Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Kaun door hai - Paas kaun hai

Many times, I have noticed - that during various events - we often hear the phrases such as - door desh kay vaasi - door desh say aaye huye (from the distant lands - from far away countries), etc.

I always wonder why do we have to acknowledge the distance between people of different lands.
Just as a name is simply a piece of a person's identity- the name of the country they belong to is also just an additional piece of information. Why hide the name of their country and associate them with far away distant lands?
Why create a feeling of separation based on their geographical locations and other identifications?

With this thought, the following lines came to my mind this morning - in the form of a Ghazal.

Kaun door hai - Paas kaun hai
Kaun aam hai khaas kaun hai

Kaun hai apnaa kaun paraaya
Kaun des - pravaas kaun hai

Kaun ameer, gareeb kaun hai
kaun hai maalik, daas kaun hai

Kaun hai beti, kaun hai amma
Kaun bahu aur saas kaun hai

Ye hai meraa - vo hai teraa
jis ko hai ehsaas - kaun hai

Duhkh mein, mushkil ki ghadiyon mein
Rakhtay jis pay aas kaun hai

Jo bhee hoga achchhaa hoga
Jis ko hai vishvaas kaun hai

Har soorat, har haal kay andar
Rehtaa jo bindaas kaun hai

Jag kay andar reh kay 'Rajan'
Jag say rahay udaas kaun hai
                         " Rajan Sachdeva "

Aam            -   Ordinary
Khaas         -   Special
Des               - Own country
Pravaas      - Distant land, Foreign, Abroad
Bindaas      - Cool, Fearless, Calm, etc.
Udaas         - Disinterested, Detached, Distinct, unassociated, etc.

कौन दूर है - पास कौन है

विभिन्न आयोजनों के दौरान - हम अक्सर ऐसी announcements - ऐसी घोषणाएं सुनते हैं कि  -
"अब  दूर देश के वासी - दूर देश से आए  हुए "

मुझे हमेशा इस बात पर आश्चर्य होता रहा है कि क्या अलग देशों के लोगों के बीच की दूरी को देखना ज़रुरी है ?
जिस तरह किसी व्यक्ति का नाम केवल उस की पहचान के लिए होता है - उसी तरह जिस देश से वे संबंधित हैं उस देश का नाम भी सिर्फ एक अतिरिक्त जानकारी है। उनके देश का नाम लेने की बजाए उन्हें दूर के देश के वासी कहने से एक अलगाव की सी भावना का एहसास होने लगता है। 
आज सुबह, इस बात को सोचते सोचते ज़हन में कुछ पंक्तियाँ  - एक ग़ज़ल के रुप में उभरीं 

कौन दूर है - पास कौन है
कौन आम है - ख़ास कौन है

कौन है अपना कौन पराया
कौन देस - प्रवास कौन है  

कौन अमीर, ग़रीब कौन है 
कौन है मालिक, दास कौन है

कौन है बेटी  -कौन है अम्मा
कौन बहू और सास कौन है

ये है मेरा - वो है तेरा
जिसको है एहसास, कौन है

दुःख में, मुश्किल की घड़ियों में
रखते जिस पे आस, कौन है 

जो भी होगा अच्छा होगा 
जिसको है विश्वास ,कौन है 

हर सूरत, हर हाल के अंदर 
रहता जो बिंदास, कौन है 

जग के अंदर रह के 'राजन '
जग से रहे उदास ,कौन है 
           ' राजन सचदेव '

देस - अपना देश  Own country
प्रवास - दूर का देश Foreign, Abroad
बिंदास - चिंता-रहित, निर्भय, बेपरवाह,  Cool
उदास - उदासीन, न्यारा, अलग-थलग, बेलाग, बेलगाव

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

If you want to enjoy freedom

Crows speak their own language - so they stay free.
But the Parrot speaks the language of others and becomes a life-long slave, and remains in a cage.
No one can ever remain free after abandoning their language and culture - their ideology and heritage.

Therefore, if you want to enjoy freedom - then never abandon your language, your culture, and your heritage.
Keep faith in yourself and never be ashamed of your ancestry, history, and cultural background.

Language does not mean just the mother-tongue - 
it's also the beliefs - doctrines, and ideology.

यदि स्वतंत्र रहना चाहते हो

कौआ हमेशा अपनी भाषा बोलता है इसलिये आज़ाद रहता है
किंतु तोता दूसरों की भाषा बोलता है, इसलिए गुलाम बन जाता है
और जीवन भर एक पिंजरे में क़ैद रहता है।

अपनी भाषा, संस्कृति एवं विचारधारा का त्याग करके कोई भी स्वतंत्र नहीं रह सकता।
यदि स्वतंत्र रहना चाहते हो तो अपनी भाषा एवं संस्कृति का त्याग न करें।

अपने विचार, अपनी विरासत और स्वयं पर विश्वास रखें 
अपने वंश - अपने इतिहास और अपनी सांस्कृतिक पृष्ठभूमि के लिए कभी भी शर्मिंदा न हों।

नोट :
भाषा का अर्थ सिर्फ मातृभाषा ही नहीं - बल्कि सिद्धांत और विचारधारा भी है।

Monday, June 28, 2021

Kis Ko Dosh Lagaayen - Whose Fault Is It ?

                    Do Boondein Saavan ki
Ik saagar ki seep me tapkay aur moti ban jaaye
Dooji ganday jal me gir kar apnaa aap gavaaye
Kisko mujrim samjhay Koi kis ko dosh lagaaye

                   Do Kaliyaan Gulshan ki
Ik sehray kay beech gundhay aur man hee man itraaye
Ik arthi ki bhaint chadhay aur dhooli mein mil jaaye
Kisko mujrim samjhay Koi kis ko dosh lagaaye

                   Do Sakhiyaan Bachpan ki
Ek sinhaasan par baithay aur Roopmati kehlaaye
Dooji apnay roop kay kaaran Galiyon me bik jaaye
Kisko mujrim samjhay Koi kis ko dosh lagaaye
                          " Sahir Ludhiaanvi "

किसको दोष लगाएं

                        दो बूँदें सावन की
इक सागर की सीप में टपके और मोती बन जाए
दूजी गंदे जल में गिरकर अपना आप गँवाए
किसको मुजरिम समझे कोई, किसको दोष लगाए

                       दो कलियां गुलशन की
इक सेहरे के बीच गुँधे और मन ही मन इतराए
इक अर्थी की भेंट चढ़े और धूलि में मिल जाए
किसको मुजरिम समझे कोई, किसको दोष लगाए

