Thursday, January 9, 2020

Mahabharata - A critical review

Recently, a friend sent the following article from the web in Hindi.
I enjoyed the story and thought of sharing it by translating it into English for those who can not read Hindi. 
I have also added my views at the bottom of this article. 
                                    ~   ~     ~     ~

The Mahabharata war had ended. 
The torn clothes, crowns, broken arms, broken chariots, etc. were scattered all over the battlefield.
There was great sadness spread in the atmosphere. 
Amidst the frightening sounds of the vultures, dogs, and jackals in that deserted land, the great warrior Devavrata (Bhishma Pitamah) lying on the bed of arrows was waiting for the sun to rise. 
Suddenly, a familiar sound - sweet like honey sounded in his ears.
"Greetings Pitamah".
A dead smile floated over Bhishma's dried lips.
"Come Devkinandan! Welcome!! I have been thinking of you for some time now".
Krishna said: Now what should I say, Pitamah. I cannot even ask how you are!"
Bhishma remained silent for a few moments. 
Then said, "You have come at a good time.
I want to ask something.
Probably, you will eliminate some of my confusion before I leave this world".
Krishna said - Pitamah, what do you want to ask?
"Tell me one thing, Lord! You are God........
Krishna interrupted - No Pitamah! I am not God - I am like your grandson.

Even in that terrible pain, Bhishma laughed loudly. 
He said, "I have never been able to assess my life myself - I do not know whether it was good or bad. 
But now I am going from this world - So, please stop kidding around with me now".
Krishna moved closer to Bhishma - held his hand and said, "what do you want to say, Pitamah!
Bhishma said, "Tell me one thing, Kanhaiya! Whatever happened in this war, was it right and fair?"

"From whose side? From the Pandavas? Or the Kauravas?" Krishna asked.

"There is no point in discussing the acts of Kauravas anymore!
But was it right what Pandavas did?
The killing of Acharya Drona - thump under Duryodhana's thigh, Dushasan's chest incision - deceit with Jayadratha - Slaughter of unarmed Karna - was all of this right?"

Krishna said, "How can I answer this? Those who have done all this should answer it. Ask Bhima, who killed Duryodhana. Ask Arjuna, who killed Karna and Jayadratha.
I have not done anything in this war, Pitamah !!"

Bhishma smiled - "Will Krishna still not stop deceiving me?
The whole world might say that Mahabharata has been won by Arjuna and Bhima But I know that this is your victory - your victory alone.
So I will ask you to answer it."

Krishna said: Alright then! 
There was nothing good or bad - moral or immoral.
Whatever happened was supposed to happen."
Bhishma asked: "Is it you, Keshava, saying this? 
Krishna, an avatar of Maryada Purushottam Ram saying this?
This deception has not been a part of our eternal rites in any era, then how did it become appropriate now?" 
Krishna: One should learn from history, but the decisions should be made based on the present circumstances only!
Every era chooses its heroes based on its contentions and its necessity !! 
Ram was the hero of Treta Yuga - Dwapar yuga happened to be in my share!
The decision made by both of us cannot be the same !!"
Bhishma said: I do not understand Krishna! 
Please explain it in detail! 

Krishna: There is a lot of difference between the circumstances of Rama and Krishna!
In the era of Rama, the villain Ravana was a scholarly pandit and also a great devotee of Lord Shiva!!
Then there were saints like Vibhishan even in a family of negative power like Ravana!
Then in the family of villains like Bali, there were great women like Tara and noble sons like Angad!
In that era, even villains and enemies also possessed the knowledge of Dharma!!
Therefore, Rama did not have to deceive anyone, anywhere!
But in this era, there have been great sinners like Kansa, Jarasandha, Duryodhana, Dushasan, Shakuni, and Jayadratha, etc. !! Every remedy is appropriate for the termination of evil.
The end of evil and wickedness is necessary, Pitamah, whatever method it maybe !! 
Bhishma Pitamah asked again:
 "So, will it not set a wrong precedent for people to start the wrong traditions seeing your actions? 
Will people not start following these things in the future?
And if they do, will it be fair? 
"Future generations will be even more repulsive.
In the Kaliyug, man will have to be more stringent than Krishna. Otherwise, Dharma - righteousness will cease!
When cruel and wicked forces are attacking to destroy Truth and Dharma, it is useless to hold on to morality. 
The important thing is to destroy evil and establish the Dharma (Righteousness)!
The future will also have to learn this Pitamah. 

Bhishma asked: Can Dharma be defeated? 
And if it is to be defeated, can the man stop it? "
Krishna: "It is foolish to sit idle and expect God to do everything!
God does not do anything! He only guides.
Man has to do the work on his own!
You call me God - so tell me, Pitamah, did I do anything in this war? Did I fight? 
Pandavas had to fight and do everything on their own. Isn't it? 
This is the Truth! 
This is the law of nature. 
This is what I told Arjun on the first day of the war.

