Sunday, April 3, 2022

If your goal is to reach your destination - Aarzoo manzil kee hai to ....

                                 Scroll down for an English translation

Aarzoo manzil kee hai  to Raastaa dekhaa na kar 
Ham-safar dekha na kar tu Faaslaa dekhaa na kar 

Dekhnaa khud ko zaruri hai sanvarnay kay liye 
Jo karay magrur par - vo aaiinaa dekhaa na kar

Chhod jaatay hain sabhi apnay bhi aakhir ek din 
Ma'sivaa Rabb kay tu koyi aasraa dekhaa na kar

Bakhshaa hai garchay Khuda nay dil tujhay fitrat-shanaas 
Har kisi mein hunar dekhaa kar, buraa dekhaa na kar

Chahtaa hai gar na teri khaamiyaan dekhay koyi 
Doosron ki khaamiyaan bhi barahaa dekhaa na kar

Har kisi ki zindgi mein hoti hain majbooriyaan 
Un ki majboori mein apnaa faayadaa dekhaa na kar 

Ajnabi ban kay vo ab miltaa hai gar tum say to kyaa 
Tu magar 'Rajan' usay na -aashnaa dekhaa na kar
                                        " Rajan Sachdeva " 

Ma'sivaa Rabb kay = Except God, Other than Almighty
Fitrat-Shanaas        =   the ability to understand others
Baaraha                   = Repeatedly, again & again, continuously
Na -Aashnaa          =  Unfriendly, Unknown, Stranger, Unacquainted

If your goal is to reach your destination - 
then don't ask about the condition of the path and the difficulties you might face.
Do not seek a companion - nor ask about the distance.

It is necessary to look in a mirror to embellish yourself - to rectify and improve yourself.
But if it makes you egotistic about yourself - then discard that mirror.

It is certain that one day, everyone will leave you alone. 
Do not seek refuge in anyone other than the Almighty Lord. 

If God has given you the skill to understand other's minds 
Then look for the good in everyone rather than vices & iniquity. 

If you want that no one should see your flaws
Then do not try to find and publicize the flaws of others. 

Everyone faces some kind of deprivation - some type of helplessness in their life.
Do not see their helplessness as an opportunity to fulfill your selfish motives. Do not try to exploit and use that situation to your benefit.

Do not worry if they treat you now as a stranger - in unkindly and unfriendly ways.
But you should never treat them in unfriendly and unkindly manners.
                                    "Rajan Sachdeva"


  1. ��Excellent creations ji. ��

  2. I like it hazoor ����

  3. Beautifully written & explained!! ��������

  4. Wow. What a wonderful inspirational message. Thanks very much Jì


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