Sunday, November 29, 2015

We want to see our own Image

We always want to see our own image in others. We love them as much of our own self we see in them. A father wants to see himself in his son. He wants him to be what he is or what he himself wanted to be. He wants his son to achieve what he himself wanted to, but could not. 

But it's not always possible. Everything changes with time,  including the environment and life styles. Every new generation's thinking is different than the previous one's. Their interests and ways of doing things, their ambitions and general outlook on life may not be same as the previous generation. 

Hence the differences and clashes in interests and ideologies are bound to happen. 

To keep loving and healthy relationships, an ideal sitution would be to meet in the middle. But practically the older generation has to make more adjustments. They have to understand that their times have passed and they need to accept the change and sacrifice their own ideas in order to maintain the harmony. 

                         'Rajan Sachdeva' 

Saturday, November 28, 2015

What is Wisdom

Knowledge without logic can be false, It may not be true knowledge.

Knowledge without experience is 'borrowed knowledge'. 

Logic, intelligence and experience put together in harmony is 'Wisdom'. 

'Rajan Sachdeva' 

Friday, November 27, 2015

Door and the Key

A door is much smaller compared to the house
a lock is much smaller compared to the door 
And a  key is the smallest of all. 
But, a key can open an entire house.  
Thus a small, thoughtful solution can solve major problems.

Destiny is not created by .....

Our destiny is not created by the brand of shoes we wear
But by the steps we take.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Knowledge and Strength

Knowing others is wisdom.
Knowing your 'Self is enlightenment.

Controlling others is force
Controlling your mind is strength 

Monday, November 23, 2015

तजुर्बा कच्चा ही रह गया

ज़िन्दगी  की दौड़ में .....
तजुर्बा कच्चा ही रह गया
हम सीख न पाये 'फ़रेब '
और दिल बच्चा ही रह गया ! 

बचपन में …… 
जब, जहाँ चाहा, हंस लेते थे
जब, जहाँ चाहा, रो लेते थे
पर अब मुस्कान को तमीज़ चाहिए
और आंसुओ को तन्हाई !

                  By:  Unknown Author

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Bring Them Back

Bring those back who, for some reason are not coming anymore.

And when they do, we usually ​​tend to​ ​taunt them with phrases like:
“So, you are finally here".

"So, you finally decided to show up​...​eh?"
“Where were you for so long? Don't you know it's very important to make your presence here?
 “It’s good that you finally came. Now, don't ever miss again...
 It’s your loss if you don’t come, not ours”. Etc.

We don't realize that we are actually insulting them by saying such things. Knowingly or unknowingly and perhaps unintentionally, we hurt them even more, and make them feel why did they even come today?

​If you really want to bring some one back then just say these three simple things:

We miss you
We love you
We need you

And say these in a genuine way, not superficially.
Make them feel that you really mean it. ​

Don't pressure
​Don't preach
Don’t condemn​

Just let them know that you care. If they really feel loved and welcomed, they will keep coming back.

"Koi kehtaa nahin insay ki chalay aaao ae 'Saaqi'
Shamma ho raushan to parwaanay chalay aate hain"

(Light the candle of love and the seekers will come)

"कोई कहता नहीं इनसे कि चले आओ ऐ 'साक़ी '
     शम्मा हो रौशन, तो परवाने चले आते हैं "

                         ‘Rajan Sachdeva’

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

The Terrorists

एक दिन होगी उन्हें भी इन्सानियत की क़दर 
हम दिल में  ये ख़ुशफ़हमी पाले चले गए 
वो हमारी नादानी पे हँसते रहे 'राजन ' 
और बेगुनाहों का गला काटे चले गए 

 "Ek din hogi unhen bhi Insaaniyat ki qadar  
  Hum dil me ye khush-fehami paalay chalay gaye 
  Vo hamaari nadaani pe hanstay rahe 'Rajan'
 Aur Be-gunaahon ka galaa kaatay chalay gaye "

A tyrant will always find a pretext

The Wolf and the Lamb
(An old Fable)

While lapping water at the head of a running brook, a wolf noticed a stray lamb some distance down the stream. Once he made up his mind to attack her, he began thinking of a plausible excuse for making her his prey.
    "Scoundrel!" he cried, running up to her. "How dare you muddle the water that I am drinking!"
    "Please forgive me," replied the lamb meekly, "but I don't see how I could have done anything to the water since it runs from you to me, not from me to you."
    "Be that as it may," the wolf retorted, "but I know it was only a year ago that you called me many bad names behind my back."
    "Oh, sir," said the lamb, "I wasn't even born a year ago."
    "Well," the wolf asserted, "if it wasn't you, it must have been your mother, and that's all the same to me."
    And without another word, he fell upon the poor helpless lamb and tore her to pieces.

