  Soothing Ointment
Zakhm          = Wound, Pain

Sunday, September 18, 2022

When the mind is satisfied

When the mind is satisfied - filled with gratitude
Then a drop is like the ocean.

When the mind is unsatisfied - filled with greed and cravings
Then even the ocean is like a drop!

बून्द भी सागर है

मन तृप्त हो - संतुष्ट हो 
तो बून्द भी सागर है

मन अतृप्त हो - लोभ और तृष्णा से भरा हो 
तो सागर भी एक बून्द के समान है !

Saturday, September 17, 2022

Moko kahaan dhoondhe ray banday मोको कहाँ ढूंढे रे बंदे मैं तो तेरे पास रे

Moko kahaan dhoondhe ray banday
                 Sant Kabir Ji
 by-- Ustad Shujaat Hussain Khan
                    उस्ताद शुजात खान 

मोको कहाँ ढूंढे रे बंदे मैं तो तेरे पास रे
                     (संत कबीर जी)

Those who have Millions

Those who have millions - usually have no value for one. 
Be it millions of Rupees or dollars - or millions of people or followers. 
They know that one Rupee is not equal to or comparable to one million Rupees. 
That's why they don't value it.
Even if a Rupee falls out of their pocket, they don't care about it.

But they forget that even if one falls out - a million does not remain a million anymore.
You might be like a million - and someone else might be worth just one Rupee in your eyes.
But keep this in mind - that by discarding the one - after removing one from your life - you will also not remain a million anymore.

So respect everyone and value their opinions.
There is some quality - some goodness in every human being. 
Every person has their own value.
Don't scorn or despise them just because they have differences of opinion - 
don't let them go away because of petty differences in thoughts.
Like it is said:
            "Tinka kabahun na nindiye - paanv talay jo hoy 
             kabahun ude aankhan paday to peer ghaneri hoy"

A straw lying under the foot appears insignificant to us. 
But if somehow it flies and gets in our eyes - then only we realize its power - that how painful even a little straw can be.
So never despise anyone for any reason.
Don't neglect or disrespect them. 
Don't make fun of them.
If you can't respect someone, at least don't insult them.
                                  "Rajan Sachdeva"

एक रुपया लाख रुपयों के बराबर नहीं होता।

जिन के पास लाखों होते हैं उनकी नज़रों में एक की कोई कीमत नहीं होती। 
चाहे वो लाखों रुपये हों या लाखों अनुयायी। 
वो जानते हैं कि एक रुपया - लाख रुपयों के बराबर नहीं होता। इसलिए उन्हें एक रुपये की क़दर नहीं होती। 
अगर उनके हाथ से एक-आध रुपया गिर भी जाए तो उन्हें उसकी परवाह नहीं होती। 

लेकिन वो ये भूल जाते हैं कि अगर लाख में से एक भी निकल जाए तो लाख भी लाख नहीं रहता।  
आप शायद लाख होंगे और और कोई दूसरा आप की निगाह में एक रुपये  के बराबर होगा। 
लेकिन ध्यान रखिये - उस एक को छोड़ देने से - अपने जीवन में से निकाल देने के बाद आप भी लाख नहीं रह पाएंगे। 
इसलिए हर इंसान की - और उसके विचारों की क़दर करें। 
हर इंसान में कोई न कोई गुण होता है। हर इंसान का अपना मूल्य होता है। 
केवल विचारों में मतभेद होने के कारण उनका तिरस्कार करके उन्हें दूर न करें - न ही उन्हें दूर होने दें। 
जैसे कहा है कि :
            तिनका कबहुं न निंदिये - पाँव तले जो होय 
            कबहुँ उड़ि आंखन पड़े तो पीर घनेरी होय 
पाँव के नीचे पड़ा हुआ तिनका हमें तुच्छ दिखाई देता है 
लेकिन अगर कहीं वो उड़ कर हमारी आँख में पड़ जाए - तब हमें उसकी ताक़त का एहसास होता है -
कि वो छोटा सा तिनका भी कितना कष्टदायक हो सकता है। 
इसलिए किसी भी कारण से कभी भी किसी का तिरस्कार न करें। 
कभी किसी की उपेक्षा अथवा अनादर न करें।  किसी का मज़ाक न बनाएं। 
अगर किसी को सम्मान न दे सकें तो कम से कम उनका अपमान तो न करें।
                                  " राजन सचदेव "

