Saturday, April 30, 2022

Do objects have value?

There was a small tea stall at the corner of Shalimar road and Pahaadi Mohalla in Jammu, India. 
Once, I was waiting for a city bus - right next to that shop. 
Since there was no customer at the shop, the owner started making some paper bags by ripping off the pages from an old book. There was a small pile of old books and newspapers on the floor next to him. 
Out of curiosity, I started to look at the books, and suddenly the title of one book caught my attention. 
It was Diwan-e-Ghalib, a collection of Mirza Ghalib's poetry in Urdu.  

I asked him how much that book was worth to him.
He checked the number of pages. 
After calculating how many paper bags could be made from that book, he said, about one Rupee or seventy-five Paisay. 
I wondered why he would sell such a good book just for one Rupee.
Though it was old yet, it had to be worth more than that. 
So, I offered him five rupees. (A similar new book would have been around 10 or 12 Rupees in those days)
He gave me a strange look - wondering why I was offering five rupees when he asked for only one. 
I gave him five rupees and bought that book. 
Needless to say, we both were happy.

The paper had some value for that old illiterate man - but what was written on that paper had no value for him.
On the other hand, the paper and its quality did not matter to me. However, what was printed on it, was of great importance to me.

Similarly, for the kind of mind possessed by a moth, the reality of paper is infinitely different from the reality of literature. 
For the moth - which eats that paper - the paper is its food; means of survival, the very source of its life. But the literature is absolutely non-existent for it.
And for a curious man, literature has much greater value than the paper itself. 

So it's not really the things or objects that have value. 
It's the users of those objects that give them value according to their own needs and desires.
The same can be true about people as well. 
We give value to people according to their role in society - their influence over our minds and impact on our personal lives. 
                                           " Rajan Sachdeva "

Thursday, April 28, 2022

Who am I? Kaun hoon main? - With English translation

Kaun hoon main ? kya hoon main ? ye soch kay hairaan hoon 
Khaaq ka putlaa hoon main ya Rooh - Jaavidaan hoon ? 

Kis liye aaya hoon jag mein kya mera kirdaar hai? 
Maslaa hoon ya Hal hoon main, ya koyi imtehaan hoon 

Geet hoon? kavita hoon main? ya bemaani ashaar hoon ? 
Matlaa hoon? ya Maqtaa hoon ya sirph ik Unvaan hoon ? 

Dekhtaa hai har koyi apnay nazariye say mujhay 
Kya kisi kay dil mein hai is raaz say anjaan hoon 

Maangtay hain mashwaraa daanaa samajh kay kuchh mujhay 
Kuchh samajhtay hain mehaj tafreeh ka saamaan hoon 

Meri khamoshi say meray dost kuchh pareshaan hain
Aur main apnay zehan kay shor say parishaan hoon 

Kuchh kitaaben falsfay kee padh kay jaana hai yahi 
Kuchh na jaana hai abhi, haan - main abhi nadaan hoon 

Mujh say ummeeden na rakh lenaa farishton see kahin 
Main bhee to aakhir tumhaaray jaisaa ik insaan hoon 

Kis liye rakhtay ho ranjish dil mein meray vaasty 
Chaar din ka hee to 'Rajan' main yahaan mehmaan hoon 
                                      " Rajan Sachdeva"

Jaavidaan      =  Immortal, Eternal
Kirdaar           =   Role 
Bemaani Ashaar  =  Meaningless sher (couplets)
Matlaa         = The first - beginning sher or couplet of a gazal
Maqtaa        = The ending sher of a ghazal with the poet's name (Signature)
Unvaan       =   Title of a song or poem 
Apnay nazariye say = with their own perspective
Mashwaraa        = Advice
Daanaa             = Wise, Learned, Intelligent
Tafreeh          =    Entertainment, amusement, pleasure, recreation, fun, etc.
Falsafa        =      Philosophy
Ranjish       =      Resentment, anger, enmity


Who am I? what am I?
I keep wondering and pondering over it again and again.
Am I just a speck of dust? A figurine made of clay?
Or the Soul immortal I am?

