Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Universal Aarti - Om Jai Jagdeesh Haray - with English Translation

                            A Great Universal Aarti 

Om jai Jagadeesh Haray -Swaami jay Jagadeesh Haray
Bhakt janon kay sankat 
daas janon kay sankat - kshan mein door karay
Om jai Jagadeesh Haray

Jo dhyaavay phal paavay - duhkh binsay man ka
Swaami dukh binsay man ka
Sukh sampati ghar aavay kasht mitay tan ka
Om jai Jagadeesh Haray

Maat pita tum meray - Sharan gahoon mai kis kee
Swaami sharan gahoon mai kis kee
Tum bin aur na dooja - Aas karoon mai jis kee
Om jai Jagadeesh Haray

Tum pooran, paramaatma - Tum antar-yaami
Swaami tum antar-yaami
Paar-Brahm Parameshvar Tum sub kay swaami
Om jai Jagadeesh Haray

Tum karunaa kay saagar Tum paalan kartaa
Swaami tum paalan kartaa
main moorakh khal kaami 
main sevak tum Swaami - Kripaa karo bhartaa
Om jai Jagadeesh Haray

Tum ho ek agochar Sub kay praan-pati
Swaami sub kay praan-pati
kis vidhi milu dayaamaya - Tum ko main kumati
Om jai Jagadeesh Haray

Deen-bandhu duhkh-hartaa Thaakur tum meray
Swaami rakshak tum meray
Apanay haath uthaao
Apani sharan lagaao - Dvaar padaa mai Teray
Om jai Jagadeesh Haray

Vishay-vikaar mitao, paap haro devaa
Swaami paap haro devaa
Shraddhaa bhakti badhaao - Santan kee seva
Om jai Jagadeesh Haray

Tan man dhan sub Tera - Sub kuchh hai Teraa
Teraa tujh ko arpan - Kya laagay mera
Om jai Jagadeesh Haray

Oh Lord of the Universe 
Almighty Lord of the whole universe!
In an instant, thou removeth the pains and sorrows of Bhaktas. 
Oh Lord of the whole Universe

Those who are immersed in thy devotion, 
Sadness ceases from their minds.
Joy, prosperity enters their home and diseases go away
Oh Lord of the whole Universe

Thou art my Mother and Father
Whom else should I take refuge with
Without thee, there is no other On whom I would hope
Oh Lord of the whole Universe

Thou art the Great soul - Around and within all  living beings
without beginning, without the end 
Perfect, Absolute, Self-proclaimed Supreme God
Thou art the omnipotent master of all
Oh Lord of the whole Universe

Thou art an ocean of mercy - Thou art the protector, sustainer of life
I am thy servant and thou art the Lord
I am ignorant and sinful - Oh Lord, Grant me thy divine grace
Oh Lord of the Universe

You are the one unseen protector and Lord of all
How can I, a wicked-minded, reach to thee
Oh Lord of the whole Universe

Thou art Friend of the helpless and feeble -Benevolent Savior of all
I have come to seek your blessings - Grant me thy refuge
Oh Lord of the whole Universe

Remove flaws of my mind*
keep me away from sins (wrong-doings) Oh Lord,
Grant me complete faith and devotion
make me in eternal service of thy children
Oh Mighty Lord of the whole Universe

(My) Body, mind, and wealth - all belong to you.
I am offering to you what is already yours - 
Since there is nothing that belongs to me, 
Then how can I say these are my offerings?
Oh Lord of the Universe
Oh Mighty Lord of the whole Universe

*ego, greed, selfishness, etc.


  1. I have always loved this aarti. It touches my soul deeply. Thanks for posting it.


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...