Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Shams Tabrez

I have been a misfit since childhood. 
I knew that no one understood me, not even my father. 
He once said, "You are not a madman, fit to be put in a madhouse, nor you are a monk to be placed in a monastery. 
I don't know what you are!"
 I replied: Father, I can tell you what it is.
Once a duck egg was put under a hen to be hatched. When the egg hatched, the duckling walked along with the mother hen until they came to a pond. The duckling took a dip in the water. But the hen stayed on the bank and clucked.
Now, my dear father, after having tried the sea, I find it my home. 
If you choose to stay on the shore, is it my fault? 
                                "Shams Tabrez"

Shams al-Din Mohammad, known as Shams Tabrez or Shams-i-Tabrizi was a 12th-century Sufi Mystic poet in Persia.
He was the Murshid or spiritual Guru of Maulana Jalal-ad-Dīn Muhammad Balkhi, Commonly known as Rumi. 


  1. Great thoughts! Huzoor, could you please guide on step by step method that I can follow to perform simran in the most effective way. I feel I'm only uttering. Please guide on how to connect to this power house and be like it.


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