                     दो सखियाँ बचपन की
एक सिंहासन पर बैठे और रुपमति कहलाए
दूजी अपने रुप के कारण गलियों मे बिक जाए
किसको मुजरिम समझे कोई किसको दोष लगाए
                           " साहिर लुध्यानवी "

कल वो मेरे ख़्वाब में नहीं आए kal vo meray khwaab me nahin aaye

मैंने पूछा  - कल वो मेरे  ख़्वाब में क्यों नहीं आए ?
वो बोले कल इतवार था -जज़बात के दफ्तर में छुट्टी थी 

Mainay poochha- kal vo meray khwaab me kyon nahin aaye?
Vo bolay kal Sunday tha - Jazbaat kay office me chhutti thi 

Sunday, June 27, 2021

It requires wisdom to understand

A wise person knows that there is always something to be learned from everyone!
But it requires wisdom to understand wisdom.

Saturday, June 26, 2021

Mai pal do pal ka shaayar hoon - With my reviews & commentary

Mai pal do pal ka shaayar hoon - Pal do pal meri kahaani hai
Pal do pal meri hasti hai - Pal do pal meri jawaani hai "

I don't know what Sahir Sahib had in mind when he wrote this Nazam. 
But every reader and listener reads and hears everything according to their own perspective - according to their own understanding.
I think,  intentionally or unintentionally, Sahir Sahib has touched the four phases of spirituality - the four steps that a seeker encounters during the spiritual journey.

The first step in spirituality is to realize that everything in this world is impermanent and transitory - including life.
Mai pal do pal ka shaayar hoon - Pal do pal meri kahaani hai
Pal do pal meri hasti hai - Pal do pal meri jawaani hai 

The realization - that whatever we consider ourselves to be - a poet, a doctor, an engineer, or a farmer - is a temporary ID - that we are here in this world for a limited time only. 

The second step is the renunciation of the ego.
'Mujh say pehlay kitnay shaayar aaye aur aa kar chalay gaye
Kuchh aahen bhar kar laut gaye kuchh nagmay gaa kar chalay gaye' 
'Kal aur aayengay nagmon kee khilti kaliyaan chunanay waalay 
Mujh say behtar kehnay waalay, tum say behtar sunanay waalay' 

Realizing that I'm not the only one like me - I am not any special - or an extraordinary being. 
There were many before me - and there will be many more after me who would be even better than me.
Those who would narrate better than me -
And there will be those who would listen better than you.
Now, this is a realistic approach - without any sense of false ego. 

The third step is detachment - no expectations of any kind.
To realize that this world is unreal. 
That everything is temporary and trivial - unsatisfying.
Hence, the poet says:

Har nasal ik fasal hai dharti kee aaj ugati hai kal katati hai 
Jeevan vo mehangi madiraa hai jo qataraa qataraa batatee hai 
Saagar say ubhari lehar hoon mai saagar mein phir kho jaoonga
Mittee kee rooh ka paseenaa hoon phir mittee mein so jaoonga 

That Life is like a crop in the fields. Today, the plants grow out of seeds, and tomorrow the crop is cut off. 
Like a drink is consumed drop by drop - life gets consumed by each breath.
It's like a wave that rises momentarily and falls back into the ocean.
It comes from dust, and in dust, it goes back.

The poet wonders: 
Kal koyi mujh ko yaad karay - kyon koyi mujh ko yaad karay
Masroof zamaana meray liye kyon vaqt apnaa barbaad karay

What is my significance after all?
When I go, the world will still be here - everything will continue as it is. 
Nothing will stop due to my absence.

With this realization, the seeker enters the fourth stage - where the feeling of Virahaa, or longing, is born.
After understanding and experiencing the immateriality of the world, there arises a strong desire to know the Truth.

Perhaps this stage is the most crucial and significant but a difficult one. 
Often most people settle before this. 
They stop exploring further and do not enter into this final stage.
However, after passing through these four stages - after attaining the Gyana - the knowledge - the seeker's vision or perspective changes.
The whole world begins to appear as one. 
Everyone in the world seems to be connected -
everything seems to be intertwined.
Then the poet, struck by this sense of vastness, suddenly and spontaneously declares:

 "Mai har ik pal ka shaayar hoon, har ik pal meri kahaani hai 
Har ik pal meri hasti hai, har ik pal meri javaani hai 
Ik phool mein tera roop basaa, ik phool mein meri javaani hai
Ik cheharaa teri nishaani hai, ik cheharaa meri nishaani hai" 

That I have always existed and will always be as a part of the universal consciousness. 
Every moment and every particle belongs to me.
Your face and my face - are just masks - just symbals of identification. In reality, we are all connected with everyone. 
Scientifically also, the whole of humanity is related through some strings of DNA

And then - a transformation takes place.
Then we start thinking not only for ourselves but for the whole world.

 "Tu apni adaayen bakhsh inhen, main apni vafaayen detaa hoon 
Jo apnay liye sochee thin kabhee, vo saari duaayen detaa hoon"

After attaining this stage, regardless of what religion one belongs to - one starts to wish for the well-being of everyone in the whole world.
And starts praying that:
"Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah - Sarve Santu Niramayah - Ma Kashchid Dukhbhaga Bhavet"* 
 "Nanak Naam Chaddi Kala, Tere Bhane Sarbat Ka Bhala"** (Gurbani)
 "Tera roop hai he sansaar , sab da bhala karo kartaar " ***
                               - Avtar Vani - 

* May All be Happy, May All be Free from Illness.
  May All See what is Auspicious, May no one Suffer.
  May there be Peace, Peace, Peace.

**  By His grace, peace for everyone

*** Everyone is an image of you - the Almighty
       May everyone be well - happy and at peace
                                 “Rajan Sachdeva” 

Note ; 
For your convenience, I am rewriting the entire Nazm or poem here again.

