Monday, August 20, 2018

Choose your Battles Wisely

An elephant was returning from his bath in the river. While passing through a narrow trail, he saw a pig completely covered in mud, coming from the opposite direction. The elephant quietly moved aside to let the pig cross first. After the pig had passed, the elephant resumed his walk on the trail.
Later, the dirty pig started boasting to his friends: "I am so powerful and strong, that even an elephant gave way for me..."

When the herd of elephants heard this story, they asked the said elephant the reason for letting the pig cross first. "I could have easily crushed the pig under my feet. But I was nice and clean, and that pig dirty – covered with mud. I didn't want to get dirty again. Even if I had moved him away with my feet, I would have gotten dirty. So, I decided to let him go first."
                                    ~     ~     ~     ~     ~     ~     ~     ~     ~     ~

The moral of the story is that confident and wise people get away from negativity not because of fear, but to maintain their own peace and sanctity. Even when they are capable and strong enough to destroy the malice, they try to keep away in order to keep themselves clean.
We need not to counter every opinion, critique, and slander that's directed towards us. We should steer away from misinformation and lies, and choose our battles wisely, while keeping ourselves steadfast and in control.
                                                                     (An old Indian story - Translated by: Mandar Purekar)


  1. Wah ji wah.๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ™

  2. Good lesson.
    Life is not about how many battles you win, it is about learning what really matters to you (your priorities), what will make a real and positive difference in your life, making wise decisions and growing as a person. It is about the quality of your life not the quantity of "wins".


Discussion vs Argument เคšเคฐ्เคšा เคฌเคจाเคฎ เคฌเคนเคธ

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...