Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Why bright brains of the Indian subcontinent leave their country?

There is an expression in India, (in fact all over Asia) that goes like this: 
If a nail sticks out, hammer it down.
So, if you are an oddball - if you think out of the box and question the old establishment -
you will be hammered down.
On the other hand, a traditional American expression is: 
The squeaky wheel gets the grease. 
In other words, those who raise questions, and challenge the system, the seniors and their old ways - get attention and are given chances to prove their way of thinking. People and students with new and innovative ideas are encouraged and facilitated to expand their ideas further. They even get scholarships to do more research and develop new ways to improve their theories. 
No wonder the most brilliant brains of India and Asia want to leave their country and settle in America - where their talents are recognized and encouraged. Not only they get personal satisfaction by doing their research work freely, but they also help in the building and advancement of their newly adopted country as well. 
However, this is a great loss for their native countries. 
To develop the country and improve the lives of its inhabitants, its establishments should recognize, encourage, and help their brilliant brains to do their work freely - without restrictions. So that all the countries in the world and humanity in general, can advance further.
                                   ' Rajan Sachdeva '

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