Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Happy Vasant- Panchami

The arrival of spring is celebrated as the festival of Vasant-Panchami in India.

It is also associated with Sarasvati Devi - the goddess or the symbol of education, knowledge, and intellect.

It is considered auspicious to start the process of education of children or the learning of new things - on this day. Perhaps, because it's the end of winter and the start of the Spring season, it would have been easier - especially for children to walk to their Gurus or schools in the olden days.
Since the ancient Rishis - scholars of India had always emphasized the importance of Gyana - the knowledge and education - they had probably set an auspicious day for it so that people do not forget. 
This can be compared to the start of a school year in the modern age.

In any case, making the beginning of education an auspicious occasion - indirectly and undoubtedly puts reverence for knowledge in the minds of the students.

Secondly, the ancients always tried to exhibit their ideas through images and symbols.

The image of Sarasvati Devi is a beautiful symbol - a representation of knowledge. 

It's an image of a calm and serene motherly figure - a symbol of tenderness, kindness, modesty, and humbleness - along with unlimited strength and protectiveness.
As it is said that knowledge makes us humble and provides strength as well - that knowledge is a power that can free and protect us from fear.

She is holding a book in one hand and a Veena in the other - which represent endless learning and admiration and respect for art and music respectively.
In another hand, she has a Japmaala - a rosery - a symbol of repetition and practice - over and over.

She sits on a white lotus flower - a symbol of purity, simplicity, and equanimity - it can bloom even in the dirty waters - detached and unaffected by its surroundings. 
It's a message that a learned Gyani can avoid all negativity and evil around - and continue to progress on the path of righteousness through his wisdom. 

Her vehicle is a white swan - which is also a symbol of purity, and integrity - honesty, goodness, and morality.

There are flowers and a peacock in the background which represent love, appreciation, and respect for nature.

The ancient Indian scriptures also illustrate how the power of knowledge helps us in different spheres of life.

           विद्या ददाति विनयं - विनयाद याति पात्रताम
           पात्रत्वाद धनमाप्नोती - धनाद धर्मस्तत: सुखं
  Vidya dadaati Vinayam - Vinayaad yaati paatrataam
  Paatratvaad dhanmaapnoti - Dhanaad Dharmastatah Sukham

First, it produces humility - which makes you a candidate for further learning. It creates a desire for continual learning more and more.
If a person does not become humble then it means he has not truly learned and his further learning and progress stop.

  Vidya dadaati Vinayam - Vinayaad yaati paatrataam
  Paatratvaad Dhanmaapnoti - Dhanaad Dharmastatah Sukham

First, it produces humility or humbleness.
Humility provides merit and eligibility.
Merit and eligibility make one earn money - wealth.
With wealth, one can do Dharma - charitable works to help others and society in general. Which eventually leads to happiness.

In other words - Through knowledge and humility, one can earn wealth and power to do charity and help others - and eventually, gets honor and respect and happiness.

But, power and strength must be gained and held through appropriate knowledge and wisdom - only then one can receive genuine respect and true reverence from everyone and be happy and peaceful.
                                    ' Rajan Sachdeva '


  1. This is fascinating. Thanks Rajan ji!

  2. Beautiful explanation Rajanji. Thank you!

  3. Thank you for beautiful explanation of Maa Saraswati Picture 🙏🙏

  4. Nice blog. But sometimes we see the opposite. Wise intelligent people do not get the respect they deserve. and there are many who are arrogant and not intelligent but still they get so much respect and admiration and they are even worshipped.
    What do you think about that?


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...