Sunday, June 20, 2021

Mother and Father - Is comparison necessary?

The mother thinks her child should not sleep hungry at night.
And the father thinks that his child should not be hungry tomorrow.

A mother waits for hours to feed her children before sleeping - 
to make sure they do not go to bed hungry.

And the father keeps sacrificing his happiness and comfort all his life to provide for his children.
He keeps his desires and wishes buried in his mind and tries to save money - he is even laughed at and called a miser.
To provide better education to the children - for their carrier - so they can get a better job - or set up their business.
So that even after his death the children do not go hungry.

Mother and father - not just one - but the lives of both of them are sacrificial.
The only difference is that Mothers often keep reminding everyone how much they have suffered and sacrificed for their children.
And the fathers remain silent - never say much.

Mothers are emotional and expressive - like to express their feelings.
They don't hesitate to speak their mind.
Fathers are quiet, reserved, and shy by nature -
their tears and fears are invisible -
their love is hidden and imperceptible.
But their unseen spirit of care and protection remains a pillar of strength and a source of inspiration for us throughout our lives.

Often there is a debate among people as to whose sacrifice between mother and father is greater?
More significant and unselfish?

But the question is - is it necessary to make this comparison?
The love and sacrifice of both of them have their place - the sacrifice of both is great and valuable.
The important thing is that instead of comparing, we should understand the value and importance of the sacrifice of both - mother and the father - and respect both of them.
And when the time comes, try to return some of the fruits of their sacrifice by serving and taking care of both of them - with love and respect.
                                 ' Rajan Sachdeva '

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