Am I a song? Am I a poem - or am I just a collection of some meaningless couplets?
Am I a Matlaa - beginning of a new song -
or Maqtaa - an end - a conclusion?
Or am I just the title of a song without any content whatsoever?

Why have I come here? What is my role in the world?
Am I a problem or part of a solution?
(To slove or to repay for the previous Karmas).
Or am I being tested (for integrity and loyalty)?

Everyone sees me from their perspective - from their own point of view.
And I am unaware of what is truly in their mind?
Unaware of what they really think of me.

Some - considering me a wise person - ask me for some advice -
While some others like to converse with me just for the sake of entertainment - for pastime.

Some of my friends are concerned and disappointed with my vow of silence.
And I'm disturbed and unhappy by the constant noise in my own mind.

After having read some books on philosophy, finally, I have learned -
That I know nothing - that yes - I am still ignorant.

Do not have your hopes high on me like the angels.
After all, I am also an ordinary person just like you.

Why do you keep resentments - enmity or ill-will towards me in your heart?
After all, I am a visitor - a guest here for just a few days.
(So forget the differences, and let's be friends)
                                               "Rajan Sachdeva"

The idea came from the confusing or contradicting statements we often hear - and even quote ourselves.
Some people say that we are just a Khaak ka Putlaa - the clay figurines - controlled by a higher power.
And according to others -  we are immortal Souls - Amar-Aatma. 

Is our life a beginning of a new chapter - or an ending?
Is there another reincarnation after this life - or this is the end?

These are the very questions that all different cultures and religions have continually explored - since the beginning of civilization. 

कौन हूँ मैं ? क्या हूँ मैं ?

कौन हूँ मैं ? क्या हूँ मैं ? ये सोच के हैरान हूँ
ख़ाक़ का पुतला हूँ मैं या रुह -जाविदान हूँ ?

किस लिए आया हूँ जग में क्या मेरा किरदार है ?
मसला हूँ या हल हूँ मैं ? या कोई इम्तेहान हूँ ?

गीत हूँ ? कविता हूँ मैं या बेमानी अशआर हूँ ?
मत्ला हूँ ? या मक़्ता हूँ या सिर्फ इक उन्वान हूँ ?

देखता है हर कोई अपने नज़रिये से मुझे
क्या किसी के दिल में है इस राज़ से अनजान हूँ

मांगते हैं मशवरा दाना समझ के कुछ मुझे
कुछ समझते हैं महज तफ़रीह का सामान हूँ

मेरी ख़ामोशी से मेरे दोस्त कुछ परेशान हैं
और मैं अपने ज़हन के शोर से परिशान हूँ

कुछ किताबें फ़लसफ़े की पढ़ के जाना है यही
कुछ न जाना है अभी  - हाँ , मैं अभी नादान हूँ

मुझसे उम्मीदें न रख लेना फरिश्तों सी कहीं
मैं भी तो आख़िर तुम्हारे जैसा इक इंसान हूँ

किस लिए रखते हो रंजिश दिल में मेरे वास्ते
चार दिन का ही तो 'राजन ' मैं यहां मेहमान हूँ
                                      " राजन सचदेव "

शब्दार्थ :

जाविदान = अमर, शाश्वत,अनश्वर 
   रुह -जाविदान = अमर आत्मा
किरदार = भूमिका, कर्तव्य , रोल , काम
बेमानी अशआर = अर्थहीन शेर , दोहे
                          (अशआर = शेर का बहुवचन)
मत्ला = किसी ग़ज़ल का पहला शेर
मक़्ता = ग़ज़ल का आखिरी शेर -जिसमे शायर का नाम भी होता है
उन्वान = गीत या कविता का शीर्षक, टाइटल
दाना = विद्वान -समझदार. अक़्लमंद
महज = सिर्फ
तफ़रीह = मनोरंजन, आमोद-प्रमोद , मन बहलावा , दिल बहलाने के लिए
फ़लसफ़ा = फिलॉसफी , दर्शन-शास्त्र
रंजिश = नाराज़गी, दुश्मनी, दुर्भावना

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Remembering a great Saint - Dr. Attar Singh ji

Dr. Attar Singh ji 
(April. 13, 1924 - April 25, 1996)

During my college days at Faridkot Punjab, Dr. Attar Singh ji of Ludhiana (who later moved to Patna and then Mukherji Nagar Delhi) used to visit Faridkot and surrounding areas for Prachar quite often.

