Tuesday, January 22, 2019

A question about Vices

Question:  Rajan Ji. Yesterday - you mentioned the 6th vice in the very beginning of your vichar in Chicago. what is it? Could not hear very well. I have always heard of 5 vices.
                                                                 January 21, 2019

Usually, 6 Doshas or vices were mentioned in most of the ancient Sanskrit Scriptures namely:
Kaam   -  Lust or desires (short version of Kaamna)
Krodh  -   Anger
Lobh    -   Greed
Moh     -   Attachment
Mad     -   False Ego
Matsar -  Jealousy 

 However, almost all the Saints of Bhakti-Yug (from the 14th century onwards) -such as Guru Kabeer ji, Guru Nanak and Sant Tulasi Das etc. talked about five. Perhaps, they considered Matsar or Irshya (Jealousy) as a part of ego and anger.
However, another reason could be that they wanted to keep the number five to keep it consistent with many other things that are counted in fives - such as :

Paanch Tattva - Five basic elements of the body namely Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Aakash (space)
Paanch Anubhava (Experiences) - Five ways of getting basic information - Vision, Sound, Smell, Taste, and touch.
Five Gyan-indriyaan (Sense organs associated with five Anubhavas) - Eyes, Ears, Nose, Tongue, and skin.
Five Karm-Indriyaan (Organs of function) - Hands, Feet, Tongue (speech) and organs of excretion and reproduction. 

There are several other general terms that are also counted in fives. So, it is possible that the later saints - in order to keep it consistent, mentioned the five vices instead of six. 
However, regardless of how many numbers or categories we classify them, the important thing is to have these vices under control. 

                                     'Rajan Sachdeva '

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