Thursday, April 28, 2022

Who am I? Kaun hoon main? - With English translation

Kaun hoon main ? kya hoon main ? ye soch kay hairaan hoon 
Khaaq ka putlaa hoon main ya Rooh - Jaavidaan hoon ? 

Kis liye aaya hoon jag mein kya mera kirdaar hai? 
Maslaa hoon ya Hal hoon main, ya koyi imtehaan hoon 

Geet hoon? kavita hoon main? ya bemaani ashaar hoon ? 
Matlaa hoon? ya Maqtaa hoon ya sirph ik Unvaan hoon ? 

Dekhtaa hai har koyi apnay nazariye say mujhay 
Kya kisi kay dil mein hai is raaz say anjaan hoon 

Maangtay hain mashwaraa daanaa samajh kay kuchh mujhay 
Kuchh samajhtay hain mehaj tafreeh ka saamaan hoon 

Meri khamoshi say meray dost kuchh pareshaan hain
Aur main apnay zehan kay shor say parishaan hoon 

Kuchh kitaaben falsfay kee padh kay jaana hai yahi 
Kuchh na jaana hai abhi, haan - main abhi nadaan hoon 

Mujh say ummeeden na rakh lenaa farishton see kahin 
Main bhee to aakhir tumhaaray jaisaa ik insaan hoon 

Kis liye rakhtay ho ranjish dil mein meray vaasty 
Chaar din ka hee to 'Rajan' main yahaan mehmaan hoon 
                                      " Rajan Sachdeva"

Jaavidaan      =  Immortal, Eternal
Kirdaar           =   Role 
Bemaani Ashaar  =  Meaningless sher (couplets)
Matlaa         = The first - beginning sher or couplet of a gazal
Maqtaa        = The ending sher of a ghazal with the poet's name (Signature)
Unvaan       =   Title of a song or poem 
Apnay nazariye say = with their own perspective
Mashwaraa        = Advice
Daanaa             = Wise, Learned, Intelligent
Tafreeh          =    Entertainment, amusement, pleasure, recreation, fun, etc.
Falsafa        =      Philosophy
Ranjish       =      Resentment, anger, enmity


Who am I? what am I?
I keep wondering and pondering over it again and again.
Am I just a speck of dust? A figurine made of clay?
Or the Soul immortal I am?

Am I a song? Am I a poem - or am I just a collection of some meaningless couplets?
Am I a Matlaa - beginning of a new song -
or Maqtaa - an end - a conclusion?
Or am I just the title of a song without any content whatsoever?

Why have I come here? What is my role in the world?
Am I a problem or part of a solution?
(To slove or to repay for the previous Karmas).
Or am I being tested (for integrity and loyalty)?

Everyone sees me from their perspective - from their own point of view.
And I am unaware of what is truly in their mind?
Unaware of what they really think of me.

Some - considering me a wise person - ask me for some advice -
While some others like to converse with me just for the sake of entertainment - for pastime.

Some of my friends are concerned and disappointed with my vow of silence.
And I'm disturbed and unhappy by the constant noise in my own mind.

After having read some books on philosophy, finally, I have learned -
That I know nothing - that yes - I am still ignorant.

Do not have your hopes high on me like the angels.
After all, I am also an ordinary person just like you.

Why do you keep resentments - enmity or ill-will towards me in your heart?
After all, I am a visitor - a guest here for just a few days.
(So forget the differences, and let's be friends)
                                               "Rajan Sachdeva"

The idea came from the confusing or contradicting statements we often hear - and even quote ourselves.
Some people say that we are just a Khaak ka Putlaa - the clay figurines - controlled by a higher power.
And according to others -  we are immortal Souls - Amar-Aatma. 

Is our life a beginning of a new chapter - or an ending?
Is there another reincarnation after this life - or this is the end?

These are the very questions that all different cultures and religions have continually explored - since the beginning of civilization. 


  1. Dnj!Beautifully penned🙏🏻🙏🏻

  2. Well expressed…. Thanks

  3. wah wah.. very nice..

  4. Very Profound with great penmanship! 🙏🏻🙏🏻
    Sanjeev Khullar

  5. 🙏Excellent creations on "kaun hoon main ".🙏

  6. Asalamaliakum
    Mashalah Mashalah alhumdulila - bahut khub wah wah thanks

  7. Very thought provoking poetry Rajanjee. It speaks for every human being’s constant dilemma.
    Absolutely beautiful 🙏🙏🙏

  8. Wah! I wish I can find out who am I ? What my value is in my life and in other’s life, and what my dury is to my fellow humanbeings !


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