Monday, June 21, 2021

No matter what you do - आप चाहे कुछ भी करें

No matter how you behave and what you do for people around you -
They will love you and treat you according to their needs and their mood.

आप लोगों के लिए चाहे कुछ भी करें - आपका व्यवहार चाहे कैसा भी हो -
लोग अपनी ज़रुरतों के अनुसार ही आपको प्रेम और आदर-सत्कार देंगे।


  1. Then , what kind of my act should be ? According to our convenience or others convenience? Actually a practical daily issue

    1. Yes, Navdeep ji -it is a practical issue
      when we look around rationally and realistically, there always (or most of the times) seems to be a gap between verbal, textual ideology and practical life.
      The above quote or statement is a general belief or concept - a popular maxim - based on realistic observation.
      However, how one should behave in the world and people around, is one's personal choice.

      We can continue to do good and help people without any expectations whatsoever - Or we can limit ourselves if we chose to do so.
      The point is that we should always remember that people are invariably going to treat us - not for what we do but according to their needs or moods. So that we do not get hurt when our expectations are not met.

  2. I think it may be one angle. Often we gat back what we give

  3. Doing the acts without expectations.. that's what gyaan says

  4. It’s so very true in the present world.
    But irrespective of what and how others react/behave, your attitude, behavior and love should not get affected. You are not same as others around you.
    I believe it should be so because if you also behave or react as per your needs n mood then you are not different than all of them; your uniqueness & individuality is washed away. 🙏🙏


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