Sunday, February 28, 2021
Three keys for a Peaceful Life
Saturday, February 27, 2021
Always Listen to your Elders
Always listen to your Elders
Not because they are always Right
But because they have more experience of being wrong.
Friday, February 26, 2021
Thursday, February 25, 2021
To plant a New Tree
Wednesday, February 24, 2021
अब क्या बताएँ कौन था वो Ab kya batayen kaun tha vo
हर काम में हमेशा कोई काम रह गया
छोटी थी उम्र और फ़साना तवील था
आग़ाज़ ही लिखा गया अंजाम रह गया
उठ उठ के मस्जिदों से नमाज़ी चले गए
दहशत-गरों के हाथ में इस्लाम रह गया
उस का क़ुसूर ये था बहुत सोचता था वो
वो कामयाब हो के भी नाकाम रह गया
अब क्या बताएँ कौन था क्या था वो एक शख़्स
गिनती के चार हर्फ़ों का जो नाम रह गया
Tuesday, February 23, 2021
वो तुम्हें याद करे Vo Tumhen Yaad karay
Monday, February 22, 2021
Distance never kills a Relation
A Bubble and a High Wave
Know that though one may be a little bubble and another may be a mountain high wave
' Swami Vivekanand '
Sunday, February 21, 2021
तुम थे जब - तो मैं न था Tum thay jab - to main na tha
मैं था जब और वक़्त था - तो तुम न थे
तुम भी हो अब मैं भी हूँ - पर वक़्त नहीं
कल वक़्त रह जाएगा मैं और तू न होंगे
Saturday, February 20, 2021
Mustaqil Kya Hai?
मुस्तक़िल क्या है ?
अगर ये ज़िंदगी सफ़र है तो मंज़िल क्या है?
Friday, February 19, 2021
What is Respect, and its Criteria
In that article, I mentioned that the ancient Indian scriptures illustrate how the power of knowledge can help us in all spheres of life. That knowledge, wisdom, and humility - politeness, humbleness, courtesy, and compassion makes one eligible for merit - and eventually gains respect and honor from everyone.
Someone wrote a comment which says:
'But sometimes we see the opposite. Wise intelligent people do not get the respect they deserve, and there are many who are arrogant and not intelligent but still they get so much respect and admiration.
I think what I wrote in that blog is generally true - in theory at least.However, many times we see a disagreement - an inconsistency in theory and practice.
Therefore, even without such qualities and virtues, some people may get some respect for some time - at least from some people. Either because they are rich and providers - and people need something or some kind of help from them - or because of some fear - because of their power and position in society.
There is an ancient Subhaashitam in Sanskrit which explains the different kinds and scales of respect that people get from others.
स्वगृहे पूज्यते मूर्खः - स्वग्रामे पूज्यते धनिकः
स्वदेशे पूज्यते राजा - विद्वान सर्वत्र पूज्यते
Svagrahay poojyatay moorkhah - Svagraamay poojyatay Dhanikah
Svadeshay poojyatay Raaja - Vidvaan sarvatra poojyatay
"Even a fool is respected and worshiped in his house.
The rich and wealthy are respected in their own village or city - within their vicinity.
A king is worshiped by his subjects - within the boundaries of the jurisdiction of his dominion.
Whereas a Vidvaan scholar - (a Gyani - a learned, intelligent person with humility) is respected everywhere."
He can earn money and respect wherever he goes.
However, some people - because of their competitive and jealous nature - or for some other personal and self-centered narrow motives, may not give due respect to the wise and Gyanis.
But, even if a Gyani is not recognized and respected openly for some reason, he would still occupy a genuine and respected place in people's hearts and minds.
It is also said that knowledge is the only kind of wealth that no one can ever steal from you.
Therefore, one should always strive to gain more knowledge and wisdom.
'Rajan Sachdeva '
Wednesday, February 17, 2021
A Big Challenge in Today's Life
B - Behavior change
H - Happiness
A - Active lifestyle
N - Nutrition
G - Glucose control
R - Risk reduction
A - Abstinence from substance abuse
People who ask questions...
Tuesday, February 16, 2021
Happy Vasant- Panchami
It is also associated with Sarasvati Devi - the goddess or the symbol of education, knowledge, and intellect.
It is considered auspicious to start the process of education of children or the learning of new things - on this day. Perhaps, because it's the end of winter and the start of the Spring season, it would have been easier - especially for children to walk to their Gurus or schools in the olden days.
Since the ancient Rishis - scholars of India had always emphasized the importance of Gyana - the knowledge and education - they had probably set an auspicious day for it so that people do not forget.