Friday, September 16, 2022

मन की अमीरी

मेरे घर के सामने गली में एक मोची  बैठता है जो आने जाने वालों के जूते मुरम्मत करता और पालिश करता है ।
मैं अक़्सर देखता हूं कि रोज़ एक कुत्ता उसके पास आकर बैठ जाता है, और वह उसे कभी बिस्कुट खिलाता है और कभी दूध पिलाता है।

फिर वो आदमी अपने काम में व्यस्त हो जाता है और कुत्ता वहीं बैठ कर उसे काम करते हुए देखता रहता है - जैसे कि उसे साथ दे रहा हो।
लगता है कि उनके बीच एक अजीब सा संबंध है - ऐसा लगता है जैसे वो  बिना एक शब्द भी बोले आपस में बातचीत कर रहे हैं।

वह हर रोज़ पक्षियों के लिए भोजन भी लाता है, जिसे वह फुटपाथ पर थोड़ी थोड़ी दूरी पर रख देता है। 

कई बार लोग रुक कर उससे दिशा-निर्देश मांगते हैं - सही रास्ते की पूछताछ करते हैं।  भले ही  वो लोग उस से कोई काम न भी करवाएं तो भी वह हमेशा मुस्कुराते हुए उनका मार्गदर्शन करता है। दिखाई देती है 

यदि वह किसी बेघर व्यक्ति को पास से गुजरते हुए देखता है, तो वह उन्हें पानी और भोजन प्रदान करता है - वो भोजन जो वह अपने लिए लाता है। 
वह उनसे बातचीत भी करता है। उस ग़रीब बेघर व्यक्ति को जो ख़ुशी और शान्ति मिलती है, वो उसके चेहरे से साफ़ दिखाई देती है। 

आज सुबह, मैंने उससे बात करने का फैसला किया और उसके पास चला गया। 
उस ने मुस्कुराते हुए मेरा अभिवादन किया।
उस ने कहा कि उस का नाम दया राम है (उसका नाम भी उसके दयालु और उदार स्वभाव के लिए काफी उपयुक्त लगता है )
उसने मुझसे पूछा " चाय पीओगे ?
मैं चौंक गया और आश्चर्य से सोचने लगा।
यहाँ एक आदमी है - जो  इतना संघर्ष कर के भी दिन भर में मुश्किल से 100 या 150  रुपये कमाता होगा - और उसमें से भी वह 15 - 20 रुपये कुत्ते और पक्षियों के लिए भोजन पर खर्च कर देता  होगा।
और अब, दो कप चाय के लिए भी 20 रुपये खर्च हो जाएंगे ।
लेकिन फिर भी मैंने कहा, ठीक है - चलो चाय पीते हैं।"

वो धीरे से मुस्कुराया - उसकी मुस्कराहट में उसके अन्तःकरण की अमीरी साफ़ झलक रही थी। 
बात जारी रखते हुए मैंने कहा कि मैं कुछ दिनों से उसे और उसकी कार्य-प्रणाली को  देख रहा हूं - और मैं उससे बहुत ही प्रभावित हूं।
फिर मैंने उससे उस कुत्ते के बारे में पूछा।
उस ने कहा, "हाँ ! वह भी हम में से ही एक है - हमारे जैसी ही ईश्वर की रचना है "।
 (मुझे लगा कि अद्वैत विचारधारा का इस से बढ़ कर सुंदर एवं प्रैक्टिकल उदाहरण क्या होगा !)

जब मैंने उस की उदारता के लिए उस की प्रशंसा की, तो उस ने कहा: 
"मैं कुछ भी नहीं कर रहा हूं ... यह तो स्वयं ईश्वर ही है जो मेरे माध्यम से ऐसा कर रहा है। यह कहना गलत होगा कि 'मैं' कुछ कर रहा हूं!"

