Saturday, June 8, 2024

Course of Karma cannot be Averted - Avashyamev Bhoktavyam Kritam Karma

AvashyaMeva Bhoktavyam Kritam Karma Shubhaashubham
Na Bhuktam Kshiyate Karma Janma Koti Shatairapi 
                                     Shiv Purana 23 -39

Everyone has to certainly face the consequences of their good and bad deeds.
No deed is eradicated without giving its results - even in infinite time or millions of births.

Whatever deeds we do - good or bad - we will have to reap their consequences at some time. 
No one can escape this law of nature.

Just like if a seed is sown in the soil, in due course of time, it blossoms and takes the form of a tree - 
and when the right time comes, fruits and flowers automatically come out on the trees - on their own.
In the same way - the good and bad deeds done in life also bring their fruits at some time - automatically. 
No one has ever been able to escape this law of nature.

Even Gurus, Peers, and Avatars could not escape this law of Karma.
By reading and observing the life stories of great men, Gurus, Pirs, Prophets, and incarnations, we find that even they could not escape this principle of Karma.

Sant Kabeer ji Says:

Karm gati Taaray Nahin Taree
Muni Vasishth say Gyani Dhyani  Shodh kay Lagan dharee 
Bhayo Banwas, Maran Dashrath ko, Ban mein Bipati paree 
Seeta ko hari lay gayo Raavan Suvarn Lank jaree 
Kahay Kabeer Suno Bhayi Saadho - honi ho kai rahee.

The course of Karma cannot be averted.
A great, wise sage like Rishi Vasishth thoughtfully calculated an auspicious time for the coronation of Lord Rama - 
but at that very moment, Lord Rama was exiled instead of coronation 
- and due to this grief, Father Dasharath died 
- Lord Rama had to face many calamities in the forest 
- Ravana kidnapped Mother Sita. 
Despite being Gyani, a great scholar, and Pandit - Ravan and his kingdom were destroyed due to his deeds - his golden Lanka was burnt to ashes.
Saint Kabir Ji says Destiny is inevitable - it's bound to happen.

The course of Karma cannot be averted.
Everyone has to bear the consequences of their deeds
Because - No Karma is ever annihilated without delivering its result.
                   " Rajan Sachdeva "


  1. Jaha ko beeja taha he khay. Thanks for sharing ever lasting truth.

  2. Thank you for the reminder RVji
    This fact needs to be remembered at all times.

  3. In Bhagvad Gita, Krishna says “just as fire burns everything to ashes the fire of the knowledge of Brahman destroys all worlds to ashes. Nothing in this world of manifestation exists as purifying as knowledge. Perfected in yoga and course of time one wins knowledge. Winning knowledge one attains to Brahman.”
    Does this mean that when one attains Brahman, all previous karma - good and bad - are eradicated?

  4. All previous karma good or bad cannot be eridicated.even after attaining Brahm Gyan. One has to pay


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

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