Saturday, May 19, 2018

Qualities of a Brahm-Gyani

Previously, The basic criterion of a Brahm-Gyani was:
“When a person completely casts off all the desires of the mind;
And is satisfied in the self by the Self, then he is said to be the 'Sthitpragna')  
                                             (Bhagvad Geeta 2-55)
                                        ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 
Further qualities of a Brahm-Gyani 

First of all, the Brahm-Gyani - not only knows Brahm, but also sees Him all around and all the time.  
                     “Yo maam pashyati sarvatra – sarvam cha mayi pashyati”
“One who sees me (Brahm) everywhere – and also sees me within everyone.” 
                                                             (Bhagvad Geeta 6: 30)

                 “Man saacha, mukh saacha soye
                   Avar na paikhai aikas binu koye
                   Nanak ehu lachhan Brahm-Gyani hoye” 
                                                 (Sukhmani Sahib)
The True One resides in his mind, and on his lips
He does not see anyone other than the ‘One’ -
Nanak says this is the characteristics of the Brahm-Gyani.

So, the first and the foremost quality of a Brahmgyani is to see the Almighty Lord 
everywhere and within everyone and everything. 
He feels that:
“Sabai ghat Ram bolay, Rama bolay, Ram bina ko bolay ray”
Having set the basic characteristics of a Brahmgyani, Bhagavad Geeta 
and the Adi Granth (SGGS) continue to describe the additional qualities of Brahmgyani in details. 
Bhagvad Geeta says:
                         Dukheshu anudvigmanaa 
In pain whose mind is not shaken (does not feel pain)
                        Sukheshu vigataspraha - 
Who is not affected by pleasure.
                        Veetraag bhaya krodhah 
Who is free from attachment, fear and anger.
                     Sam-dukh-sukhah - 
Alike in pleasure and pain;
                          Svasthah - 
who dwells in the Self;
To whom dust, stone or gold are alike
                        Tulya Priya-apriyo - 
To whom the dear and not-dear are the same
                         Dheerah - 
Patient – having Self-control 
                         Tulya-ninda-atmsanstutih - 
To whom slander and praise are same.
                          Maan-apmaanyoh tulyah - 
To whom honor and dishonor are same (who is not swayed by either honor or dishonor)
                          Tulyoh mitra-ari-pakshyoh
He treats friend and foe alike (without prejudice)
                          Sarvaarambh parityaagi - 
He, who does not consider himself to be the doer,
                          Gunaateetah sa uchyatay - 
he is said to have crossed beyond the Gunas; he is not affected by the three types of nature that binds one to the mortal world.
                           Anpekshah, Shuchirdaksha
Free from hopes and desires, Pure (inside and out)
                           Udaaseeno Gatvyathah
Unattached and unconcerned with the world, remains desire-less and untroubled 
                           Vihhaaya Kaamaanyah Sarvaan
Who abandons all kinds of lustful desires,
                            pumaanshcharati Nisprah
Moves around free from longing 
One who is without the sense of  I, My and Mine - without ego, 
                           Sa shaantim adhigachhati
He attains the ultimate peace.
                                       ~  ~  ~
Exactly same, almost word to word description of the Brahmgyani is given by the 9th Guru in the Adi Granth (GGS)
                           Jo nar ḏukẖ mai ḏukẖ nahī maanai. 
That man, who in the midst of pain, does not feel pain, 
                          Sukẖ sanehu ar bẖai nahi jaa kai kancẖan maati maanai. 
who is not affected by pleasure, affection or fear, and who looks alike upon gold and dust
                          Nah nindya nah usṯaṯ jaa kai lobẖ moh abẖimaanaa. 
Who is not swayed by either slander or praise, nor affected by greed, attachment or pride; 
                         Harakẖ sog ṯe rahai niaarau naahi maan apmaana. 
who remains unaffected by joy and sorrow, honor and dishonor
                        Aasa manasaa sagal tyaagai, Jag tay rahai niraasaa
who renounces all hopes and desires and remains desireless in the world;
                       Kaam krodh jeh parsay naahin - 
                       Teh ghat Brahm nivaasaa 
Who is not touched by lustful desires and anger; 
within that heart, God resides.

                                         ~ To be continued ~

Complete Shlokas from Bhagvad Geeta:
Dukheshu anudvigmanaa - Sukheshu vigataspraha
Veetraag bhaya krodhah - SthitdheerMuniruchayatay
Sam-dukh-sukhah svasthah sam-loshtaashm-kaanchanah
Tulya Priya-apriyo dheeras-tulya-ninda-atmsanstutih
Maan-apmaanyoh tulyastulyo mitra-ari-pakshyoh
Sarvaarambh parityaagi gunaateetah sa uchyatay
                                              (Chapter 14 shloka 24-25)
Vihhaaya Kaamaanyah Sarvaan pumaanshcharati Nisprah
Nirmamo-Nirhankaarah - Sa shaantim adhigachhati
                                                                          (2: 71)


  1. I am loving the Brahm Gyani series...cant wait till you show us how to become like this

  2. Great great work as always Mahapursho 🌺🌺🙏.

  3. Great Thoughts .

  4. Really well done......Dhan Nirankar ji

  5. Rev Rajan ji Dnk ji.
    Through such thoughts we get literally knowledge. Still by reading such views why our lives are not becoming a saintly lives? You have lot of knowledge of holy scripts , tell some way by adopting that we may feel real or truthful change.
    Humbly S V


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...