Mai pal do pal ka shaayar hoon - Pal do pal meri kahaani hai
Pal do pal meri hasti hai - Pal do pal meri jawaani hai 

'Mujh say pehlay kitnay shaayar aaye aur aa kar chalay gaye
Kuchh aahen bhar kar laut gaye kuchh nagmay gaa kar chalay gaye' 

Vo bhee ik pal ka kissaa thay main bhee ik pal ka kissaa hoon 
Kal tum say judaa ho jaoongaa - go aaj tumharaa hissaa hoon 

Pal do pal main kuchh keh paaya itni hee sa'aadat kaafi hai 
Pal do pal tum nay mujh ko suna itni hee inaayat kaafi hai 

Kal aur aayengay nagmon kee khilti kaliyaan chunanay waalay 
Mujh say behtar kehnay waalay, tum say behtar sunanay waalay

Har nasal ik fasal hai dharti kee aaj ugati hai kal katati hai 
Jeevan vo mehangi madiraa hai jo qataraa qataraa batatee hai 

Saagar say ubhari lehar hoon mai saagar mein phir kho jaoonga
Mittee kee rooh ka paseenaa hoon phir mittee mein so jaoonga 

Kal koyi mujh ko yaad karay - kyon koyi mujh ko yaad karay
Masroof zamaana meray liye kyon vaqt apnaa barbaad karay

Mai pal do pal ka shaayar hoon - Pal do pal meri kahaani hai
Pal do pal meri hasti hai - Pal do pal meri jawaani hai 

                                            Part 2

Rishton ka roop badaltaa hai, buniyaaden khatm nahin hoteen
Khwaabon aur umangon kee miyaaden khatm nahin hoteen 

Ik phool mein tera roop basaa - ik phool mein meri jawaani hai 
Ik chehraa teri nishaani hai, ik cheharaa meri nishaani hai 

Tujh ko mujh ko jeevan amrit ab in haathon say peena hai 
In kee dhadakan mein basnaa hai, in kee saanson mein jeena hai 

Tu apni adaayen bakhsh inhen, main apni vafaayen detaa hoon 
Jo apnay liye sochee thin kabhee, vo saari duaayen deta hoon 

 "Mai har ik pal ka shaayar hoon, har ik pal meri kahaani hai 
Har ik pal meri hasti hai, har ik pal meri javaani hai 
              ~ Abdul Hayee - urf  Sahir Ludhianavi ~

Thursday, June 24, 2021

Never compromise your principles

"Softer than the flower, where kindness is concerned;
Stronger than the thunder where principles are at stake."

Found the above beautiful quote from the ancient Vedic texts of India on the web.

Where kindness is concerned, be softer than the flowers. 
But if the principles are at stake, be as strong as the thunder.
Never compromise your principles for the sake of recognition or popularity - to please others.

People will carry you on their shoulders when they find you beneficial to them.
But they will also drop you in a second if they think you are not good enough for them anymore.
Living with awareness and consciousness- with honesty and integrity is more important than trying to please everyone.

कल और आएंगे Kal aur aayengay -- Tomorrow, more will come to unveil

कल और आएंगे नग़मों की खिलती कलियाँ चुनने वाले
मुझसे बेहतर कहनेवाले  - तुमसे बेहतर सुनने वाले
कल कोई मुझको याद करे -
क्यों कोई मुझको याद करे ?
मसरुफ़ ज़माना मेरे लिए क्यों वक़्त अपना बर्बाद करे ?
                                     ' साहिर लुधयानवी  '  

Kal aur aayengay nagmon kee  khilti kaliyaan chunanay waalay
Mujh say behtar kehnay waalay - tum say behtar sunanay waalay
Kal koyi mujh ko yaad karay - kyon koyi mujh ko yaad karay?
Masroof zamaana meray liye kyon vaqt apna barbaad karay?
                               ' Sahir Ludhianvi '

Tomorrow, more will come - 
to unveil the beautiful blossoms of songs and poetry.
Those who would narrate better than me -
And those who would listen better than you.

Who will remember me tomorrow?
Why would anyone remember me tomorrow?
Why the busy world would waste time on me?

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Change is the principal law of the world

Nothing is constant in the universe.
Change is the principal law of the world

                   Dinyaminyo Saayam Paratah
                   Shishir Vasanto Punarayaatah
                                                      (Adi Shankaracharya)
Day and night - morning and evening - winter, summer, and spring seasons keep coming and going again and again.
The cycle of time continues.

Just like rain and sunshine - happiness, and sorrow also keep on coming and going in everyone's life.
Yesterday's relatives and friends behave like strangers today.
Today's friends may become strangers tomorrow.
Today's well-wishers may become opponents and rivals tomorrow.

When something contrary to expectation happens, it is natural to feel sad and disappointed.
But feeling sad and staying in despair all the time is not a solution.
Rather, the desperation increases - the sadness, and hopelessness keep on growing and rising.

In such a situation - that is, to avoid disappointment, we are left with only two options.
Either - with courage and determination, try to change the circumstances.
And if it is not possible to change the circumstances - then accept whatever is happening - willingly and wholeheartedly.

Just remember that change is the foundation of the world -
Nothing stays as it is forever.
Ultimately, acceptance of whatever is happening - is the only way to find peace.
                                  ' Rajan Sachdeva '

परिवर्तन ही संसार का नियम है

सृष्टि में कुछ भी स्थिर नहीं है
सूर्य - रात दिन - धूप छाओं - सुख और दुःख आते जाते रहते हैं
परिवर्तन ही संसार का नियम है
                   दिनयामिन्यौ सायं प्रातः
                   शिशिरवसन्तौ पुनरायातः
                                       (आदि शंकराचार्य)
दिन और रात, सुबह और शाम, सर्दी गर्मी वसंत इत्यादि ऋतुएं बार बार आती जाती रहती हैं।
समय का चक्र चलता रहता है।
कल के सगे संबंधी एवं हितैषी मित्र आज अजनबी की तरह मिलते हैं।
हो सकता है कि आज के मित्र कल अजनबी बन जाएं।
आज के शुभचिंतक कल दुश्मन भी बन सकते हैं।
जब आशा के विपरीत कुछ होता है तो मन में दुःख और निराशा का भाव पैदा होना स्वभाविक है। 

लेकिन हर समय निराशा में डूबे रहने से कोई हल अथवा समाधान नहीं मिलता -
बल्कि निराशा और बढ़ जाती है - दुःख और बढ़ जाता है।

ऐसे में - अर्थात निराशा से बचने के लिए हमारे सामने दो ही विकल्प रह जाते हैं
या तो हिम्मत और लगन के साथ परिस्थितियों को बदलने की कोशिश करें।
और अगर परिस्थितियों को बदलना संभव न हो - तो जो हो रहा है उसे स्वीकार कर लें।

बस - यह याद रहे कि परिवर्तन संसार का नियम है
यहां कोई भी चीज़ हमेशा एक सी नहीं रहती
इसलिए - अंततः, जो हो रहा है उसे स्वीकार कर लेने में ही शांति है।
                                          ' राजन सचदेव ' 

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

न सुनो गर बुरा कहे कोई Hear not if evil someone speaks

न सुनो गर बुरा कहे कोई 
न कहो गर बुरा करे कोई
रोक लो गर ग़लत चले कोई
बख़्श दो गर ख़ता करे कोई
            (असद उल्लाह खान ग़ालिब)

Na suno, gar bura kahay koi
Na kaho, gar bura karay koi
Rok lo, gar galat chalay koi
Bakhsh do, gar khata karay koi
                                      'Asad Ullah Khan Ghalib'


Hear not if evil someone speaks
Retaliate not if evil someone does.
Restrain them if someone goes astray
Forgive, if someone is at fault.