In any case, making the beginning of education an auspicious occasion - indirectly and undoubtedly puts reverence for knowledge in the minds of the students.
Secondly, the ancients always tried to exhibit their ideas through images and symbols.
The image of Sarasvati Devi is a beautiful symbol - a representation of knowledge.
She is holding a book in one hand and a Veena in the other - which represent endless learning and admiration and respect for art and music respectively.
In another hand, she has a Japmaala - a rosery - a symbol of repetition and practice - over and over.
There are flowers and a peacock in the background which represent love, appreciation, and respect for nature.
The ancient Indian scriptures also illustrate how the power of knowledge helps us in different spheres of life.
विद्या ददाति विनयं - विनयाद याति पात्रताम
पात्रत्वाद धनमाप्नोती - धनाद धर्मस्तत: सुखं
Vidya dadaati Vinayam - Vinayaad yaati paatrataam
Paatratvaad dhanmaapnoti - Dhanaad Dharmastatah Sukham
First, it produces humility - which makes you a candidate for further learning. It creates a desire for continual learning more and more.
If a person does not become humble then it means he has not truly learned and his further learning and progress stop.
Paatratvaad Dhanmaapnoti - Dhanaad Dharmastatah Sukham
First, it produces humility or humbleness.
Merit and eligibility make one earn money - wealth.
With wealth, one can do Dharma - charitable works to help others and society in general. Which eventually leads to happiness.
In other words - Through knowledge and humility, one can earn wealth and power to do charity and help others - and eventually, gets honor and respect and happiness.
But, power and strength must be gained and held through appropriate knowledge and wisdom - only then one can receive genuine respect and true reverence from everyone and be happy and peaceful.
Monday, February 15, 2021
But I cannot unfold the petals
With these clumsy hands of mine.
The secret of unfolding flowers
Is not known to such as I
GOD opens this flower so sweetly
When in my hands they fade and die.
If I cannot unfold a rosebud
This flower of God's design
Then how can I think I have wisdom -
To unfold this life of mine?
So I'll trust in Him for His leading
Each moment of every day.
I will look to Him for His guidance
Each step of the pilgrim way.
The pathway that lies before me
Only my Heavenly Father knows
I'll trust Him to unfold the moments
Just as He unfolds the rose.
Sunday, February 14, 2021
Happy Valentine's Day
We are told to be friends with good people
be friends with them - spend your time with them
and ignore the bad ones - leave them and be happy.
Wisdom says -
Find good in everyone and ignore the bad in them.
If you try to find perfect people, then you will always be alone.
Because - No one is perfect.
Saturday, February 13, 2021
Difference between Intelligence and Wisdom
Friday, February 12, 2021
Knowledge is Power
However, in reality - knowledge is not power.
It is only a potential - a possibility.
It becomes power only when it is applied.
So - Not just knowledge - but Applying the knowledge is power.
When appropriate knowledge is applied to the action -
Therefore, Gyan and Karma - Knowledge and Action -
Wednesday, February 10, 2021
How old am I ?
Gyan is not a Spare Wheel
Gyan is not a spare wheel
that we should pull out when in trouble.
It is a Steering wheel
that directs the right path throughout our life.
Tuesday, February 9, 2021
Dhaarmik Aur Gyaani kaun hai?
Jisay dekhtay hee Dharm yaad aa jaaye
Gyaani vo hai -
Jisay Satya aur Asatya ka Gyaan hai
Mahanpurush vo hai
Jiska jeevan mahaan evam anukarneeya hai
Sant vo hai -
jisay dekhtay hee man sheetal ho jaaye
Aur Prabhu kee yaad aa jaaye
Anukarneeya = Exemplary, Imitable, Model, to be followed
धार्मिक एवं ज्ञानी कौन है ?
जिसे देखते ही धर्म याद आ जाए
ज्ञानी वो है -
महांपुरुष वो है -
संत वो है -
जिसे देखते ही मन शीतल हो जाए
Saturday, February 6, 2021
Kathopanishad - Story of Nachiketa - part 10
O’ venerable guest - my prostrations to you.
May good befalls me.
And now, in return, you choose three boons".
(Kathopanishad 1 – 9)
Dharam Raj bows his head down and says to Nachiketa:
“O’, Brahmin (Wise). My prostrations to you.
Please accept my apologies on behalf of my family and consorts for not treating you well - For not providing you food and shelter for the night. May good befall me."
Dharam Raj had realized that his guest is not just an ordinary young boy.
He recognized the commitment and steadfast determination in young Nachiketa, who waited for him for three days and nights outside the house without any hospitality or food.
Therefore, Dharam Raj apologizes to him and asks for forgiveness for negligence and the mistake made by his family and servants.
