Wednesday, February 10, 2021

How old am I ?

Many of my well-wishers often ask me - 
How old are you?

I tell them how can I answer this silly question!

When I play with a little child -
I am one year old.

When I watch cartoons -
I'm three.

When I dance to the tune of music -
 I am sweet sixteen.

When I talk to some youth -
I feel as young as them.

When someone asks me to share my life-experiences - 
I feel and talk like an old wise man.

When I try to heal someone's wound, 
It's like I’ve crossed six decades of my life span.

And when I chat with sparrows or rabbits,
Or run after my dog and his ball,
I become their age.
           --   --

What is there in age?
Isn't it a number only?

Like the light of the sun
And the flowing river waters
I am ageless.

I keep changing with time and experience.

Days are marching towards night - No doubt,
Whenever the curtain drops -
Whenever the end extends its hand, 
I shall hold it.

Till then - It’s not my age that matters.
How fully have I lived thus far -
That is the consideration.


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...