نہ سنو، گر برا کہے کوئی
 نہ کہو، گر برا کرے کوئی
 روک لو، گر غلط چلے کوئی
 بخش دو، گر خطا کرے کوئی. 

Monday, June 21, 2021

A comment on 'No matter what you do'

The following quote was posted earlier today -

"No matter how you behave and what you do for people around you -they will love you and treat you according to their needs and their mood."

        Following is a comment received on the above post:

Then, what kind of my act should be?
According to our convenience or others convenience?
Actually a practical daily issue
Yes - it is a practical issue.
When we look around rationally and realistically, there always (or most of the time) seems to be a gap between verbal, textual ideology and practical life.
The above quote or statement is a general belief or concept - a popular maxim - based on realistic observation.

However, how one should behave in the world and people around, is one's personal choice.
We can continue to do good and help people without any expectations whatsoever - Or we can limit ourselves if we chose to do so.

The point is that we should always keep in mind that people are invariably going to treat us - not for what we do but according to their needs or moods. So that we do not get hurt when our expectations are not met.
                                        ' Rajan Sachdeva '

No matter what you do - आप चाहे कुछ भी करें

No matter how you behave and what you do for people around you -
They will love you and treat you according to their needs and their mood.

आप लोगों के लिए चाहे कुछ भी करें - आपका व्यवहार चाहे कैसा भी हो -
लोग अपनी ज़रुरतों के अनुसार ही आपको प्रेम और आदर-सत्कार देंगे।

Sunday, June 20, 2021

माता और पिता -- क्या तुलना आवश्यक है ?

मां सोचती है बेटा आज भूखा ना रहे
और पिता सोचता है कि बेटा कल भूखा ना रहे

माँ घंटों इंतज़ार करती है कि बेटे को खिला कर सोएगी - 
कहीं बेटा भूखा न सो जाए। 

और पिता सारी उमर अपने सुख आराम का त्याग करता रहता है - 
अपने शौक़ मन में ही दबाए रखता है  - पैसा बचाता है  - कंजूस कहलाता है - 
किसलिए ? 
बच्चों को पढ़ाने के लिए - उनका कारोबार - उनका business set करवाने के लिए - 
ताकि उसके मरने के बाद भी कहीं बच्चे भूखे न रहें। 

मां और पिता - दोनों का जीवन त्यागमयी होता है 
अंतर केवल इतना है कि 
मां अक़्सर कहती रहती है कि याद रखो कि मैंने तुम्हारे लिए कितना त्याग किया है 
और पिता खामोश रहता है - कभी कहता नहीं। 

माताएँ भावुक और अभिव्यंजक होती हैं - अपनी भावनाओं को प्रकट करना चाहती हैं  - 
अपने मन की बात कहने में संकोच नहीं करतीं।  
पिता स्वभाव से ही मितभाषी और संकोची होते हैं 
उनके आंसू और भय अदृश्य होते हैं 
उनका प्यार अव्यक्त होता है 
लेकिन उनकी देखभाल और सुरक्षा की अदृश्य भावना -जीवन भर हमारे लिए शक्ति का स्तंभ और प्रेरणा का स्तोत्र बनी रहती हैं। 

अक़्सर लोगों में ये बहस रहती है कि मां और बाप में से किसका त्याग बड़ा है ?
लेकिन क्या ये तुलना करना ज़रुरी है ?
दोनों का त्याग अपनी अपनी जगह है - दोनों का त्याग महान एवं मूल्यवान है। 

महत्वपूर्ण बात ये है कि तुलना करने की अपेक्षा हम दोनों के त्याग के मूल्य एवं महत्त्व को समझें और दोनों का सामान रुप से आदर करें। 
तथा समय आने पर दोनों की सेवा करके उनके त्याग का कुछ तो फल उन्हें लौटाने का प्रयत्न करें। 
                                            ' राजन सचदेव  '

Mother and Father - Is comparison necessary?

The mother thinks her child should not sleep hungry at night.
And the father thinks that his child should not be hungry tomorrow.

A mother waits for hours to feed her children before sleeping - 
to make sure they do not go to bed hungry.

And the father keeps sacrificing his happiness and comfort all his life to provide for his children.
He keeps his desires and wishes buried in his mind and tries to save money - he is even laughed at and called a miser.
To provide better education to the children - for their carrier - so they can get a better job - or set up their business.
So that even after his death the children do not go hungry.

Mother and father - not just one - but the lives of both of them are sacrificial.
The only difference is that Mothers often keep reminding everyone how much they have suffered and sacrificed for their children.
And the fathers remain silent - never say much.

Mothers are emotional and expressive - like to express their feelings.
They don't hesitate to speak their mind.
Fathers are quiet, reserved, and shy by nature -
their tears and fears are invisible -
their love is hidden and imperceptible.
But their unseen spirit of care and protection remains a pillar of strength and a source of inspiration for us throughout our lives.

Often there is a debate among people as to whose sacrifice between mother and father is greater?
More significant and unselfish?

But the question is - is it necessary to make this comparison?
The love and sacrifice of both of them have their place - the sacrifice of both is great and valuable.
The important thing is that instead of comparing, we should understand the value and importance of the sacrifice of both - mother and the father - and respect both of them.
And when the time comes, try to return some of the fruits of their sacrifice by serving and taking care of both of them - with love and respect.
                                 ' Rajan Sachdeva '

Father and Son


Happy Father's Day to all

 Happy Father's Day to All 

Because - Whatever status we have today -

is due to our Father

Papa - on Father's Day

Papa - Puraani pent rafu kara kar pahantay jaatay hain 
Branded nice shirt denay pay aankhen dikhaatay hain
Tootay chashmay say hee akhbaar padhnay ka lutf uthaatay hain
Topaz kay blade say daadhi banaatay hain
Pitaa ji aaj bhee paisay bachaatay hain !!

