Thursday, August 16, 2018

Who is Dishonest?

In a village, lived a farmer who used to make his living by selling milk products. Every morning, his wife would make some butter and hand-press them in form of hard round balls - each weighing one kilogram and the farmer would go to the city to sell it.
One morning, as usual, the wife gave him the butter and the farmer went to the nearby town. As usual, he sold the butter-balls to the same merchant, who was his regular customer. He took tea leaves, sugar, oil, soap et cetera in exchange, and started his return journey home.
After the farmer left, as the merchant was about to put the butter in the freezer, on a whim, he decided to weigh one butter-ball. To his surprise, the weight of that ball turned out to be 900 grams. The merchant got skeptical and started weighing all the balls one after the other. It turned out that each one of them weighed around 900 grams instead of one kilogram.
When the farmer returned to the town the next day to sell his butter, the merchant angrily called him out for being dishonest and told him to get lost and never to return again.
"I trusted you but you have been deceiving me all along. You have been bringing 900-gram butter-balls by saying they were one kilogram each. I do not wish to do deal with you anymore. Take your business elsewhere." He said.
The farmer politely replied: "Please don't get angry, and do accept my sincerest apologies. I had lost the weighing stone of one kilogram. I am a poor farmer and did not have money to buy a new one-kilogram weight measure. So, I use the packet of one-kilogram sugar that I take from you to weigh my butter. To balance the scale, I put your sugar packet in one pan and my butter in the other, and make sure that they weigh the same."
The merchant understood that it was him who was the dishonest one, not the farmer, and felt ashamed for his own misdeed. 
He realized that:
What we give to others, comes back to us...
                          Whether it's respect, love or deception!!


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...