Wednesday, June 2, 2021

I often used to think

There was a time when I used to pray -
O' God - Please feed the hungry, cover the naked, and provide shelter to the homeless. 
Please take away everyone's sufferings and problems.

But Now I pray for guidance to do what I am supposed to do.
Now I pray for strength to do what I can do to make any difference.

I used to think that Ardas and prayer will change things and circumstances around us.
But now I know that Prayers are supposed to change us - change our thoughts and views - 
and we are supposed to try to change the things we can.
Because it's the actions that bring the change - not just the talks.

Therefore, Now I pray to the Almighty 
To give me the courage to change the things I can  
Serenity to accept the things I can not change - 
and the wisdom to know the difference.

                         ' Rajan Sachdeva '


  1. We still think that way and never thought this way
    Thanks for showing the path of action 🙏🙏

  2. Amazing! Thanks a lot dear Rajan Ji for the wonderful explanation. You explain complex things with such simplicity.

  3. Dhan Nirankar. My favorite.
    I had seen the serenity prayer in Kuala Lumpur at age 24 when I went for ECFMG and it was in my office for 40 years and now in the Mandir with the Gods.
    I believe in prayers and doing right but wisdom for acceptance is the hardest still.🙏🙏🙏

    1. Yes Sudha ji - This is an excellent prayer. I found it sometimes in 1990s and it has been close to my heart since then and I have posted it few times on my earlier blogs as well

  4. Golden words " change what you can " and "accept what you cannot " ��

  5. And finally there are people or saints, they are so well connected with Almighty Lord Nirankar, they have achieved such a deep state of mind where there is no thinking, just surrenderance and saying: Tere bhane sarvat da bhala;
    Jo tujh bhave so hi bhali kar...

    *मैं काबिल नहीं . . .*

    *' तेरा शुकराना कैसे अदा करूँ मेरे मालिक . .*

    *ना मिट्टी मेरी , ना रूह मेरी बोल क्या अर्पण करूँ*
    🙏सुप्रभात 🙏 Dhan Nirankar ji 🙏

  6. And finally there are people or saints, they are so well connected with Almighty Lord Nirankar, they have achieved such a deep state of mind where there is no thinking, just surrenderance and saying: Tere bhane sarvat da bhala;
    Jo tujh bhave so hi bhali kar...

    *मैं काबिल नहीं . . .*

    *' तेरा शुकराना कैसे अदा करूँ मेरे मालिक . .*

    *ना मिट्टी मेरी , ना रूह मेरी बोल क्या अर्पण करूँ*
    🙏सुप्रभात 🙏 Dhan Nirankar ji 🙏

  7. tera tuj ko arpan🙏👣🙏🌹🙏


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