Kapday ka puraana thailaa liye door mandi tak jaatay hain 
Bahut mol-bhaav kar kay phal-sabjee laatay hain 
Aataa nahin khareedtay, gehoon pisvaatay hain 
Pitaa ji aaj bhee paisay bachaatay hain !!

Station say ghar paidal hee aatay hain 
Rickshaw lenay say katraata hain 
Sehat ka havaala detay jaatay hain 
Badhtee mehangayi pay chintaa jataatay hain
Pitaa ji aaj bhee paisay bachaatay hain !!

Poori garmi pankhay mein bitaatay hain 
Sardiyaan aanay par rajaayi mein dubak jaatay hain 
AC - heater ko sehat ka dushman bataatay hain 
Light khuli chhodnay pay naaraaj ho jaatay hain 
Pitaa ji aaj bhee paisay bachaatay hain !!

Maa kay haath kay khaanay mein ramtay jaatay hain
Baahar khaanay mein aanaakaani machaatay hain 
Saaf-saphaayi ka havaala detay jaatay hain 
Mirch, masaalay aur tail say ghabraatay hain 
Pitaa ji aaj bhee paisay bachaatay hain !!

Guzray kal kay kissay sunaatay hain 
Kaisay ye sab jodaa - garv say bataatay hain 
Puraanay dinon kee yaad dilaatay hain 
Bachat kee ehamiyat samajhaatay hain
Hamaaree har maang aaj bhee fauran poori kartay jaatay hain
Pitaa ji aaj bhee paisay bachaatay hain !! 
               Pitaa ji hamaaray liye hee paisay bachaatay hain !!
                                                      (Writer Unknown)

पापा - On Father's day

पापा  - पुरानी पेंट रफू करा कर पहनते जाते  हैं 
Branded नई shirt देने पे आँखे दिखाते हैं 
टूटे चश्मे से ही अख़बार पढने का लुत्फ़ उठाते हैं 
Topaz के ब्लेड से दाढ़ी बनाते हैं 
पिताजी आज भी पैसे बचाते हैं  !!

कपड़े का पुराना थैला लिये दूर की मंडी तक जाते 
बहुत मोल-भाव करके फल-सब्जी लाते 
आटा नही खरीदते, गेहूँ पिसवाते 
पिताजी आज भी पैसे बचाते 
हैं  !!

स्टेशन से घर पैदल ही आते 
रिक्शा लेने से कतराते हैं 
सेहत का हवाला देते जाते 
 बढती महंगाई पे चिंता जताते हैं 
पिताजी आज भी पैसे बचाते हैं  !!

पूरी गर्मी पंखे में बिताते  
सर्दियां आने पर रजाई में दुबक जाते हैं  
AC/Heater को सेहत का दुश्मन बताते 
लाइट खुली छूटने पे नाराज हो जाते हैं  
पिताजी आज भी पैसे बचाते हैं  !!

माँ के हाथ के खाने में रमते जाते 
बाहर खाने में आनाकानी मचाते हैं  
साफ़-सफाई का हवाला देते जाते हैं  
मिर्च, मसाले और तेल से घबराते हैं  
पिताजी आज भी पैसे बचाते हैं  !!

गुजरे कल के किस्से सुनाते 
कैसे ये सब जोड़ा गर्व से बताते हैं  
पुराने दिनों की याद दिलाते हैं  
बचत की अहमियत समझाते हैं  
हमारी हर मांग आज भी फ़ौरन पूरी करते जाते हैं  
पिताजी आज भी पैसे बचाते हैं  !!

                    पिताजी हमारे लिए ही पैसे बचाते 
हैं  !!
                                  (लेखक -अज्ञात )

Saturday, June 19, 2021


When Young - I was worried about my Pimples
When I am Old - I am worried about my Wrinkles.

When I was young - I was waiting to hold her hand.
When Old - I am waiting for someone to hold my hand.

When young - I wanted my parents to leave me alone
When I am Old - I am worried to be left alone

When I was young - I hated being advised
When Old - there is no one around to Advise.

When young - I admired beautiful things
When I am Old - I see beauty in things around me

When I was young - I felt I was Eternal.
When I am Old - I know soon it will be my turn

When I was young - I celebrated the Moments
When I am Old - I am cherishing my Memories

When I was young - I found it difficult to wake up
When Old - I find it difficult to sleep

When I was young - I wanted to be a Heart-Throb
When OLD - I am worried when will my Heart Stop

               At different stages of life -
We worry about different things
We don't realize that life needs to be experienced.

It doesn't matter whether Young or Old -
Life needs to be lived
and lived with love and loved ones.

Friday, June 18, 2021

अच्छे रिश्तों के लिए Good Relationships

अच्छे रिश्तों के लिए वादों और शर्तों की जरुरत नहीं होती !
उसके लिए दो खुबसूरत दिल चाहिएँ
एक जो भरोसा कर सके
और दूसरा जो उसे समझ सके !!

A good relationship does not require promises and conditions
It requires two beautiful hearts
one, that can trust
And the other which can understand !!

Thursday, June 17, 2021

सब जग जलता देखया Sab jag jaltaa dekheyaa

ऐसा कोई न मिलया जा सों रहिए लाग 
सब जग जलता देखया अपनी अपनी आग
                           ~ संत कबीर जी ~

Aesa koi na mileyaa jaason rahiye laag
Sab jag jaltaa dekheyaa apni apni aag
                            ~ Sant Kabeer ji ~
~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~
Never encountered anyone who is completely at peace
Everyone in the world seems to be raging, simmering in their own fire

So Jaatay hain footpath pay सो जाते हैं फ़ुटपाथ पे

सो जाते हैं फ़ुटपाथ पे अख़बार बिछा कर
मज़दूर कभी नींद की गोली नहीं खाते
                             " मुनव्वर राना "

So jaatay hain footpath pay akhbaar bichha kar
Mazdoor kabhi neend kee goli nahin khaatay 
                            " Munavvar Rana "

Wednesday, June 16, 2021


एक बहुत ही सुंदर शेर पढ़ने को मिला - जिस के पीछे बहुत गहरे और मार्मिक अर्थ छुपे हुए हैं।