Giani Joginder Singh ji, who later lived in London, UK - had received the Gyan through Dr. Attar Singh ji, and he had a great deal of respect for him. Giani ji believed that the Saint who bestows the Gyan to you should be highly respected - and treated like the Guru - or the next to the Guru.

I was quite impressed by Dr. Sahib’s personality, knowledge of the Scriptures, and orating skills - the way he explained everything in well-structured fine details. 
I always looked forward to his trips, and whenever possible, I accompanied him to nearby towns and villages.
He became one of my mentors while growing up, who helped me understand the core philosophy of the mission and spirituality in general. He inspired me and others to think deeply and analyze everything and every situation deeply - to understand, not superficially, but thoroughly. He said the rules of spiritual life are flexible, not rigid. Therefore we should act sincerely and appropriately according to the situation.
During one of his Prachar tours - I, along with two other youth members - Kulwant Singh ji and Madan Lal ji -accompanied Dr. Attar Singh ji and Gyani ji to two villages. 
After the Satsangs, he visited a few houses of the devotees in both places. As it was a tradition, the hosts offered him some personal gifts, some fabric for his clothing. 
Since three of us were accompanying them as Sewadaars - we took those pieces of fabric in a separate bag and carried it along with his suitcase.
When we reached back to Faridkot Bhavan, we placed Dr. Sahib’s suitcase in his room and opened the other bag. Seeing those fabric pieces, we looked at each other and wondered…...

Dr. Attar Singh ji was very particular about his clothing - his dress. Though he always wore white Kurta- Payzama, the material - the fabric was always fine and of superior quality. 
However, most of the fabric pieces presented to him that day in the villages were not up to his standard. So the three of us thought - that if he was not going to use them anyway - there was no point in adding more weight to his luggage. 

We found two pieces to be a little bit better. We thought perhaps he would be able to use them as night suits or something. So we left the other fabric pieces in the hall closet - to be used as floor sheets or to be given to some poor devotee and brought the other two to his room.
He looked at them and said, I think there were a few more.

 "Those are not any good - not of your standard". Kulwant ji replied. 
"So, we placed them in the storage room to be given to the needy people”.

He said, "No. That is not right. Please bring those also to me".

Madan ji rushed to the storage room and quickly brought those fabrics back - respectfully placed them before him and apologized.

Dr. Sahib took one piece of fabric in his hand, looked at it smilingly, spread it on his bed, and sat down on it. 
Then he took the other one, opened it, and placed it on his legs.
And then, in his usual smiling and charming style, he addressed us in a soft and sweet tone, which turned out to be a great lesson for all those who were present in the room.

He said, "Never underestimate someone's feelings, their emotions of Shradhaa- Bhavana and never play with their sentiments. 
You don’t know what was in their mind when they did that Seva. 
They may be too poor to buy expensive materials, but their Bhavana is no less than anyone else. They brought it for me, gave it to me – to be used by me, for my body. And I must accept it with the same Bhavana - with the same love. I must use it in some way or the other.
Indeed, I will not want to wear it as a dress, but I can certainly sleep on it using it as a bedsheet for a couple of nights when I am here and use the other one to cover myself while I sleep. This way, their Shradhaa will be fulfilled in some way. Then later, we may use these for some other purpose or give them to someone who can use them".

How great was his thinking of respecting everyone's feelings - their Shradha–Bhaavna.
                                            ' Rajan Sachdeva '

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

No Goal in Life? कोई लक्ष्य नहीं ?

The tragedy of life doesn't lie in not reaching your goal.
The tragedy lies in having no goal at all.

अपने लक्ष्य तक न पहुँच पाना  -
जीवन की त्रासदी (ट्रेजडी) अथवा असफलता नहीं है 

जीवन में कोई लक्ष्य न होना - असल में त्रासदी - ट्रेजेडी है। 

Monday, April 4, 2022

Every saint has a past

Every saint has a past
and every sinner has a future.
Everyone has a choice
Everyone can change -
if they are willing to.

