Friday, March 1, 2019

Can we ask the darkness to leave?

We cannot simply ask or pray for the darkness to leave -
We must turn on the light.

The light appears in two ways:
1. When the sun rises, everything gets illuminated by itself.
2. In the night time, we turn on the light switch or light a candle or a lamp.

In the first scenario, we don't need to do anything. 
It just happens without any effort from us. 
However, in the second scenario, we need to put our effort. 
And by the effort, I don't mean just turning on the switch or lighting a lamp. 
Before we turn the switch on, we need to have the proper electrical wiring installed and the power connection available. Or we need a candle or a lamp and matches or a lighter available at the time of need.

Similarly, illumination of the mind can also happen in the same two above mentioned ways - 
known as Kripa(Grace), and Karma or Abhyaasa; Action or practice.  
When the light of Gyana appears, some minds get instantly illuminated - by the Grace. 
However, they have to be in the open - with the doors and windows of the mind open. 
Just as if we keep our-self locked in a house with doors and windows closed, and curtains or blinds drawn, then the sunlight cannot reach inside the house. 
Similarly, if we keep our mind closed - filled with false dogmas, and irrational beliefs, then the light of Gyana gets blocked - it cannot reach the consciousness to illuminate it. 
The second method would be to practice and prepare our-self to reach a higher level of understanding of the Gyana - by studying the Scriptures and keeping the company of enlightened ones.
                                     'Rajan Sachdeva'


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...