                    तेरा वजूद रिवाज़ों के ऐतक़ाफ़ में है
                    मेरा वजूद उसके ऐन-शीन-क़ाफ़ में है 
                                                   (लेखक - अज्ञात)

इस शेर में बहुत गहराई है - 
एक उल्लेखनीय एवं आश्चर्यजनक गहरा अर्थ छिपा है इस शेर में - जो पढ़ने और सुनने वाले को सोचने पर मजबूर करता है।

शायर कहता है:
तुम्हारे प्रेम की बुनियाद रिवाज़ों - प्रथाओं एवं परंपराओं पर आधारित है - दूसरों के बनाए हुए नियमों से बंधी हुई है। 
लेकिन मेरा वजूद - सिर्फ उसके ऐन, शीन और क़ाफ़ में है।

इस दूसरी पंक्ति में -  शायर ने बहुत ही सुंदर एवं कलात्मक ढंग से ऐन-शीन-क़ाफ़ का इस्तेमाल किया है - जिसके लिए श्रोता उसे दाद दिए बिना नहीं रह सकता। 

ऐन, शीन और क़ाफ़ अरबी लिपि के अक्षर हैं - जो फ़ारसी और उर्दू लिपियों में भी इस्तेमाल किए जाते हैं।
यदि हम इन तीन अक्षरों को हिंदी अथवा देवनागरी लिपि में लिखें, तो यह होंगे -
इ - श - और क़ 
इन तीनों अक्षरों को एक साथ एक क्रम में लिखने से जो शब्द बनता है वो है - इश्क अर्थात प्रेम। 

दूसरे शब्दों में कवि कहता है कि -
मेरे वजूद का आधार - मेरी भक्ति, मेरी बंदगी, मेरी इबादत तो बस उसका इश्क़ है और इसके सिवा कुछ नहीं। 

संसार में अधिकाँश लोग अपने अपने धर्म और धार्मिक नेताओं द्वारा बनाए गए नियमों के अनुसार भक्ति अथवा बंदगी करते हैं। 
ईश्वर के प्रति उनकी पूजा - भक्ति और इबादत दूसरों द्वारा बनाए गए कर्मकांडों और नियमों पर आधारित होती है - कुछ विशिष्ट रीति-रिवाज़ और परम्पराओं को मानना होता है - उन रीति-रिवाजों, नियमों, और अनुशासनों का पूरी तरह से और सख्ती से पालन करना होता है।

लेकिन ईश्वर के प्रेम में डूबा हुआ मन ईश्वर के सिवाए और कुछ नहीं देखता।
शुद्ध प्रेम में नियमों, अनुशासनों अथवा रीति-रिवाजों और परम्पराओं का कोई बंधन नहीं होता। 
विशुद्ध प्रेम में डूबी हुई मीरा सब कुछ भूल गईं।  
वह अपनी कुल-मर्यादा - अपनी शख़्सियत एवं श्रेष्ठता - अपनी पारिवारिक पृष्ठभूमि और सामाजिक परम्पराएं -- सब भूल गईं और गलियों में नृत्य करते हुए गाने लगीं :
                          पग घुंघरु बाँध मीरा नाची रे

संत कबीर जी महाराज भी ऐसा ही कहते हैं:
                        जहां प्रेम तहां नेम नहीं - तहां न बुद्धि ब्योहार
                     प्रेम मगन जब मन भया तो कौन गिने तिथि वार 

अर्थात  - जहां प्रेम है, वहां कोई नियम नहीं हैं - वहां न शरतें हैं, न कोई अनुशासन है। 
और न ही वहां बुद्धि और अक़्ल का कोई दख़ल है।
जब मन प्रेम में डूबा हुआ हो तो समय कौन देखेगा ?
कौन दिन और वार गिनेगा, और विशेष आयोजनों और उत्सवों की प्रतीक्षा करेगा?

प्रेमा-भक्ति विशुद्ध प्रेम की भक्ति है - जहां केवल प्रेम के सिवाए और कुछ भी नहीं।
                       ' राजन सचदेव '

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

What is Prema- Bhakti?

Once I heard a beautifully articulated Sher (Verse) with a deep hidden meaning behind it.

                Tera wajood riwaazon kay aetqaaf may hai
                Mera wajood us kay Ain-Sheen-Qaaf may hai

                                         (Author -Unknown)

There is such a profound depth in this verse - a remarkable stunning deep meaning is hidden in this Sher.
The Shayer says: 
Your worship or devotion towards God is solely and strictly based on rituals, rules, and regulations created by others. There are some specific customs and practices associated with your love - where certain manners, rules, regulations, and discipline have to be followed.
But - in the second line - the poet quite elegantly says that 
My existence - my devotion is only in His Ain, Sheen, & Qaaf.

Ain, Sheen, & Qaaf are Arabic letters - also used in Persian and Urdu scripts.
If you write these three letters in the Roman/English script, it will be - I, Sh, and Q - respectively.
Writing these three letters together in a sequence makes the word - Ishq (love).
In other words, the poet says - 
the base of my being - my devotion is only your Ishq 
- loving you from the core of my heart - solely out of love.

The mind, which is immersed in God's love, does not see anything other than God. 
There is no binding of rules, disciplines, or customs in pure love.
Immersed in pure love, Meera forgot all about her status & position - her family background and the social customs and she danced in the streets with bells around her ankles - singing:
                 'Pag Ghungru baandh Meera Naachi Ray'

Sant Kabir Ji Maharaj also says the same:
            Jahaan Prem tahaan naim nahin, tahaan na budhi byohaar
            Prem magan jab man bhayaa tau kaun ginay tithi vaar

Meaning - Where there is love, there are no conditions, set rules, or disciplines - nor there is any intellectual mumbo-jumbo.
When the mind is immersed in love, then who will check the time, count the days, and wait for the special events?

Prema-Bhakti is purely the devotion out of love - and nothing else but pure love.
                                           'Rajan Sachdeva '

Monday, June 14, 2021

Bhagavad Geeta - Na tad bhasayatay suryo - न तद्भासयते सूर्यो

                    न तद्भासयते सूर्यो न शशाङ्को न पावक: |
                    यद्गत्वा न निवर्तन्ते तद्धाम परमं मम || 6||

Na tad bhasayatay suryo na shashanko na paavakah
Yad gatvaa na nivartantay tad dhaama paramam mama

                                        (Bhagavad Geeta - Chapter 15 - Shlok 6)


Neither the illumined sun is there nor the moon or fire.
Having gone There, one does not return to this material world again.