Sunday, April 3, 2022

If your goal is to reach your destination - Aarzoo manzil kee hai to ....

                                 Scroll down for an English translation

Aarzoo manzil kee hai  to Raastaa dekhaa na kar 
Ham-safar dekha na kar tu Faaslaa dekhaa na kar 

Dekhnaa khud ko zaruri hai sanvarnay kay liye 
Jo karay magrur par - vo aaiinaa dekhaa na kar

Chhod jaatay hain sabhi apnay bhi aakhir ek din 
Ma'sivaa Rabb kay tu koyi aasraa dekhaa na kar

Bakhshaa hai garchay Khuda nay dil tujhay fitrat-shanaas 
Har kisi mein hunar dekhaa kar, buraa dekhaa na kar

Chahtaa hai gar na teri khaamiyaan dekhay koyi 
Doosron ki khaamiyaan bhi barahaa dekhaa na kar

Har kisi ki zindgi mein hoti hain majbooriyaan 
Un ki majboori mein apnaa faayadaa dekhaa na kar 

Ajnabi ban kay vo ab miltaa hai gar tum say to kyaa 
Tu magar 'Rajan' usay na -aashnaa dekhaa na kar
                                        " Rajan Sachdeva " 

Ma'sivaa Rabb kay = Except God, Other than Almighty
Fitrat-Shanaas        =   the ability to understand others
Baaraha                   = Repeatedly, again & again, continuously
Na -Aashnaa          =  Unfriendly, Unknown, Stranger, Unacquainted

If your goal is to reach your destination - 
then don't ask about the condition of the path and the difficulties you might face.
Do not seek a companion - nor ask about the distance.

It is necessary to look in a mirror to embellish yourself - to rectify and improve yourself.
But if it makes you egotistic about yourself - then discard that mirror.

It is certain that one day, everyone will leave you alone. 
Do not seek refuge in anyone other than the Almighty Lord. 

If God has given you the skill to understand other's minds 
Then look for the good in everyone rather than vices & iniquity. 

If you want that no one should see your flaws
Then do not try to find and publicize the flaws of others. 

Everyone faces some kind of deprivation - some type of helplessness in their life.
Do not see their helplessness as an opportunity to fulfill your selfish motives. Do not try to exploit and use that situation to your benefit.

Do not worry if they treat you now as a stranger - in unkindly and unfriendly ways.
But you should never treat them in unfriendly and unkindly manners.
                                    "Rajan Sachdeva"

आरज़ू मंज़िल की है तो फ़ासला देखा न कर

आरज़ू मंज़िल की है तो रास्ता देखा न कर
हमसफ़र देखा न कर तू फ़ासला देखा न कर

देखना ख़ुद को ज़रुरी है संवरने के लिए
जो करे मग़रुर पर - वो आइना देखा ना कर

छोड़ जाते हैं सभी अपने भी आख़िर एक दिन
मा 'सिवा रब के तू कोई आसरा देखा ना कर

बख़्शा है गरचे ख़ुदा ने दिल तुझे फितरत-शनास
हर किसी में हुनर देखा कर, बुरा देखा ना कर

चाहता है गर न तेरी ख़ामियां देखे कोई
दूसरों की ख़ामियां भी बारहा देखा न कर

हर किसी की ज़िंदगी में होती हैं मजबूरियाँ
उनकी मजबूरी में अपना फ़ायदा देखा न कर

अजनबी बन के वो अब मिलता है गर तुमसे तो क्या
तू मगर 'राजन ' उसे ना -आशना देखा ना कर
                                    " राजन सचदेव "

मा 'सिवा रब के = भगवान के सिवा, प्रभु के इलावा
फितरत-शनास = दूसरों को समझने का गुण ,
बारहा = बार बार , लगातार
ना -आशना - ग़ैर ,अनजान , अजनबी

Saturday, April 2, 2022

Power of thoughts विचार-शक्ति

Thoughts can be very powerful.
They can even cause illness.
But they can also help us recover from illness.

