Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Ast udaut bhayaa uth chalay असतु उदोतु भया उठि चले

Maaru Mehla: 5

Birkhay haith sab jant ikatthay
Ik Tattay, ik bolan mitthay
Ast udaut bhayaa uth chalay jyon jyon audh vihaaniya ||1||

Beneath the tree, all beings have gathered. 
Some are hot-headed, and some speak very sweetly. 
At the time of Sunset they rise up and depart; as their time  runs its course and expires. ||1|| 

Paap karendar sar par mutthay 
Azraaeel phaday phad kuttay 
Dojakh paaye Sirjan-haaray lekhaa mangay baaniya ||2|| 

Those who committed sins are sure to be ruined. 
Azraeel, the Angel of Death, seizes and tortures them. 
They are consigned to hell by the Creator Lord, 
and like a landlord or a government official, asks for their account (to pay back) ||2|| 

Sang na koi bhaiyaa bebaa
Maal joban dhan chhod vanjesaa
Karam kareem na jaato kartaa til peeday jyon ghaaniya||3||

No brothers or sisters can go along to accompany. 
Leaving behind all property, youth and wealth, they march off. 
Those who do not know the kind and compassionate Lord;
 shall be crushed like sesame seeds in the oil-press. ||3|| 

Khus khus laindaa vast praayi
Vaikhay sunay tere naal khudaayi
Duniya lab payaa khaat ander agali gall na jaaniaa||4||

You happily, cheerfully steal the possessions of others, 
but the Lord God is with you, watching and listening. 
Through worldly greed, you have fallen into the pit; and know nothing of the future. ||4|| 

Jamm jamm maray - maray phir jammay
Bahut sajaaye paya des lammay
jin keeta tisay na jaanayi andhaa taa dukh sahay praaniyaa||5|| 

One gets born and born again to die - and dies again only to be reincarnated again
- Suffers terrible punishment, on the way to the land beyond.
The blind (foolish, ignorant) does not know the One who created him;  and so, keeps on suffering ||5|| 

Khaalak thaanvahu bhullaa muthaa
Duniya khail buraa ruth tuthaa
Sidak saboori sant a mileyo vattai aapun bhaaniyaa||6|| 

Forgetting the Creator Lord, one is ruined. 
The drama of the world is bad; it brings sadness and happiness. 
One who does not meet the Saint - does not have faith, patience and contentment; 
keeps on wandering just as he pleases. ||6|| 

Maulaa khail karay sabh aapay
Ik kaddhay ik lehar vyaapay 
Jyon nachaaye tyo tyo nachchan sir sir kirat vihaaniyaa ||7|| 

The Lord Himself stages all this drama. 
Some, he lifts up, and some he throws into the waves. 
As He makes them dance, so do they dance. 
Everyone lives their lives according to their past actions ||7|| 

Mehar kary taa khasam dhiyaai
Santaan sangat narak na paayi 
Amrit naam daan Nanak kau gun geeta nit vakhaaniyaa||8|

When the Lord Master grants His Grace, then one can meditate on Him. 
In the company of the Saints, one is not consigned to hell. 
Please bless Nanak - with the gift of the 'Immortal Naam'; the Divine Name of the Lord - 
that he continually sings the songs of Your Glories. ||8|

मारू महला ५ ॥ 
बिरखै हेठि सभि जंत इकठे ॥ 
इकि तत्ते इक बोलनि मिठे ॥ 
असतु उदोतु भया उठि चले जिउ जिउ अउध विहाणीआ ॥१॥ 

पाप करेंदड़  सरपर मुठे ॥ 
अजराईल फड़े फड़ि कुठे ॥ 
दोजख़ पाए सिरजणहारै लेखा मंगै बाणीआ ॥२॥ 

संगि न कोई भैय्या बेबा ॥ 
मालु जोबनु धनु छोडि वञेसा ॥ 
करण करीम न जातो करता तिल पीड़े जिउ घाणीआ ॥३॥ 

खुसि खुसि लैदा वसतु पराई ॥ 
वेखै सुणे तेरै नालि खुदाई ॥ 
दुनिया लबि पया खात अंदरि अगली गल न जाणीआ ॥४॥ 

जमि जमि मरै, मरै फिरि जमै ॥ 
बहुतु सजाइ पया  देसि लमै ॥ 
जिनि कीता तिसै न जाणी अंधा ता दुखु सहै पराणीआ ॥५॥ 

खालक थावहु भुला मुठा ॥ 
दुनिया खेलु बुरा रुठ तुठा ॥ 
सिदकु सबूरी संतु न मिलिओ वत्तै आपण भाणीआ ॥६॥ 

मउला खेल करे सभि आपे ॥ 
इकि कढे इकि लहरि विआपे ॥ 
जिउ नचाए तिउ तिउ नचनि सिरि सिरि किरत विहाणीआ ॥७॥

मिहर करे ता खसमु धिआई ॥ 
संता संगति नरकि न पाई ॥ 
अम्रित नाम दानु नानक कउ गुण गीता नित वखाणीआ ॥८॥

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Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

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