A tyrant will always find a pretext for his tyranny. So it is useless for the innocent to seek justice through reasoning when the oppressor intends to be unjust.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

On the Birthday of my Twin Daughters

It is true that you are getting older,
But you are not only aging......
You are also growing.

Aging is not just decay, it’s also growth. 
As you grow, you learn more, you understand more.

So do not be afraid of aging. It's a process that, regardless of your wish, will happen anyway. 

And remember: If you had stayed at twenty two, you would have been as ignorant now as you were at twenty two.

Those who always want to stay younger or wish they could be young again, you know what that reflects?
It reflects unfulfilled and unsatisfied lives; Lives that have not found meaning.
If you have found meaning, then you would not want to go back.
You would want to continue to go forward.

Yes... you are aging, 
but keep in mind that you are also growing, and getting wiser.

Yes..... You are older than before........
But you are also much stronger and wiser than before.

                         HAPPY BIRTHDAY 
  To the lights of eyes: Karuna and Rachana

Monday, November 16, 2015

How I celebrated Diwali

Is baar maine deepaavali kuchh yoon manaayi..... .

Deepak vahaan jalaaye jahaan andhera sabse zyaada tha 

Mithaayiyan baanti, par unhe jinki zindagi pheeki thi 

Phuljhadiyon ki raushani se kuchh udaas cheharon ki chamak lautaayi 

Maine Diwali 'Vridh-Ashram' aur ghareeb bachchon ke saath manaayi 

                                  Writer: Unknown 

इस बार ​मैंने दीपावली कुछ यूँ मनाई......

इस बार ​मैंने दीपावली कुछ यूँ मनाई......

दीपक वहां​ ​जलाए, जहाँ अँधेरा सबसे ज्यादा था

मिठाईयाँ बाँटी, पर उन्हें जिनकी ज़िन्दगी फीकी थी 

फुलझडियों की रौशनी से कुछ उदास चेहरों की चमक ​लौटाई ​

मैंने दिवाली ​वृद्ध -आश्रम​ और​ ग़रीब बच्चों के साथ मनाई

                   Writer : Unknown 

Friday, November 13, 2015

What Is Dharma Part 3

As I mentioned earlier, the word ‘Dharma’ has a vast range of meanings depending on the context it is being used. Dharma, besides ‘what we adopt’ and ‘the constitutional nature’, is also used to define the ethics and duties of the individuals in all relationships and situations; such as ‘Desh-Dharm, Patni-dharm, Pati-dharm, Putra-Dharm, Dharm of parents and children, Dharm of students and teachers etc. And there are Social Dharmas such as honesty, truthfulness, humility and kindness etc.

But all these Dharmas, though very important, are related to the physical world and are performed or carried on by the physical body.

Spiritual Dharma, however, does not depend on the physical body. It is, as the word ‘spirituality’ suggests, associated with the spirit and mind. Since neither ‘Brahm’ (God) nor the spirit or mind has any physical form, ‘spiritual Dharm’ should also be carried on beyond the body.  
That is why the great Holy Scriptures teach us to shed the ignorance and meditate upon the Almighty without indulging much in the ritualistic physical practices, and develop a direct relationship between soul and the Super-Soul.

For example:

“Dhaavat man raakhai ik thaain”     

“Nanak Hari keertan kar, Atal ehu Dharam”

(Keep your wandering mind restrained in one place

 “O Nanak, sing the Keertan of the Lord's Praises; this alone is the eternal faith of Dharma”)       (SGGS Page 299)

“Taj sab Bharm, Bhajeyo Paarbrahm
 Kahu ‘Nanak’ Atal ehu Dharam”

(Renounce all your doubts, and meditate upon the Supreme Lord.
Says Nanak, this is eternal and unchanging path of Dharma)
                                                          (SGGS Page 196)

Avtar Bani also says:
“Rub nu haazir naazir taknaa, is ton vadda Dharm nahin”
(There is no greater Dharm than to see the almighty Lord all around (and sing His prayers)
                                 (Avtar Bani Shabad 154)

In Bhagvad Gita, Lord Krishna says:

“Sarv Dharmaan Prityajya Maamekam Sharanam Vraj”
Renounce all (other physical, ritualistic) Dharmas and take refuge in me         
                          (Bhagvad Gita chapter 18 Shlok 66)

Though, in the beginning, we might have to adopt some ways to focus our mind but eventually, we should go beyond the body and the ritualistic practices, and meditate upon the Supreme Lord.  

