Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Becoming Desireless

                          निर्वासनं  हरिम दृष्ट्वा  तूष्णीं विषयदन्तिनः 
                          पलायन्ते न शक्तास्ते सेवन्ते कृतचाटवः 
                                                  अष्टावक्र गीता 18 -46 

Nirvaasnam Harim drishtvaa tooshneem vishyadantinah 
Plaayantay na-shaktaastay, sevantay kritchaatvah

Just as seeing a lion, the elephants quietly move away -
Seeing a desireless mind, the desires find themselves helpless, and they leave. 
And the senses become servants (of the awakened mind).
                                                          Ashtavakra Geeta  18-46

Whenever we read such phrases in the Holy Scriptures, we may start wondering- is it even possible to become desireless? 
Desires to fulfill our physical needs and requirements are necessary for our survival. Moreover, everyone has a desire to live a secured and comfortable life. Even an ascetic, a hermit must have the desire to find food and shelter for his survival. Therefore, it is not possible for the human mind to become desireless. 
Secondly, what would be the purpose of senses serving the mind that has absolutely no desires?
So, I believe, for all practical purposes, we should translate the word desireless as free of excessive and unwanted desires. Desires that make us greedy, dishonest, cruel and relentless. Desires that make us want to rule over everyone and keep everything for our-self. Such desires not only hurt others but make us restless as well. We become over-jealous, anxious and over-worried, and lose our own peace of mind.
                                                   ' Rajan Sachdeva '

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Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

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