Now - What is that place where there is no sun or moon or fire?
Where the stars and planets do not exist?

Certainly, the Lord is talking about the only abode that existed before the creation of the universe - before the sun, moon, and stars appeared. The one that will still exist after the universe is gone - when the stars and planets have vanished.

As Lord Krishna said earlier in the second chapter, verse 16 -
                'Naasato Vidyatay bhaavo na bhaavo vidyatay Satah'
That - which always was, is, and always will be.
That which does not change - is Satya - the Absolute Truth.
Whom we call Nirankar - Brahm - the Almighty - omnipresent and all-knowing God.

Here, in this sloka, The Lord is saying that having gone there, one does not return to this material world again.

'Having gone there' is described by many scholars and preachers as some kind of Loka - a world that exists somewhere - where the devotees of the Lord will live forever peacefully - without any suffering - enjoying the company of the other similar beings or devotees.

However, according to the ideology of Bhagavad Geeta and the Upanishads, any Loka - any world that physically exists - where other objects and beings are present as well - is subject to the laws of physics - and subject to change. 
Therefore the Loka here means a state - not any other world or planet.

'Having gone there' - should be understood as having known Him and having experienced the Truth through Gyan and Bhakti.

Through knowledge, Sumiran, and meditation - one eventually becomes liberated and merges with Him - the Truth - and never comes back and suffers in the material world.
                                              'Rajan Sachdeva '

               Word by word meaning of the Shoka:

Na =neither, Tat = that, Bhasayatay = illumines
Sooryah = the sun, na = nor, Shashankah = the moon
Na = nor, Paavakah= - fire,
Yat = where, Gatvaa = having gone
Na = not, Nivartantay = they return
tat = that, Dhaama = Abode
Paramam = supreme, Mama = Mine

Two kinds of people - दो तरह के लोग

There are two kinds of people we should try to visit often.
Those who remove our doubts, and heal our scars -
And those, who are a source of inspiration for us.

दो तरह के लोगों से अक़्सर मिलते रहना चाहिए।
एक वो जो हमारी शंकाओं को दूर करने 
और हालात की चोटों से मिले ज़ख्मों को भरने की कोशिश करते हैं  -
और दूसरे वो जो हमारे लिए प्रेरणा का स्तोत्र हैं। 
                                           ' राजन सचदेव '

Saturday, June 12, 2021

दोपहर तक बिक गया Dopahar tak bik gyaa

दोपहर तक बिक गया बाजार में हर एक झूठ 
और मैं एक सच लेकर शाम तक बैठा रहा

Dopahar tak bik gyaa bazaar mein har ek jhooth
Aur main ek such lay kar shaam tak baithaa raha 


Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Khasm marai tau Nari na rovai

As long as we live - we always feel that we do not have enough money.
But when we leave - a lot of money is left behind - without being spent.
Most of our money is left in the bank itself.

Once, a rich man died.
He left two million dollars in the bank for his widow.
He had saved his lifetime earnings of two million dollars in a bank that now belonged to his wife.

After his death, his widow married her young servant.

One day, the servant said, 'I always thought that I was working for my master 
but now I know that in fact, he was working for me.
Whatever money he earned and saved working all his life, now belongs to me.
It means - it was not I who worked for him, rather he worked for me all that time. 
Because I am enjoying my life with the money that he earned and saved.

Similarly, Kabir Ji Maharaj says -
                 Khasm marai tau Nari na rovai
                Us rakhwara auro hovai
                Rakhvaaray ka hoi binaas

When the husband dies, the wife does not cry.
Someone else becomes her protector.
(and later) The new protector also disappears. 

Here the words Khasam (husband) and Nari (wife) are symbolic.
Word Nari or wife is used as a metaphor for Maya - meaning wealth and belongings, etc.
And the word Khasam - the husband or Swami - represents the owner of wealth.
Kabir Ji Maharaj is saying that when the owner of the wealth dies, his land, property or assets, etc. do not cry.
They do not grieve or mourn the death of their master. 
Immediately, someone else takes over and becomes their master.
Then one day, that new owner also dies and this cycle continues forever.

With this example, Sant Kabir ji is revealing that the purpose of life is not only to earn wealth and to expand one's assets, belongings, and possessions.
Making more and more money - collecting more and more possessions should not be the only goal of our life. 
We should remember that there is more to life than just making and saving money - and collecting more things 
That it is also necessary to enjoy life comfortably and at the same time, to pay attention to the divine as well.
                                                ' Rajan Sachdeva '

खसम मरै तउ नारि न रोवै

जब तक हम जीवित रहते हैं -  हमें लगता है कि हमारे पास पर्याप्त धन नहीं है।
लेकिन जब हम चले जाते हैं - तो बहुत सा धन बिना ख़र्च किए हुए ही बच जाता है।
हमारा धन बैंक में ही पड़ा रह जाता है।

एक अमीर आदमी की मौत हुई। 
वो अपनी विधवा के लिये बैंक में दो मिलियन डालर छोड़ गया। 
उसने अपनी ज़िंदगी भर की कमाई से दो मिलियन डॉलर बचा कर बैंक में रखे थे जिस पर अब उसकी पत्नी का हक़ था। 

पति की मृत्यु के बाद उसकी विधवा ने अपने जवान नौकर से शादी कर ली। 
एक दिन उस नौकर ने कहा कि मैं हमेशा सोचता था कि मैं अपने मालिक के लिये काम करता हूँ  
आज समझ में आया कि असल में तो वो मेरे लिये काम करता था। 
उसने जो भी धन कमाया और बचा कर रखा, आज वो मेरा है।  
इसका मतलब है कि मैं उसके लिए नहीं, बल्कि वो सारी उमर मेरे लिए ही काम करता रहा। 
उसके कमाए हुए धन से आज मैं आनंद ले रहा हूँ। 

कबीर जी महाराज भी ऐसा ही फ़रमाते हैं --
                                खसमु मरै तउ नारि न रोवै ॥
                                उसु रखवारा अउरो होवै ॥
                                रखवारे का होइ बिनास ॥

यहां ख़सम एवं नारी शब्द संज्ञात्मक हैं।  
नारी अथवा पत्नी से अभिप्राय है माया - धन दौलत एवं सुख-सामग्री इत्यादि। 
और ख़सम अर्थात पति का भावार्थ है स्वामी - अर्थात धन का मालिक। 