        ‘Rajan Sachdeva’

सर्व धर्माण परित्यज्य मामेकं शरणम् व्रज 
                                                 (भगवद् गीता 18:66 )

धावत मनु राखै इक ठाइ ॥
सभ महि पूरि रहे पारब्रहम ॥
नानक हरि कीरतनु करि अटल एहु धरम  (Page 299)

अउखध मंत्र तंत सभि छारु ॥
करणैहारु रिदे महि धारु
तजि सभि भरम भजिओ पारब्रहमु ॥
कहु नानक अटल इहु धरमु      (SGGS Page 196)

ਧਾਵਤ ਮਨੁ ਰਾਖੈ ਇਕ ਠਾਇ ॥
ਸਭ ਮਹਿ ਪੂਰਿ ਰਹੇ ਪਾਰਬ੍ਰਹਮ ॥
ਨਾਨਕ ਹਰਿ ਕੀਰਤਨੁ ਕਰਿ ਅਟਲ ਏਹੁ ਧਰਮ (Page 299)

ਅਉਖਧ ਮੰਤ੍ਰ ਤੰਤ ਸਭਿ ਛਾਰੁ
ਕਰਣੈਹਾਰੁ ਰਿਦੇ ਮਹਿ ਧਾਰੁ
ਤਜਿ ਸਭਿ ਭਰਮ ਭਜਿਓ ਪਾਰਬ੍ਰਹਮੁ ॥
ਕਹੁ ਨਾਨਕ ਅਟਲ ਇਹੁ ਧਰਮੁ    (SGGS Page 196)

Keep your wandering mind restrained in one place.
The Supreme Lord God is pervading amongst all.
O Nanak, sing the Keertan of the Lord's Praises; this alone is the eternal faith of Dharma. (Page 299)

All remedies, Mantras and Tantras are nothing more than ashes
Enshrine the Creator Lord within your heart.
Renounce all your doubts, and meditate upon the Supreme Lord.
Says Nanak, this is eternal and unchanging path of Dharma.
                                                        (SGGS Page 196)

रब्ब नूं हाज़िर नाज़िर तकना इस तों वड्डा धरम नहीं
                                                   (अवतार बानी शब्द 154)

ਰੱਬ ਨੂੰ ਹਾਜ਼ਿਰ ਨਾਜ਼ਿਰ ਤਕਨਾ ਇਸ ਤੋਂ ਵੱਡਾ ਧਰਮ ਨਹੀਂ
                                                            (ਅਵਤਾਰ ਬਾਨੀ  ਸ਼ਬਦ 154)

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Diwali .... A Different View

Pataakhon ki dukaan se kuchh door- apane haathon me
Maine usay kuchh sikkay ginatay dekha

Ek ghareeb bachay ki sooni aankhon me,
Kal maine Diwali ko martay dekha

Thi chaah usay bhi, ki vo naye kapaday pehanay
Magar puraanay kapadon ko usay saaf kartay dekha

Hum kartay hain sadaa apnay dukh ki numaayesh
Magar usay chup-chaap dukh sehtay dekha

Jab maine usay poochhaa “Kuchh chaahiye tujhe?”
Muskuraatay huye uska sar maine ‘Naa’ me hiltay dekha

Vo yoon to umar me thaa abhi bahut chhota
Uskay ander ik ‘bade-aadmi’ ko paltay dekha

Kal raat saare shehar kay deepon ki lau me
Uskay Be-bus say cheharay ko maine hanstay dekha

Hum chaahain sadaa shaan se zindaa rehanaa
Usay jeetay jee shaan se martay dekha

Log kehatay hain ‘tyohaar’ hotay hain khushiyon ke vaastay
Par maine usay man hee man, ghutatay aur tarastay dekha

        Aakhir aesa kyon?   WHY?

        By: Unknown Author

Note: I don’t know who wrote this but this is very beautiful and touching. I have changed few words here and there to fix the rhyme …… with apologies from the original writer.   

  ‘Rajan Sachdeva’ 

Diwali -- A Different View

पटाखों की दुकान से कुछ दूर अपने हाथों में 
मैने उसे कुछ सिक्के गिनते देखा

एक गरीब बच्चे ​की ​​सूनी ​आखों मे
​कल ​मैने दिवाली को मरते देखा

थी चाह उसे भी ​- कि वो ​नए कपडे पहने 
मगर ​पुराने कपड़ों को उसे साफ करते देखा

हम करते है सदा अपने ​दुख ​की नुमाईश
​मगर उसे ​चुप ​-चाप ​दुख​​ सहते देखा

जब मैने ​पूछा,​ "बच्चे, ​कुछ ​चहिये तुम्हे"?​ 
मुस्कुराते हुए उसका सर मैंने "ना" में हिलते देखा ​

​वो यूं तो उम्र ​में - था ​​अभी ​बहुत ​छोटा 
उसके अंदर इक ​'बड़े-आदमी' को पलते देखा

​कल ​रात सारे शहर ​के ​दीपों की लौ ​में 
उसके बेबस से ​चेहरे ​को ​मैंने हँसते ​देखा

हम चाहते हैं सदा शान से ज़िंदा रहना 
पर उसे जीते जी शान से मरते देखा

लोग कहते है, त्योहार होते है ​खुशियों ​के ​वास्ते ​
पर मैने उसे मन ही मन ​घुटते ​और तरस्ते देखा

​                    आखिर ऐसा ​क्यों ? 