विचार बहुत शक्तिशाली होते हैं।
कभी कभी वे बीमारी का कारण भी बन जाते हैं।
लेकिन अक़्सर वे हमें बीमारी से उबरने में मदद भी कर सकते हैं।

Happy Navratri - Navreh - Niraatay

Navratri - literally meaning nine nights - 
is called Navreh in Kashmir, Niraatay in Punjab, Durga Pooja in Bengal, and Dashain in Nepal.

Goddess Durga is the icon or the symbol of this festival - 
it represents the mother - as all life stems from a mother.
Nine days and nights represent the nine months that human life takes to develop in the womb.
Durga is known as Shakti - Energy.
              Yaa Devi Sarv Bhuteshu Shakti roopain sansthita 
        NamasTasyai, Namas Tasyai, Namas Tasyai Namo Namah
                   या देवी सर्वभुतेषु शक्तिरुपेण संस्थिता ।
                  नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः ॥
The one who abides in all beings in the Form of Energy
Salutations Salutations Salutations - again and again.

The word Nav has two meanings - New and the number Nine.
Navratri is the time to renew and tap the energy through self-analysis and introspection.
The nine forms, faces, or Avtars of Durga during these nine days are the nine steps or ways that can help us achieve the goal.
                                  Three forms or faces of Durga
Shakti - the Divine energy - has three prominent incarnations. 
They represent three main aspects and characteristics of Shakti - energy.

1. Durga - Strength, courage, confidence, and protection - shield and defense.
2. Lakshmi - Wealth, riches, and prosperity.
3. Saraswati - Education, knowledge, and wisdom.

All these three forms must be invoked - mustered and conjured to attain contentment and peace.
Divinity is present everywhere, but it requires Self-contemplation and worship - discipline and practice to awaken it.

                                         ' Rajan Sachdeva '
           (To be continued)

Friday, April 1, 2022

Happy Indian New Year (Vikrami Samvat 2079)

Nav-Varsha Pratipada
The Indian (Hindu) New Year - Vikrami Samvat 2079 (April 2nd, 2022)
Every culture, religion, and community has its own calendar that starts on a different day of the year. 
Hindus, Jains, Christians, Muslims, and Buddhists, all have their own calendars and a different "New Year's Day".

There are two most popular Indian calendars in India - Vikrami Samvat and Shaka Samvat.
The first day of Chaitra - 57 BC (57 years before the Western calendar) is considered the beginning of Vikrami Samvat - and Saka Samvat 78 years after the western calendar.
However, the Gregorian or commonly known as the western or Christian calendar is the most acknowledged international calendar and is used all over the world.

One of the reasons why the Western or Christian calendar became more prevalent is that most of the world, including India, was once ruled and controlled by European and Christian rulers.
All ruled countries and colonies had to use the Gregorian calendar.
But for convenience, India and almost all countries continued to use this calendar even after gaining independence from British rule.

Secondly - January 1st as New Year's Day has been heavily commercialized by the media and merchants - by selling cards and souvenirs - by advertising and organizing meetings, parties, etc.
Media and advertising have a big hand in making any day, festival, or product popular and reaching the masses. 
That is why January 1st is considered the beginning of the new year internationally.

However, many people - Indians, Chinese, Nepalese, and Egyptians - Hindu, Jain, Sikh, and Muslim communities have not forgotten their traditional New Year's Day. Some people still celebrate it traditionally - though it may be small or only at a family level. 

Whereas the New Year’s Day of the Christian era (January 1st) is celebrated by eating, drinking, and dancing joyfully at parties and exchanging fancy gifts, the traditional Hindu way of celebrating New Year’s Day is quite different.
Traditionally, the tender but bitter leaves of the Neem tree mixed with sweet Jaggery ** (Gurh) are distributed as Prasaadam (gift) on this occasion, which has a great symbolic meaning.

First, the Neem-Jaggery blend is offered to Ishwar (God) as Naivedya.
Then it is distributed among the family and friends as Prasaad (Gift).

