Thursday, May 24, 2018

Qualities of Brahm-Gyani - Part 3

In brief, some of the main qualities of the Brahm-Gyani according to Bhagavad Geeta and the Guru Granth Sahib would be:

  • Equality – Considering and respecting everyone equally.
  • Equanimity - Keeping a balanced mind in any situation – favorable or unfavorable – during happy or sad moments because nothing is permanent – everything, every situation good or bad, will pass.  
  • Unaffected by praise or insult - Continue working sincerely towards achieving the goal - without getting affected by praise or insult from others. 
  • Free from the sense of ‘Doer-ship’ 
  • Free of expectations, hopes and desires.
  • Free of fear, greed and anger 
  • Free of likings and un-likings … (Tulya Priyo Apriya)
  • Neither longing or craving nor rejection. 
  • Pure – inside and outside – Honest etc.

In fact, regardless of whether we are religious or not religious – Spiritual or not Spiritual, these qualities will lead us to live a satisfactory - peaceful and a happier life. 

Since the dawn of civilization, scholars and psychologists have tried to find the ways to make human life more comfortable and happier. In the west, great scholars like Sucrets, Aristotle and many others introduced and instituted the ‘rules, ethics and laws’ to improve the social life – as a community or a state, - while the East focused more on the ‘Aatm-Gyaan’ - personal spiritual growth. The qualities of a ‘Sthit-Pragna or Brahm-Gyani’ mentioned above and in the previous articles are actually great psychological lessons for a happier and peaceful life taught by the ancient Scriptures. Lord Krishna talked about these qualities in Bhagavad Geeta thousands of years ago. Since it was written in Sanskrit language, it was read and understood only by the elite and educated class - it did not become popular in the general public or accessible to ordinary people.
Hence, for the benefit of the general public it was repeated and taught again - beautifully in the then popular languages by the Saints and Gurus of ‘Sant-Mat’ and Bhakti-Movement - and the Sikh Gurus through Gurbani between the period of thirteen and seventeen centuries - about 300 to 700 years ago. The same great ideology of Geeta and Gurubani has been adopted and interpreted in other regional languages in the holy books of some of the modern Bhakti and reformist movements such as Nirankari mission etc. 

Interestingly, the same qualities of the Brahm-Gyani are being repeated by today’s motivational speakers – presented in their own modern way – without mentioning the words Aatm-Gyaan or Brahm-Gyan of course. 
The Scriptures are written in the form of poetry - which is a beautiful way of expressing the deep ideas in short poetical phrases. But it also makes it open to various interpretations. Readers may translate it according to their own understanding - depending upon their cultural and educational backgrounds. 

Some of the above-mentioned qualities may seem to be very high bar but at least following them up to some extent may prove to be quite beneficial in day to day life. They can be a great help to succeed in business and the corporate world– including social, political and spiritual organizations as well.

                             ‘Rajan Sachdeva’ 

                                                        ~To be continued~


  1. प्रे्रेम भक्ति मे रचि रहै, मोक्ष मुक्ति फल पाय
    सब्द माहि जब मिली रहै, नहि आबै नहि जाय।

    अर्थ :
    जो प्रेम और भक्ति में रच-वस गया है उसे मुक्ति और मोझ का फल प्राप्त होता है।
    जो सद्गुरु के शब्दों-उपदेशों से घुल मिल गया हो उसका पुनः जन्म या मरण नहीं होता है।

    Very blissful words

  2. Very well said Rev.Rajan Sachdeva Ji .Thanks .


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...