He knows that even he or his family are not exempt from the rules of nature and society.
That they also have to face the consequences of the mistakes they make.
So, He bows his head down and says to Nachiketa:
“O’ Brahmin boy (wise person) My prostrations to you.
May good befalls me - and my family - that nothing bad happens because of this mistake.
And as a sincere gesture of his apology, he offered him three boons.”
Just imagine - A highly revered and influential Guru - so powerful to be known as the ‘Lord of Death’ - doing prostrations and asking for forgiveness from an unknown young boy who has come to him to learn - to become his disciple.
And that too for something which was not even his fault.
Remember - he was not even at home for three days.
It would be hard to find such an example of humility and righteousness in the history of religions where a Guru so powerful as the ‘Lord of Death’ - doing prostrations and asking for forgiveness from an ordinary, unknown visitor wanting to be a disciple.
Usually, leaders of any political or religious organizations tend to think that they are above the law - that they do not need to apologize to anyone. However, to get applause and praise from the audiences, sometimes they may say some hefty words during the public lectures that they are servants of all – but usually, they are quite the opposite in their personal life; in their day to day dealings with others.
And here, a great and so powerful Guru Dharam Raj is personally bowing down - rather prostrating in front of a disciple and profoundly asking for forgiveness.
He feels personally responsible for the actions of his family and his people.
He says, “May good befalls me”- implying that even he is not above the law – that even he may receive some unpleasant rewards for the wrong karmas done by his family and servants.
At the same time, he also sets an example for future leaders and other people in power.
To teach their followers and subordinates - leaders and teachers must also obey the law themselves - that the righteous karmas and virtuous traditions need to be taught, not verbally but by doing the right actions themselves.
As Lord Krishna said:
Yad-yad Aacharti Shrestas, Tad-tadaiv Taro janah
Sa yat Pramaanam kurute, lokas tad Anuvartatay
“Whatever a great man does, the same is done by others as well.
Whatever standard he sets, the world follows”
(Bhagavad Gita 3: 21)
And this is exactly what Dharam Raj did.
He was not giving a lecture to an audience.
He was sincerely and honestly asking for forgiveness from a disciple - with genuine humility.
And in return – to somehow compensate for the discomforts caused by the unfriendly experience - and as an honest gesture of his own regrets, Dharam Raj offered to grant three boons to Nachiketa.
Friday, February 5, 2021
कोई भी पूर्ण नहीं है
जीवन में हमेशा चुनौतियां रहेंगी।
कई बार लोग - समाज - मित्र और सम्बन्धी हमें निराश और परेशान करेंगे।
इन तथ्यों को - जीवन की इस सच्चाई को जानना और याद रखना उन्नति एवं प्रगति के मार्ग पर बढ़ने के लिए पहला कदम है।
तभी हम हर चीज को - हर स्थिति और हर इंसान को स्वीकार कर सकेंगे और शांति पूर्वक आगे बढ़ पाएंगे -
No one is Perfect
Peace शांति
Thursday, February 4, 2021
जिसकी जैसी नीयत है Jis ki jaisi Neeyat hai
Wednesday, February 3, 2021
एक संकल्प ही काफी है Ek Sankalp hi Kaafi hai
संकल्प मगर एक ही काफी है संवरने के लिए
Mil jaayengay bahut say vikalp bikharnay kay liye
Sankalp magar ek hi kaafi hai sanvarnay kay liye
Tuesday, February 2, 2021
Kathopanishad - Story of Nachiketa Part 9
Monday, February 1, 2021
Respect can not be demanded
It can not be demanded.
No one can force others to respect them.
But at the same time, no one has a right to disrespect and insult others.
Those who want and expect respect from others -
Life is all about 'give and take and respect is a mutual course.
We can not insult people and expect genuine respect from them in return.
' Rajan Sachdeva '
Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस
Discussion - is an exchange of Thoughts & Knowledge Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of Ego & Ignorance ...
मध्यकालीन युग के भारत के महान संत कवियों में से एक थे कवि रहीम सैन - जिनकी विचारधारा आज भी उतनी ही प्रभावशाली है जितनी उनके समय में थी। कव...
Kaise bataoon main tumhe Mere liye tum kaun ho Kaise bataoon main tumhe Tum dhadkanon ka geet ho Jeevan ka tum sangeet ho Tum zindagi...
बाख़ुदा -अब तो मुझे कोई तमन्ना ही नहीं फिर ये क्या बात है कि दिल कहीं लगता ही नहीं सिर्फ चेहरे की उदासी से भर आए आँसू दिल का आलम तो अ...