Friday, June 4, 2021


When we don't accept an undesired event, it becomes Anger. 
When we accept it, it becomes Tolerance.

When we don't accept uncertainty, it becomes Fear. 
When we accept it, it becomes Adventure.

When we don't accept other's bad behavior towards us, it becomes Hatred. 
When we accept it, it becomes Forgiveness.

When we don't accept other's success, it becomes Jealousy. 
When we accept it, it becomes Inspiration.

Acceptance is the key to handling life well.

                       (Author unknown- Taken From the web)


  1. Inspiring��

  2. Thank you for this blogpost. Something that appeared right when I needed to be reminded of.
    Right away stirred this thought When we accept what we are, it becomes serenity, peace and knowing! Dhan Nirankar ji ��������

  3. Bahut Badhia Ji... Keep us inspiring

  4. Replies
    1. सब कुछ ? Everything या conditional and selected ....?
      Just kidding .....
      Thank you Romal ji for the comments

  5. Haanji, nicely said uncle ji..thanks. One more thing to add:
    When we don't accept someone who is not with us physically, then we "miss" them. When we accept that situation "missing" becomes "remembering".
    Mahatria's life equation:
    Anything+Accetance=Positive emotion
    Anything+Non acceptance=Negative emotion.
    Dhan nirankar ji.

  6. Parvinder Pal SinghJune 5, 2021 at 12:24 AM

    Breaking the wall of impelling the actions by desires leads to emotional transformation .The possibility of unconditional living with devine emotions in the human life is attained. This is the choice for all human beings ever since the creation .Everything is right when you own the world and live the life in a sensible way . I think ,human life is a sign of this reflection .Otherwise there is no unconitional living/freedom .

  7. Excellent.
    Dhan Nirankar ji.
    Rajan ji can you please explain what if we accept injustice in society, at work or in any organization and keep our mouth shut either in fear or saanu ki te saada ki. Aur tu apni nimed tannu hora naal ki?
    So many innocent killings every day, killing by terrorists, so many wrong doings around us etc etc.
    Recently Black life matters- if they would have accepted that then what?
    In Bhagwat Gita Lord Krishna said: Accepting injustice is also a crime.

  8. ����well defined spiritual perspective.


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