मैंने हाथ जोड़कर उन्हें प्रणाम किया - और उनसे कुछ पैसे भेंट रुप में स्वीकार करने का अनुरोध करते हुए कहा, "यह पैसे आपको मैं नहीं दे रहा हूँ । यह वही ईश्वर ही है जो इसे मेरे माध्यम से आपको भेज रहा है।"
उसने हँसते हुए मेरी भेंट स्वीकार की। 

जैसे ही मैं चलने के लिए उठा तो  उसने कहा:
"मांगो उसी से - बांटो ख़ुशी से - पर कहो न किसी से "
( अर्थात केवल ईश्वर से ही मांगो, लेकिन फिर - उसे जमा मत करो - इसे दूसरों के साथ खुशी और कृतज्ञता के साथ साझा भी करो । लेकिन  चुपचाप - बिना शोर किए - बिना प्रचारित किए )

वैसे तो वह मोची जूतों की मरम्मत करके उन्हें सुधारता है - उन्हें पॉलिश करके चमकाता है - लेकिन आज उसने मेरे मन और आत्मा का सुधार करके उसे चमका  दिया। 

A Cobbler who Mended my Spirit

There is a Cobbler - who sits across the street in front of my home. 
Every day, I see that a stray dog comes and sits with him as soon as he arrives at the place, and he feeds him biscuits and sometimes milk. 
The man gets busy with his work while the dog sits there and gives him company. 
One can feel an unknown connection between them - they seem to have a conversation without a word being spoken. 
He also brings food for birds, which he keeps at different places on the street pavement where he sits for his work. 

Many people stop by and ask him for directions. He always guides them with a smile. Even if he doesn't get any business from them. 
If he sees a homeless person passing by, he offers them water and food - that he has brought for himself. He engages in conversations with them too. One can see and feel the peace that his conversations bring to them.

This morning, I decided to meet him - and talk to him.
He greeted me with a smile. 
He said his name was Dayaram (quite befitting to his kind and generous nature). 
He asked me if I would like to have some tea?
I was surprised and started to wonder.
Here is a man - who must be struggling to make Rs.100 a day, out of which he might be spending 15 to 20 Rupees on the food he brings for the dog and the birds. 
And now, two cups of tea would cost him another 20 rupees. 
But nevertheless, I said, "Sure, let's have some tea." 

He, being rich in his own way, smiles radiantly. I smiled back at him. His calm, effortless, and peaceful nature seems to be contagious. 
We continued talking. 
I told him that I have been observing him, what he does, and that I am humbled and fascinated by it. 
I asked him about the dog. 
He said, "Oh!  he's just one of us - God's Creation". 
(Talk about non-duality! )
When I praised him for his generosity, he said: "I am not serving or doing anything ... it is He who is making it happen through me. 
It would be wrong to say that 'I' am doing it!" 

I folded my hands and bowed to him - and requested him to accept some money, saying, "it is not I who is giving you this money. It is He who is sending it to you through me."
He laughed and obliged me by accepting it.

As I was about to leave, he said: 
"Maango Sirf Usi say - Baanto khushi say - par Kaho na kisi say" 
                           माँगो उसी से, बाँटो ख़ुशी से, पर कहो ना किसी से 
(Ask only from Him, but then - don't just accumulate it - share it with others with happiness and gratitude. 
And do it silently! Without publicizing it)

The cobbler who seemingly mends shoes - mended my spirit today.
                                                     (From the net)

Thursday, September 15, 2022

Gairon say kahaa tum nay - कुछ हम से कहा होता

ग़ैरों से कहा तुम ने  - ग़ैरों से सुना तुम ने 
कुछ हम से कहा होता कुछ हम से सुना होता 

Gairon say kahaa tum nay - Gairon say sunaa tum nay
Kuchh hum say kahaa hota - kuchh hum say sunaa hota 
You spoke to others - and heard from others (and believed)
(I wish) You had talked to me and heard from me directly.