This is one of the highest philosophical attitudes taught by the ancient Hindu spiritual masters.
The Neem, extremely bitter in taste, and Jaggery* sweet and delicious, signify the two conflicting aspects of human life —Joy and sorrow, success and failure, ecstasy and agony.
It is a reminder that life is not always ‘Bitter’ or ‘Sweet’ all the time. It is a combination of the two, and so might be the coming New Year - a mixture of joy and sorrow.

Although, Wishing "a happy new year" to all friends and families is a very positive thinking and a wishful gesture, however, this Indian tradition conveys more practical advice to the loved ones - and a reminder to ourselves as well.

First offering this bitter-sweet blend to God and then accepting it as Prasaad, also has a symbolic meaning - of preparing ourselves to face, and, by the grace of God, accept whatever may happen in the future as 'Prasaad' (Blessings).
By exchanging the gift of this ‘bitter-sweet blend’ with friends and loved ones, we acknowledge that the relationships may also have some sweet and bitter moments - that by God’s grace can be accepted as part of life, and solved mutually.

We usually tend to disregard the old traditions as ‘out of date’ or even nonsense, but if we try to understand them, we will find that many traditions have some deep and meaningful hidden messages.
                                       May God bless us all.
                                           ' Rajan Sachdeva '

Note :
According to the Indian system, each day is considered from sunrise till the next morning sunrise.

भारतीय (हिंदू) नव वर्ष - संवत 2079

भारतीय नव वर्ष २०७९ की हार्दिक शुभकामनाएँ
(2 अप्रैल 2022 )

हर संस्कृति, धर्म और समुदाय का अपना एक कैलेंडर होता है।हिंदू, सिख, जैन, ईसाई, मुस्लिम और बौद्ध, सभी के अपने-अपने कैलेंडर हैं और सब का अपना एक "नव वर्ष दिवस" ​​भी है।
लेकिन ग्रेगोरियन कैलेंडर - जिसे आमतौर पर पश्चिमी या ईसाई कैलेंडर के रुप में जाना जाता है - सबसे अधिक स्वीकार किया जाने वाला अंतर्राष्ट्रीय कैलेंडर है और इसका उपयोग पूरी दुनिया में किया जाता है।

भारत में दो संवत - कैलेंडर प्रचलित हैं - विक्रमी संवत और शाका संवत।
विक्रमी संवत का प्रारम्भ पहली चैत्र 57 ईसा-पूर्व (पश्चिमी कैलेंडर से 57 वर्ष पहले) माना जाता है। 
और शक संवत पश्चिमी कैलेंडर के 78 वर्ष बाद।

पश्चिमी अथवा क्रिस्चियन कैलेंडर के अधिक प्रचलित होने का एक कारण तो यह है कि चूँकि एक समय में भारत सहित दुनिया के अधिकांश देश यूरोपीय और ईसाई शासकों द्वारा शासित और नियंत्रित थे इसलिए सभी शासित देशों और उपनिवेशों को ग्रेगोरियन कैलेंडर का उपयोग करना पड़ता था। लेकिन सुविधा के लिए, ब्रिटिश शासन से स्वतंत्रता प्राप्त करने के बाद भी भारत एवं लगभग सभी देशों ने इसी कैलेंडर का उपयोग जारी रखा।
और दूसरा - पहली जनवरी को नए साल के दिन के रुप में व्यापारियों, व्यवसाइयों और मीडिया द्वारा कार्ड और विज्ञापन इत्यादि बेचकर और सभाओं, पार्टियों आदि का आयोजन करके भारी व्यवसायीकरण कर दिया गया है।
किसी भी दिन, त्योहार अथवा वस्तु को प्रचलित करने और जन जन तक पहुंचाने में मीडिया एवं विज्ञापन का बहुत बड़ा हाथ होता है। इसलिए पहली जनवरी को ही अंतर्राष्ट्रीय रुप में नए साल का प्रारम्भ समझा और माना जाता है।

लेकिन फिर भी, दुनिया भर में कई लोग - भारतीय, चीनी, नेपाली, मिस्रवासी और हिन्दू, सिख एवं मुस्लिम समुदाय इत्यादि आज भी अपने पारंपरिक नववर्ष के दिन को भूले नहीं हैं और चाहे छोटे या पारिवारिक स्तर पर ही सही - परम्परागत रुप से मनाते हैं।

