Thursday, February 4, 2021

जिसकी जैसी नीयत है Jis ki jaisi Neeyat hai

जिसकी जैसी नीयत है  - वो वैसी कहानी रचता है
कोई परिंदों के लिए बंदूक - तो कोई पानी रखता है

Jis ki jaisi neeyat hai - vo vaisi kahaani rachtaa hai 
Koi parindon kay liye bandook - to koi paani rakhtaa hai 

Actions are the outcome of ideas, beliefs, and passions.
As are the thoughts and desires - so are the actions.

Some buy a gun to hunt the birds -
And some put food and water for them outside their homes.


  1. Fitrat insan ki kab kon se karvat le ..

  2. Beautifully said

  3. Dhan Nirankar.
    In my backyard we have 6 brick pillars with fence in between. 4 of them have bird feed put on it daily so I can watch them as I look out and see them enjoying. It is a very simple way of langar for the birds.🙏🙏🙏

    1. That is excellent, Sudha ji.
      I also started the same in my backyard last year.
      It started with just 3-4 birds, and now I see 75 - 80 birds of different kinds coming every day. I guess they must have a way of communicating and inviting their friends to join this 'Langar.
      Seeing them feeding and enjoying gives you a feeling of joy and satisfaction too - especially in this cold winter season, it's hard for them to find food when almost everything is covered with snow.


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...