Thursday, January 10, 2019

Sant Roshan Lal ji of Himachal Pradesh

Yesterday, I heard the news about Sant Roshan Lal ji of Himachal Pradesh leaving this mortal body and merging into Nirankar. I had known him personally for a long time and always had great regard for him in my heart. Since his detailed biography has already been shared by many, I would like to share some personal memories with him. 

Though we had briefly met a couple of times during annual Samagams, our real interactions started in 1975 - when, in order to regulate and to make the Prachar efforts more efficient, Baba Gurbachan Singh ji divided northern India into four zones. 
Pujya Rajkavi ji was made in charge of Punjab,
Rev. Mohan Lal ji of Taravadi (Karnal) in charge of Haryana,
Rev. Roshan Lal ji in charge of Himachal Pradesh,
and I was given this Seva for Jammu & Kashmir. 
Since I was the youngest of all (I was 26), I always received a lot of affection and guidance from all these great saints. Because J&K has adjoining borders with Punjab and Himachal, so, I had more opportunities to interact with Rev. Rajkavi ji and Rev. Roshan Lal ji. 
However, a more common factor with Roshan Lal ji was that we both were working in the Himalayan states - with mountainous people. Pahadi people, in general, are quite simple, honest and hardworking but at the same time, very superstitious and ritualistic. By nature, I am always keen to learn from everyone, especially from the elders. Roshan Lal ji was elder and senior to me in every aspect - he was probably 14-15 years older than me and came to Shehanshah ji about 5-6 years before me. So, I was always interested in learning from his experiences - especially how he handled the situation when encountered with very ritualistic and superstitious people. We always had many wonderful stories of our experiences to share with each other. 
However, more than anything else, I admired his simplicity - simple dress, simple food and simplicity in communicating with everyone. 
He was humble and polite and yet firm in his beliefs and convictions. 
For the inter-state Prachar, I requested him to visit J&K a few times, which he graciously accepted and he invited me to nearby towns of Himachal as well. Though I always respected and treated him as an elder, he never behaved as an elder to me, or older and more experienced missionary - neither through speech or action. He was always polite, humble and informal with me. I firmly believe that humility and simplicity are the two great qualities of a saint.  
I remember another interesting incidence that also happened during  Baba Gurbachan Singh Ji's time.
In the nineteen-seventies, there was a higher demand for Vespa scooters. People had to wait for 2-3 years after booking and paying in advance for it. They launched a scheme that one could get a scooter within 6 to 8 months if booked and paid in US dollars. During his visit to  USA and Canada, Baba Gurbachan Singh ji asked a devotee to book a scooter in the name of Rajan Sachdeva and pay in US dollars. After coming back to India, Baba ji told me that a scooter was booked in my name - that it was being given to me for the Prachar. 
About 7-8 months later, I was called to Delhi to receive the delivery of the scooter. Rev. Mangal Sen ji took me to Connaught place - we took the delivery and brought the scooter to the Bhavan. 
Later at night, I was wondering - how would I make this journey. It's a long way to ride on a scooter from Delhi to Jammu - about 500 kilometers. 
Then I thought - why do I need to worry about it? Baba ji will tell me what to do. 
The next day, baba ji called me in his room and said: "I am going to give this scooter to Roshan Lal ji of Himachal."
I said, Satvachan Maharaj.
Then he added: You are getting a jeep instead.
I didn't know what to say - except bowing down my head at his holy feet.
A few months later, during the Delhi annual Samagam, Roshan Lal ji came to me in the residential tents and jokingly said: You know.  "daanay daany te likheda khaanay aalay da naan" -  There is a saying that each grain of food has the name of its consumer written on it. But, look what happened with us. I had absolutely no idea about it- the scooter was booked in your name but was given to me. And you went to Delhi expecting to get a scooter but got a jeep instead. 
We were amused at the mysterious ways the Lord, Satguru works.
Since then, almost everytime we met, he reminded me of this incidence. 
Even last time when I met Roshan Lal ji about 5- 6 years ago at the Samagam, he fondly told his companions about this incidence. And I thought, even after all these years, he is still the same simple, honest and humble saint as he was 40 years ago. The high positions, titles, and the admirations have not affected him. 
Though I remember a few more interesting occurrences, I believe the real tribute to a saint is to remember what he thought and believed - to learn from what he said and how he lived his life. 
He was a Saint indeed- who spent his life serving the mission with utmost devotion. He was also very fortunate to have a loving, cooperative and like-minded family. He had full support and cooperation from his family - from wife and children. 
By the grace of the Lord, he finished his journey following the right path he chose - serving the Mission and the Satguru with full devotion and humility. 
                              गुरमुख जनम सवार  दरगाह चलेया 
                              साची दरगाह जाए अपुना पिड़  मलेया 
                           "Gurmukh janam savaar Dargah chaleyaa
                             Sachee dargah jaye apunaa pid malleya"
May Nirankar bless all.
              'Rajan Sachdeva'

Note: While going through some old papers, found this document in an old file - signed by Rev. Ram Saran ji - known as Secretary Sahib.


  1. He was a great saint. He used to call me pathaan when I was little.

  2. Once again i just read the above post of Rev. Roshan Lal. He was indeed a true 'Mahatma' I had the good fortune of being in his company a few times when he visited Pathankot where I was posted. Rajan Ji you spent a lot of time in the company of great Saints of the Mission and have a wealth of knowledge about Gursikhi, Sainthood, Spirituality, Scriptures there is a long list. Above all you learnt first hand from all those elderly Missionaries. As already requested a few times please consider properly documenting all that wealth that you have accumulated. We all shall benefit from that. Posterity will also bless you for that. Please do consider this humble request.


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...