We can not force people

We can not force someone to hear a message they are not ready to receive. 
Whether it's friends, colleagues, or children - no one likes to be forced into believing or doing something they don't want to - or do not find valuable and beneficial. 
In fact, when we try to impose our thoughts forcefully, people become rebellious. 
They might even want to do the opposite of what we ask them to do.

Everyone wants to do what they find interesting - what they think is beneficial for them. 
If we - the parents, teachers, or leaders think something is good for our children, students, or followers - then we should try to find the proper ways to convince them. We must create appropriate circumstances and environments for them to enjoy and learn new things and see the benefits directly. 
If we force them, children or people may follow our directions to some extent and for some time. But, eventually, they would stop following the directions and leave. 

Therefore, the responsibility lies on the shoulders of parents, teachers, and leaders of society to pass on their wisdom and lifelong experiences gently and appropriately - with valid logic and selfless actions. 

Remember - we can only plant the seeds in young minds. 
They have to water it with their own understanding and wisdom, and personal experiences to make it grow and reap the benefits. 

As the famous poet Poorn Prakash Saaqi once said:
       "Teri mehfil me deewanay chalay aatay hain
         Sab apnay aur begaany chalay aatay hain
         Koyi kehtaa nahin insay ki challay aayiyega 'Saaqi'
        Jab shamaa ho raushan to parwaanay chalay aatay hain"

No one sends invitations to moths and insects - no one forces them to come
But when the candle is lit - invariably, the moths come and start dancing and embracing the flame. 

So, let's mend our ways. 
Instead of forcing them, we should try to make it worthwhile for them to come and join us.
                              " Rajan Sachdeva " 

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

कभी एक पल भी किस्सा बन जाता है Sometimes a single moment becomes a tale

कभी एक पल भी एक ख़ूबसूरत किस्सा बन जाता है 
जाने कब कौन कोई जिंदगी का हिस्सा बन जाता है 
राह में  मिल जाते हैं कभी कुछ ऐसे लोग कि जिनसे 
कभी न  टूटने वाला इक रिश्ता सा बन जाता है

Kabhi ek pal bhee ek khoobsoorat kissa ban jaata hai 
Jaanay kab kaun koyi zindgee kaa hissaa ban jaata hai 
Raah mein mil jaatay hain kabhi kuchh aisay log ki jin say 
Kabhi na tootnay vaalaa ik rishta saa ban jaata hai

Sometimes even a single moment becomes a beautiful tale
We never know when, where and how someone will  become a part of our life
Sometimes during the journey, we meet certain people -
with whom we develop an unbreakable relationship -
 that will continue for the rest of our life. 

During my visit to India for the last five weeks, I got the privilege to meet so many great people who have left great impressions on my mind. The love and respect they gave me and the excellent hospitality they offered - will always be remembered and cherished in my heart. 
May Almighty Nirankar bless them all - 
And may this mutual love and respect continue to grow for the rest of our lives. 
                                               " Rajan Sachdeva " 

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

इन्सान की चाहत Insaan ki chaahat (Man desires to have...)

इन्सान की चाहत है कि उड़ने को पर मिलें    
परिंदे ये चाहें  कि रहने को घर मिलें 
                              'अज्ञात '

Insaan kee chaahat hai ki udnay ko par milen 
Parinday ya chaahen ki rehnay ko ghar milen 

Man desires to have wings to fly like birds
Birds want to have a home to live in and rest

In other words, everyone wants what others have. 

Thursday, September 8, 2022

खामोशी छुपा लेती है Silence hides everything

खामोशी छुपा लेती है ऐब और हुनर दोनों 
शख़्सियत का अन्दाज़ा गुफ़्तगू से होता है

Khaamoshi chhupa leti hai aib aur hunar donon 
Shakhsiyat ka andaazaa guftgoo say hota hai

Silence hides vice and virtue - both.

The true nature and wisdom of a person can only be judged through conversation - 

by talking and exchanging dialogues with them.

Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Three Choices for a Happy Life

Change the changeable
Accept the unchangeable
Remove yourself from the unacceptable

If you think you have the capacity and strength to change the circumstances 
then put your genuine and sincere efforts - gently - not with arrogance, but politely. 

However, if certain things and circumstances are unacceptable and unchangeable, then it's better to remove ourselves - quietly and calmly - without losing our own peace of mind.
                    ' Rajan Sachdeva '

Monday, September 5, 2022

Happy Teacher's Day

From the first day of school to the end of our academic education - we all learn from many different teachers.
However, there are a few who cling to our memory for the rest of our life.
Because they take personal interest and responsibility in our progress.

The teacher is a candle that burns itself and gives light to others.
Teachers help build the characteristics of an individual, a society, and a nation.
They take the hands of the students, opens their minds, and touches their hearts.
Such heartful teachers become role models for the students.

The great Gurus - the good teachers don't simply teach -
They plant the seeds of knowledge in the minds of their disciples and students that last a lifetime.
They guide and support us personally at every step to understand - to apprehend the subject thoroughly and inspire us to improve and rise to such heights where the sky is the limit.

Find a great teacher - a Guru - who will help you personally - by guiding you at each step of your life on a personal level - answering all your questions and removing any doubts that you might have.
A Proficient and experienced teacher will never tell you to stop asking questions - to stay quiet or be withdrawn and believe every word without any doubt whatsoever.
Good teachers will always encourage you to ask questions until you are fully satisfied.
Because the teachers who are indeed wise, do not advise you to enter the house of their wisdom. They lead you to the threshold of your own mind.

Great Gurus and Good teachers encourage their students to become as knowledgeable as them or even better than them.
Real Gurus or Good teachers never become jealous of their students.
In fact, they feel proud of their students if they rise and become even better than the teachers.

There is a beautiful prayer in Yajur Veda - also found in Taittarey, Mandukya, and Shvetashvatara Upanishads - which explains the beautiful relationship between the Guru and the Shishya - the teacher and the disciple.
It says: 
         ॐ सह नाववतु - सह नौ भुनक्तु - सह वीर्यं करवावहै
               तेजस्विनावधीतमस्तु मा विद्विषावहै
                ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः
               Om Seh Nau-Avatu Seh Nau Bhunaktu
               Seh Veeryam Karavaavahai
Tejasvi Naav-Adhiitam-Astu Maa Vidvishaavahai

Meaning:May the Brahman (Almighty Lord) protect us both (Teacher & Disciple);
May He nourish us both;
May we both work in harmony with great vigor;
May our study be illuminating and fruitful;
May we - Guru and Shishya - the teacher and disciple - never be jealous of each other.

An awe-inspiring teacher is hard to find, difficult to part with, and impossible to forget.
I was fortunate to have a few such great teachers in my life - who not only helped me in my professional carrier as a teacher - but helped me in every sphere of my life - to broaden my horizons - to remove the walls of narrowmindedness - to get out of the limited confined space and become open and broad-minded and think universally.

My salutations and attributes to all my such teachers - my Gurus, who helped me personally to reach where I am - to be what I am today.
I am especially indebted to Bhapa Ram Chand Ji Kapurthala and Sant Amar Singh Ji Patiala - along with a few others, for awakening and reviving my spiritual interests. They personally helped, encouraged, supported, and guided me to walk on the path of my Spiritual journey - step by step - on each step, as well as to admire the good qualities in everyone - even in the rivals and opponents.
And in my professional field - I am so grateful to Professor D S Narula, (Punjab), Pandit Vacahaspati ji (Jammu-Kashmir) - and Aaftaab-e-Sitar Ustad Vilayat Khan Sahib who taught me the universal and spiritual side of Sangeet (music).
At the same time, I will always be indebted to my parents - especially my mother and grandmother.

Being a teacher is the highest privilege - and having a great teacher is the best blessing.
In fact, if there were no teachers, all other professions would not even exist.
                                            ' Rajan Sachdeva '

Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...