Tuesday, June 8, 2021

Khasm marai tau Nari na rovai

As long as we live - we always feel that we do not have enough money.
But when we leave - a lot of money is left behind - without being spent.
Most of our money is left in the bank itself.

Once, a rich man died.
He left two million dollars in the bank for his widow.
He had saved his lifetime earnings of two million dollars in a bank that now belonged to his wife.

After his death, his widow married her young servant.

One day, the servant said, 'I always thought that I was working for my master 
but now I know that in fact, he was working for me.
Whatever money he earned and saved working all his life, now belongs to me.
It means - it was not I who worked for him, rather he worked for me all that time. 
Because I am enjoying my life with the money that he earned and saved.

Similarly, Kabir Ji Maharaj says -
                 Khasm marai tau Nari na rovai
                Us rakhwara auro hovai
                Rakhvaaray ka hoi binaas

When the husband dies, the wife does not cry.
Someone else becomes her protector.
(and later) The new protector also disappears. 

Here the words Khasam (husband) and Nari (wife) are symbolic.
Word Nari or wife is used as a metaphor for Maya - meaning wealth and belongings, etc.
And the word Khasam - the husband or Swami - represents the owner of wealth.
Kabir Ji Maharaj is saying that when the owner of the wealth dies, his land, property or assets, etc. do not cry.
They do not grieve or mourn the death of their master. 
Immediately, someone else takes over and becomes their master.
Then one day, that new owner also dies and this cycle continues forever.

With this example, Sant Kabir ji is revealing that the purpose of life is not only to earn wealth and to expand one's assets, belongings, and possessions.
Making more and more money - collecting more and more possessions should not be the only goal of our life. 
We should remember that there is more to life than just making and saving money - and collecting more things 
That it is also necessary to enjoy life comfortably and at the same time, to pay attention to the divine as well.
                                                ' Rajan Sachdeva '


Course of Karma cannot be Averted - Avashyamev Bhoktavyam Kritam Karma

AvashyaMeva Bhoktavyam Kritam Karma Shubhaashubham Na Bhuktam Kshiyate Karma Janma Koti Shatairapi                                       Shi...