जहां ग्रेगोरियन अथवा पश्चिमी नए साल का दिन - पहली जनवरी को पार्टियों में खाने, पीने और नाचने के साथ मनाया जाता है और फैंसी उपहारों का आदान-प्रदान किया जाता है, वहीं नए साल का पर्व मनाने का पारंपरिक हिंदू तरीका इससे काफी अलग है।
परंपरागत रुप से, नीम के पेड़ के कोमल लेकिन कड़वे पत्तों को मीठे गुड़ के साथ मिला कर इस अवसर पर प्रसाद के रुप में वितरित किया जाता है, जिसका एक प्रतीकात्मक अर्थ है।

सबसे पहले, नीम-गुड़ का मिश्रण ईश्वर को नैवेद्य के रुप में चढ़ाया जाता है। फिर इसे परिवार और दोस्तों के बीच प्रसाद के रुप में वितरित किया जाता है।
यह प्राचीन हिंदू आध्यात्मिक गुरुओं द्वारा बनाये गए उच्चतम दार्शनिक दृष्टिकोणों में से एक है।
नीम, स्वाद में बेहद कड़वा, और गुड़ मीठा और स्वादिष्ट - मानव जीवन के दो परस्पर विरोधी पहलुओं - सुख और दुख, सफलता और विफलता, आनंद और पीड़ा इत्यादि को दर्शाता है।
नीम और गुड़ का मिश्रण हमें याद दिलाता है कि जीवन हमेशा 'कड़वा' या 'मीठा' ही नहीं होता है। यह दोनों का मिश्रण एवं संयोजन है।
नीम और गुड़ का प्रसाद एक प्रकार से हमें चेतावनी देने के लिए है कि आने वाला नया साल भी इसी तरह से सुख और दुख का मिश्रण हो सकता है - जिसके लिए हमें तैयार रहना चाहिए।

यद्यपि, सभी मित्रों और परिवारों को "नया साल मुबारक" की कामना करना एक बहुत ही सकारात्मक सोच और एक शुभ संकेत है, लेकिन यह भारतीय परंपरा जहां प्रियजनों को एक व्यावहारिक सलाह देती है वहीं स्वयं को भी इस बात की याद दिलाती है।
पहले इस कड़वे-मीठे मिश्रण को भगवान को अर्पित करना और फिर इसे प्रसाद के रुप में स्वीकार करना एक प्रतीकात्मक संकेत है; जिसका प्रयोजन हमें आने वाले समय का सामना करने के लिए तैयार करना और ईश्वर की कृपा से, भविष्य में जो कुछ भी हो उसे 'प्रसाद' के रुप में स्वीकार करने की प्रेरणा देना है।
संबंधियों, दोस्तों और प्रियजनों के साथ इस 'कड़वे-मीठे मिश्रण' के प्रसाद का आदान-प्रदान करना इस बात का संकेत देता है कि हमारे आपसी संबंधों में भी कुछ मधुर और कड़वे क्षण हो सकते हैं - जिन्हें भगवान की कृपा से जीवन का एक अंग मानते हुए पारस्परिक सहयोग से हल किया जा सकता है।

हम आमतौर पर पुरानी परंपराओं को फ़िज़ूल, 'आउट ऑफ डेट' या मूर्खता कह कर उनकी अवहेलना कर देते हैं, लेकिन अगर हम उन्हें सही ढंग से समझने की कोशिश करें तो हम पाएंगे कि हमारी पुरानी परंपराओं में कई गहरे और सार्थक संदेश छिपे हुए हैं।
                  ईश्वर हम सभी पर कृपा करें कि हम उन्हें सही ढंग से समझ सकें
                                                    ' राजन सचदेव '
नोट :
भारतीय विचारधारा के अनुसार प्रत्येक तिथि यानी दिन की गणना सूर्योदय को आधार मानकर की जाती है। हिंदू कैलेंडर का हर दिन सूर्योदय से शुरु होता है और अगले सूर्योदय तक मान्य होता है।

Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...