कबीर जी महाराज कह रहे हैं कि जब धन का मालिक मरता है तो उसकी ज़मीन जायदाद अथवा धन-सम्पति इत्यादि नहीं रोते - मालिक के मरने से उनको कोई दुःख नहीं होता - तुरंत ही कोई और उनका मालिक बन जाता है।
फिर एक दिन वो नया मालिक भी मर जाता है और ये सिलसिला चलता रहता है। 

इस उदाहरण के साथ कबीर जी ये समझा रहे हैं कि जीवन का उद्देश्य केवल धन कमाना और सम्पति का विस्तार करना ही नहीं है - बल्कि सहज भाव में जीवन का आनंद लेना और परमार्थ की तरफ ध्यान देना भी आवश्यक है। 
                                      ' राजन सचदेव '

Saturday, June 5, 2021

Everything can be bought and sold सब कुछ खरीदा और बेचा जा सकता है

In a world, where everything can be bought and sold,
integrity - honesty, and sincerity - is rare but priceless

इस संसार में जहां सब कुछ खरीदा और बेचा जा सकता है -
सत्यनिष्ठा - निष्कपटता - नेकनीयती और ईमानदारी - 
दुर्लभ  भी है और बहुमूल्य भी 

Friday, June 4, 2021

समर्पण अर्थात परिस्थितियों को स्वीकार कर लेना

जब हम किसी अवांछित घटना को स्वीकार नहीं करते
तो वह निराशा और क्रोध बन जाती है।
जब हम इसे स्वीकार कर लेते हैं - तो यह सहिष्णुता बन जाती है।

जब हम अनिश्चितता को स्वीकार नहीं करते तो वह भय बन जाता है।
जब हम इसे स्वीकार कर लेते हैं - तो यह एडवेंचर एवं साहस बन जाता है।

जब हम अपने प्रति दूसरों के बुरे व्यवहार को स्वीकार नहीं करते
तो वह घृणा बन जाती है।

जब हम इसे स्वीकार कर लेते हैं - तो यह क्षमा बन जाती है।

जब हम दूसरे की सफलता को स्वीकार नहीं करते 
तो वह ईर्ष्या बन जाती है।
जब हम इसे स्वीकार कर लेते हैं - तो यह प्रेरणा बन जाती है।

परिस्थितियों को स्वीकार कर लेना अर्थात समर्पण ही सफल जीवन की कुंजी है।


When we don't accept an undesired event, it becomes Anger. 
When we accept it, it becomes Tolerance.

When we don't accept uncertainty, it becomes Fear. 
When we accept it, it becomes Adventure.

When we don't accept other's bad behavior towards us, it becomes Hatred. 
When we accept it, it becomes Forgiveness.

When we don't accept other's success, it becomes Jealousy. 
When we accept it, it becomes Inspiration.

Acceptance is the key to handling life well.

                       (Author unknown- Taken From the web)

Thursday, June 3, 2021

Usually, people say लोग अक़्सर कहते हैं

Usually, people say and want you to do something better -
But it is also true that
They don't want you to do anything better than them!!!

लोग अक़्सर कहते हैं - और चाहते भी हैं 
कि आप कुछ बेहतर करें -
लेकिन ये भी सच है कि - वो ये नहीं चाहते 
कि आप उनसे बेहतर करें !!!

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

I often used to think

There was a time when I used to pray -
O' God - Please feed the hungry, cover the naked, and provide shelter to the homeless. 
Please take away everyone's sufferings and problems.

But Now I pray for guidance to do what I am supposed to do.
Now I pray for strength to do what I can do to make any difference.

I used to think that Ardas and prayer will change things and circumstances around us.
But now I know that Prayers are supposed to change us - change our thoughts and views - 
and we are supposed to try to change the things we can.
Because it's the actions that bring the change - not just the talks.

Therefore, Now I pray to the Almighty 
To give me the courage to change the things I can  
Serenity to accept the things I can not change - 
and the wisdom to know the difference.

                         ' Rajan Sachdeva '

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Do not expect from anyone - including yourself

Dear Sachdeva ji,
   On 27th May, you wrote that one should not expect anything from anyone including ourselves. 
Not expecting from others is okay but from one's self? 
Is that not akin to giving up on ourselves, or, losing a bit of our enthusiasm?
                                    (From Anonymous)

First of all. I would like to thank you for your comments. 
You have a very valid point.

However, what I wrote was: 
Stay happy and content - by not expecting too much from anyone - including yourself.
"Not expecting too much"
The problems spring when we start expecting too much or start expecting what might be beyond our reach.
Perhaps I should have clarified it a little more in that blog.

Secondly - this is what my understanding of the precepts, guidance & directions, or edifications written in the holy scriptures is.
I believe, that instead of taking the exact literal meaning of the words, we should try to understand them in a practical way. 
When Bhagavad Geeta, Upanishads, and other holy scriptures talk about 'No desires and no expectations - it is usually understood and interpreted to mean absolutely no desires or expectations. 
In my opinion, ' No-expectations' should not be taken as literally 'No-expectations at all'. 
Of course, we expect salary and wages from the employers for the work we do. 
We expect to reach the destination when we leave our place or start a journey. 
We expect to get a good job after getting a degree in a certain field, and so on.
That is not what the Scriptures are directing us to give up.

We usually generate and inculcate many other additional - casual and unnecessary expectations which cause unnecessary hurt and disappointment. 
Such as we expect people to act and behave in certain ways.
We expect our families and others to listen to us and obey every word. 
We expect our friends, associates, and acquaintances to do us certain favors, or return our favors in some way. 
Everyone expects to be recognized - acknowledged, admired, and respected. 
We all have these and many more similar kinds of expectations from people around us as well as from ourselves. When such expectations are not met, we feel wounded and hurt. 

Therefore, do everything with a good heart and expect nothing in return (for your good deeds and intentions) and you will never be disappointed. 
And that should be applied to ourselves as well. 
We should sincerely do all we can - put all our sincere and genuine efforts to the best of our ability to achieve our goals. But expecting too much from ourselves can also be disappointing and cause hurt and pain if our expectations are not met exactly as we wanted. 
We all have our limitations - and we should be aware of them and remember them before setting too high expectations that might be beyond our reach. 
The wisdom lies in knowing what we should or should not expect from ourselves. 
Because if we don't, and set too high expectations for ourselves then we might get hurt.
                                ' Rajan Sachdeva '

Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...