Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Qualities of Brahm-Gyani - And How to Achieve Them

I have received few comments, messages and questions about the previous article “Qualities of Brahm-Gyani” through private emails similar to the following one:

Through such thoughts, we get literal knowledge. Still by reading such views, why our lives are not becoming a saintly life? You have lot of knowledge of holy scripts, tell some way by adopting that we may feel real or truthful change. 
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

First of all, I must admit that even though I might have provided some ‘literal-knowledge’ on this subject – I myself have not achieved this stage yet. 
However, I do believe that reading and talking about such inspirational verses from the Holy Scriptures can help us to achieve this wonderful higher state of mind. But we need to work on making it a part of our daily life. 
As they say – Practice is the key to everything. No one else can do it for us – we need to do it ourselves.
One psychologically proven method to achieve any goal is – To keep reminding ourselves over and over - early in the morning when we wake up and then throughout the day. This is the reason that our elders used to get up early and read the Holy Scriptures of their choice - Scriptures they believed in. It was a wonderful and practical method prescribed by the Rishis and Sages; Gurus and Saints – for us to remember what we are supposed to do. Unfortunately, it has become an empty ritual for many – just to keep reading or reciting without even understanding its meaning – sometimes so fast that even we ourselves cannot understand what we are saying. Many times, the tongue is reciting the verses from Scriptures but the mind is wandering somewhere else. 
The real purpose of this practice was not to make it a ritual, but to remind our self what to do and how to live a better life.
It’s like reading a lesson over and over to remember before exams – like reading the rules of grammar and repeating the new words over and over to improve our vocabulary when learning a new language. Similarly, reading, reciting or singing – and talking about these great qualities in Satsangs and similar gatherings or any religious places can provide a tremendous help in achieving these goals. 
But it must be done sincerely – not merely as a performance or a ritual. 
If we really want to live and behave like a Brahm-Gyani, then we must try to cultivate these great qualities in our own life. 
Therefore, one way to achieve these qualities is - to remember them constantly by reading, reciting and listening to them - and keep on working and practicing to cultivate them in our mind.
There is also another way mentioned in the Scriptures – by doing or instigating that - these qualities will automatically ingrain in the mind and become part of our nature. 
And that is – expanding the SELF – seeing everything as SELF. 
We cannot envy or be jealous of our-self - cannot cheat or inflict insults or any harm upon our-self. If we see our own self in every one around us then we will not be able to do any such things to others. We will automatically become free of jealousy, greed, anger and ego etc. As I have mentioned many times before, no mother ever has to be taught to love and take care of her child. She does all that through her natural instinct. All parents - mothers and fathers - see themselves in their children. They don’t need to remind themselves to love and take care of them – they just do it naturally. 
Similarly – Lord Krishna Says:
Sarva-Bhutastham Aatmaanam – Sarva Bhutaani ch-aatmani 
Ikshtay yog-yuktaatmaa - sarvatra Samdarshanaah *                   
"With the mind harmonized by Yoga, he sees the Self abiding in all beings and all beings in the Self. 
He sees the same everywhere".            (Bhagvad Geeta 6 - 29)
"Sab Govind hai, Sab Govind hai – Govind binu nahin koi"
All is God - All is God – there is nothing other than God.
                                                Sant Namdev ji (GGS page 485)
"Sabhai ghat Ram bolay Rama bolay - Ram bina ko bolay ray"
Ram (God) speaks in everyone – Who speaks other than Ram in everyone?
                                                      Sant Namdev ji (GGS page 988)
"Tohi mohi – mohi tohi – Antar kaisa"
You are me – and I am you – where is the difference? 
                                                    Sant Ravidas ji (GGS page 93)

If one sees the Self in every one, and everyone in the self – 
If one does not see duality anywhere -
If one remembers the Gyana - 
Then all the above-mentioned qualities of the Brahm-Gyani will automatically start to become part of one’s nature. Then without even trying to remember – without even trying to achieve them – they will be there.

                                 ‘Rajan Sachdeva’

सर्व भूतस्थमात्मानं सर्व भूतानि चात्मनि 
ईक्षते योगयुक्तात्मा सर्वत्र समदर्शनः   
                                (भगवद गीता 6 -29)

सब गोविन्द है  सब गोविन्द है - गोविन्द बिनु नहीं कोइ 
                               (संत नामदेव जी)

सभै घट राम बोले रामा बोले राम बिना को बोले रे 
                               (संत नामदेव जी)      
तोही मोही - मोही तोही अन्तर कैसा 
                              (संत रविदास जी)


  1. Thank you ji for reminding that key is to act upon knowledge to take advantage of it.
    "Amal Na Hatthe kariye Jekar, Kamm Ni kio sar sakda"


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...