Bhishma looked satisfied now!
His eyes were slowly closing.
Krishna returned after paying obeisance to Bhishma.
Even in that dreadful darkness of the battlefield, the future had found the most comprehensive lesson for life! 

When immoral and cruel powers are attacking to destroy truth and righteousness, then sitting idle and repeating the lesson of morality is self-destructive. 
                                                'Dharmo Rakshti, Rakshitah'
Those who protect Dharma, Dharma protects them. 
                                    - - - - - - - - - - - - -

As I said above - this story was sent by someone who took it from the web. But unfortunately, the name of the writer was not written along with it.
I do not know what was the motive of the writer to write this story.
I don't know what his thoughts were while writing this article - therefore, I cannot say if I agree with his views or not. 
However, if we look at this story from the spiritual aspect, then we can get a lot of guidance from it. 
When negative thoughts begin to dominate our mind due to adverse circumstances, we often become depressed - sitting idle, considering it as the will of God. Or we try to comfort ourselves and others by saying that God will do what He wants. 
Instead of trying to stop negative thoughts and change our circumstances, we leave everything to God. 
In the Mahabharata war, Krishna himself did nothing - only drove Arjuna's chariot. That is, gave him direction and helped him to go wherever Arjun wanted to go, but Arjun had to fight the enemy on his own.

Lord Krishna has clearly stated in the Bhagavad Geeta:
                     "Nadatte kasya chittapapam na sukritam vibhuh"
Meaning - God does not keep account of one's sins nor auspicious actions. He neither punishes nor rewards.
God is Shakti - the power - the inspiration - the source and force behind thoughts and actions. 
Karma is in our hands - our faculty. 
Man must do the action. 
We have to fight our own negative feelings.
To walk on the path of Gyana - the right knowledge and devotion, we must try to create a friendly and favorable environment in whichever way we can. 
Of course, Ardas and prayers are also useful, but karma is the most important thing. 
Lord Krishna has also pointed out another natural law in the Geeta that no one can ever live without karma. 
We are always doing something or the other. Even sleeping or sitting silently doing nothing, is also a kind of karma.

Therefore - if we cannot avoid karma at all, then why not move towards the right actions? 
Why not try to assert positive thoughts by removing negativity.
In this day and time, there seems to be more negativity around - and it is spreading more rapidly everywhere. Therefore, we might have to put more effort and work more vigorously to stay positive. 
Let's kill the Kamsa, Shakuni, and Dushasan present in our minds by any means and thus - establish Dharma.


  1. Absolutely wonderful analysis of this story. I particularly loved this reference,
    Lord Krishna has clearly stated in the Bhagavad Geeta:
    "Nadatte kasya chittapapam na sukritam vibhuh"
    Meaning - God does not keep account of one's sins nor auspicious actions. He neither punishes nor rewards

    After God realization it has to become clear that God is a mere witness & does not interfere in workings of the world. Its the law of karma that moves this world. I love the parable of the "2 birds" from Mundaka Upanishad that beautifully explains the concept of "witness"

    Thanks as always for sharing Rajan Ji. Your posts are a constant source of guidance for me.

    1. Thank you Datta ji for adding your valuable comments

  2. Thank you Rajan Ji.

    Your thoughts reminded me of an anecdote. There was a ancient sage by the name of Sutiksna and he asked the great Sage Agastya on which of the two provides liberation, Karma (action) or Knowledge? And Sage Agastya replied that Birds are able to fly only because they have two wings——with a single wing the bird is unable to fly. In a similar manner, Knowledge and Karma are both wings that elevate the soul to the supreme goal of liberation. Neither Karma alone nor knowledge alone can lead to salvation, but, both of them together are the means to reaching the Supreme Goal.

    And as you have greatly pointed out the importance of Karma or self-effort in dispelling the negativity within the self. In the Yoga Vashistha, Vashistha explains to Rama, “There is no power greater than right action (karma) in the present. Hence, one should take recourse to self-effort and one should overcome evil and negativity by effort.” There are some who assert that Fate or Destiny or Higher power is forcing them to perform certain actions and they point the finger that this higher power is directing all their actions, but Sage Vashistha asserts, “ One who says ‘Fate or Destiny is directing me to do this’ is brainless, and the goddess of fortune abandons him. Hence, by self-effort (karma) acquire wisdom and then realize that this self-effort will lead to the direct realization of Truth.” [Y.V ii: 4,5]

    1. You are absolutely right. All my life I have learned and experienced that Both - Gyan and Karma are equally important. Though circumstances, environment and people may play an important role in our life, yet each individual has to put personal effort for both - to acquire Gyana and to perform the Right Karma at the right time. Thanks for your learned comments and the additions to help make my message more clear and authentic with the scriptural references. Hope to get your valuable comments and wisdom more often in the future.


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...