Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Change is the principal law of the world

Nothing is constant in the universe.
Change is the principal law of the world

                   Dinyaminyo Saayam Paratah
                   Shishir Vasanto Punarayaatah
                                                      (Adi Shankaracharya)
Day and night - morning and evening - winter, summer, and spring seasons keep coming and going again and again.
The cycle of time continues.

Just like rain and sunshine - happiness, and sorrow also keep on coming and going in everyone's life.
Yesterday's relatives and friends behave like strangers today.
Today's friends may become strangers tomorrow.
Today's well-wishers may become opponents and rivals tomorrow.

When something contrary to expectation happens, it is natural to feel sad and disappointed.
But feeling sad and staying in despair all the time is not a solution.
Rather, the desperation increases - the sadness, and hopelessness keep on growing and rising.

In such a situation - that is, to avoid disappointment, we are left with only two options.
Either - with courage and determination, try to change the circumstances.
And if it is not possible to change the circumstances - then accept whatever is happening - willingly and wholeheartedly.

Just remember that change is the foundation of the world -
Nothing stays as it is forever.
Ultimately, acceptance of whatever is happening - is the only way to find peace.
                                  ' Rajan Sachdeva '

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