थोडी सी खुशी किसी गरीब बच्चे को दे के देखो
आपको ​भी ​खुशी मिलेगी..!!!

                 Author: Unknown 

Help Poor children...................

कर के देखो ……… बहुत अच्छा लगेगा 

नोट : इसके लेखक का नाम तो मालूम नहीं मगर इस नज़्म के भाव बहुत सुंदर लगे
         मैंने चंद लाईनों में-  क़ाफ़िया मिलाने के लिए - कुछ लफ्ज़ बदल दिए हैं 
           With apologies from the original writer.  

                             ( राजन सचदेव )

Friday, November 6, 2015

What is "Dharma"


(Pronounced 'Dharm’, not Dharmaa),

 The word "Dharma", as I understand, is translated in two different ways.

One common translation of the word 'Dharma' is:

"Dhaarayatay iti Dharmah"  धारयते इति धर्मः 

(Whatever we adopt is called Dharma.)

Meaning whatever ideology or philosophy, including the field of action we choose to adopt, is called Dharm. That is why an ‘adopted’ son or daughter in India is called ‘Dharm-Putra or Dharm-Putri’. An adopted brother or sister by choice is known as ‘Dharm-Bhai or Dharm-Behan’.
Since the marriage partners are also chosen, accepted and ‘adopted’ through the cultural, social and religious or legal ceremonies, hence, the wife is also known as ‘Dharm-Patni.

But the word ‘Dharm’, by itself, is commonly understood to be connected with one’s spiritual ideology; adopted by birth or by choice.
By this definition, usually Dharma is translated in English as ‘Religion’, even though it may not define its real and complex meaning.

By this definition, a person’s beliefs and understanding of – what is God, and His relationship with the man and the universe, the meaning and purpose of human life, and ways and means to achieve that goal- defines his or her Dharma.
Since most common religions have different views on these basic questions, people choose to adopt different Dharmas or religions.


In Vedic context, however, ‘Dharma’ means one’s ‘Constitution’ or the ‘Basic Nature’.

For example, ‘Dharma’, the constitution or the basic nature of fire, is to burn and to provide heat and light. If fire does not burn, if it does not provide heat and light, it cannot be called fire.
There is a common phrase in Hindi: Aag ka dharm hai jalaana, aur paani ka dharm hai sheetal aur shudh karna”.
(Dharm or Constitution of fire is to burn and of water is to cool and clean)

Everything in nature has its own constitution; its own basic nature or Dharm. Earth’s Dharm or constitution is to hold everything down and provide support and stability while sky’s dharm is vastness and limitlessness. Tree’s dharm is to provide, and Air’s constitutional dharm is to sustain life.

According to Vedas, every living and non-living thing in the universe has its own constitutional nature or dharma.

Snake’s and scorpion’s dharm or nature is to bite and dog’s dharm is to protect.

What is the ‘Constitutional Dharma’ of humans?

Obviously – it’s ‘Humanity’.

Now, according to the first meaning, which is ‘to adopt’, there can be many different Dharms or religions for one to choose from, and to adopt.

But by the second definition, there can be only ‘one’ constitutional Dharma of all human beings; and that is ‘Humanity’.

What is ‘Humanity?’

The constitutional Dharma or basic nature of human beings is to ‘love and render service’.

It is true that birds and most animals also provide love, security and service to their new-born and young ones but their services are only for a limited time; until their young ones are able to find their own food and take care of themselves. Humans on the other hand, tend to love and render services to their children, parents, relatives, friends, communities and even strangers for all their lives. We even constantly try to provide services to our own senses. Whereas the animals and birds render their love and services only to provide food and security to their families, we humans render services to our own senses and of the loved ones for pleasure and entertainment purposes too.

So basically, whatever we do or create is to render services to ourselves or those around us. That is the basic nature or constitution of human beings; that is the real and only Dharma of mankind.

Just like if the fire does not burn or provide heat and light, then it’s going against its Dharma, because that is what it should do.
Similarly, if we do not render service to others, then we are going against our Dharma; the Dharma of Humanity.

According to one ancient Sanskrit saying:

‘Seva Parmo-Dharmah’   सेवा परमो धर्मः 
‘Seva (service) is the supreme Dharma’

                   ‘Rajan Sachdeva’

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Jesus : Peace or sword?

Do not think that I have come to bring peace on earth.
I have not come to bring peace, but the sword.
                                 Mathew 10:34 (Bible)

Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...