Monday, March 11, 2019

What are we - Beggar or King?

We pretend to be an emperor - a king, but in reality, we are just a beggar.
Every day, we keep on asking and begging for one thing or the other.
We are never satisfied. We never get tired of asking for more.
                             "दाता ओह न मंगीऐ फिर मँगन जाईऐ"
                     “Daata oh na mangiye, phir mangan jaaiye"
Why do we need to go to the Daata, the supreme provider again and again? 

Either Daata, the provider, is not capable of giving everything at one time or we are not asking for the right thing. 
Which one is it? 
Of-course Sarv ka Daata, the true Guru; the almighty Nirankar is all-powerful and most merciful who not only can but gives us everything. He makes us the king. Satguru gives us the Gyan to make us realize the “Self” and its power, but we forget it every day and start behaving like the beggars again. True Guru is like a father who not only gives his son a loaf of bread but also teaches him how to earn it. Perhaps we are like those children who tend to forget the lesson every day and keep going back to the father to ask for more help.
I heard a story of a monk who lived in a small village. One evening, he decided not to cook because he thought he was not hungry. However, a couple of hours later, he regretted it and wanted to cook some rice, but he did not have any fire in his stove. 
In those days people in small villages did not have the matches. They used to keep a small piece of wood burning all night in the stove and add some more wood in the morning when they needed to cook.
The monk thought he would not be able to sleep at night if he did not eat. So he picked up his lamp and went to his neighbor and asked if they had any fire. The neighbor apologized and told him that they have already put out the fire and they would also need to get it from someone in the morning.
The monk went from house to house asking for fire and got the same reply from everyone until he reached the last house on his street. Sad and disheartened, but yet with a dim light of hope he knocked and an old lady opened the door.
“Pardon me ma’am, but I am hungry and want to cook some rice. Would you please be kind enough to give me a little fire so I may be able to light my stove? ” The monk asked.
The lady looked at him and laughed.
“Ma’am, I have knocked at every door in the village. You are my last hope.” The monk said, “I thought I was not hungry so I put out the fire. Now I am hungry and want to cook some rice. Is it so wrong to change my mind and cook at this time? Why do you make fun of me O’ mother?”
The lady smiled and said “I am not laughing at you because you are hungry and want to cook so late at night. I am laughing because you are carrying a lamp in your hand with burning fire, and yet you are going from house to house begging for it. Did you not know what was in your hand? Did you forget that you had the fire in your lamp with you all this time?”

The monk felt ashamed.
Don’t we all do the same thing? 
Day after day, moment after moment, we keep on asking and begging. Give me this - give me that - and then begging for some more. We don't realize what we have. We forget what was given to us. 
Guru gives the Gyan to realize the Self, which is a king, not a beggar.
                                            'Rajan Sachdeva'


  1. Thank you. Much needed lesson. ����

  2. Excellent, as they say the Guru is one who teaches you how to fish so you dont always have to go to the fisherman for fish.

    Baba Avtar Singh Ji used to say this:

    Shenshah Satguru Baba Avtar Singh Ji Maharaj (extracts from vichar)

    Thursday 29th September 1960
    Sant Nirankari higher secondary school Delhi Pahar Ganj New Delhi

    "You are only to pray from your heart. Do not tell your pain to anyone who has two ears. Even if you tell me of your suffering I will say ‘now go, the true king Lord will shower His grace’. Just because i said it does not make it so! There is only one solution and that is to pray to the ever present all-pervading Lord which has been revealed to you and you are to worship it as it in front of you. Then your pain and hunger will be gone instantly."

    "Nirankar fulfils all your tasks not the body form. The body form is only used to give the ‘ashara’ holy hint. Those who live by the gurus words find peace. However, those who say ‘Babaji if you say then it can be done’. Saints, this can never happen! because Babaji is not the body Babaji is ever with you. All that is required is your undivided attention to it. At it is written ‘whatever the Lords’ servant asks for, the Lord grants."


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...