Sunday, November 27, 2022

The universe is not in a hurry

The universe or nature is not in a hurry.
We are. 
We are always in a hurry.
We want everything right away 
That is why we are always tired, anxious, stressed, or sometimes even sad and depressed.
What is needed is trust. 
We need to trust that whatever is meant to be ours - will be ours in due course of time.
Give the universe time to work, and the path will reveal itself.
As Sadguru Kabeer ji said:
       'Dheeray dheeray Re Manaa - Dheeray sab kuch hoye
        Maali seenchay sau ghadaa Ritu aaye phal hoye '
That everything happens slowly - gradually - 
in its own due course of time. 
We may pour a hundred buckets of water over a plant in a day, 
but it will not bring flowers and fruits overnight - 
it will blossom in its own proper time and season.

Bhapa Bhagat Ram Ji Barnala often used to say that
                'Jehdaa kamm eh karnaa loday
                 Sau sabab ik ghadi me joday '
Meaning - 
If it is supposed to happen - a hundred options - possibilities and means will present themselves. 
So instead of being sad and worried, have faith and patience - 
and always remain optimistic.
                                        " Rajan Sachdeva "


  1. Very true, thanks for sharing 🙏🏻🙏🏻

  2. Well said ...everything takes it's own time👌👌🙏🙏

  3. Very well said ji - Your blogs are so educative,please keep guiding us🙏

  4. Beautiful….Thank you🙏🏻🌺

  5. Amazing thoughts with explanation depicting the present situation 🌹🌹🌹

  6. Theory of everything

  7. 🙏Your Excellent thoughts 'on the universe is not in a hurry'

  8. beautiful
    So inspiring ji


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...