Wednesday, January 29, 2020

तू बराए वस्ल करदन आमदी Tu baraaye vasl kardan aamdi

तू बराए वस्ल करदन आमदी 
 ने बराए फ़स्ल करदन आमदी 
                        'हज़रत रुमी'

Tu  baraaye vasl kardan aamdi
Nay baraaye fasl kardan aamdi
                           ~   ~   ~   ~
You had sent us (on the earth) to live in unity 
Not to create divisions (among people)
                                  'Maulana Rumi'

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

जिहि आँचल दीपक दुरयो Jihi Aanchal deepak duryo

               जिहि आँचल दीपक दुरयो, हन्यो सो ताही गात।
               ‘रहिमन ’ असमय के परे, मित्र सत्रु ह्वै जात॥

एक स्त्री साड़ी के जिस आँचल से दीपक को छिपाकर पवन से उसकी रक्षा करती है - 
दीपक उसी आँचल को जला डालता है। 
रहीम कहते हैं कि जब बुरे दिन आते हैं, तो मित्र भी शत्रु बन जाते हैं।

                Jihi Aanchal deepak duryo - Hanyo so taahi gaat
               'Rahiman' asamay kay paray, mitra shatru hwai jaat

A woman shields the lamp from the wind by covering it with her scarf - the pallu of her sari (dress) she is wearing.
But the lamp burns the scarf, which is protecting it.
Raheem says, During bad times, even friends become enemies.

Monday, January 27, 2020

क्या इतिहास अपने आप को दोहराता है ?

अक़्सर यह कहा जाता है कि इतिहास हमेशा अपने आप को दोहराता है।

क्या इसका मतलब यह है कि जो कुछ भी अतीत में हुआ था - कुछ साल, कुछ सौ, या कुछ हजार साल पहले हुआ था - वह उसी क्रम में फिर से होगा?
इसका अर्थ केवल इतना है कि अगर हम फिर वही ग़लतियाँ करते रहें जो हमने , या हमारे पूर्वजों ने पहले की थीं, तो इतिहास भी पहले की तरह ही स्वयं को दोहराता रहेगा।
आइंस्टीन ने भी कहा था कि किसी भी काम को एक ही तरीके से बार-बार करते रहना लेकिन हर बार अलग अलग परिणामों की उम्मीद करना, महज पागलपन है। 

इतिहास का अध्ययन और विश्लेषण केवल पढ़ने के लिए नहीं बल्कि इससे सीखने के लिए किया जाना चाहिए
हम अतीत से बहुत कुछ सीख सकते हैं - 
यदि पुराने तौर तरीके बदल लिए जाएं , तो उनसे होने वाले परिणामों को भी बदला जा सकता है। 
लेकिन अगर हम अतीत में की गई गलतियों से नहीं सीखते और फिर से वही गलतियाँ करते रहते हैं, तो इतिहास भी स्वयं को उसी तरह दोहराता रहेगा। 

हम एक बहती नदी में एक ही पानी में दो बार कदम नहीं रख सकते।
जो समय बीत चुका है उसे वापिस नहीं लाया जा सकता - 
अतीत में हुई घटनाएं बदली नहीं जा सकतीं - 
न ही हम उस बीते हुए समय में वापस जा कर पिछले इतिहास को बदल सकते हैं।
लेकिन वर्तमान में सही ढंग अपना लेने से भविष्य को बदला जा सकता है। 

अपने गौरवशाली अतीत के बारे में केवल बातें करते रहने से तो कुछ भी हासिल नहीं किया जा सकता है।  
पहले हो चुके महान व्यक्तियों एवं नायकों के जीवन से प्रेरणा ली जा सकती है, और ली जानी चाहिए 
लेकिन केवल उनकी महिमा का बखान करते रहने से वर्तमान या भविष्य को नहीं बदला जा सकता। 
हम इतिहास का अध्ययन और विश्लेषण करके बहुत सी बातें सीख सकते हैं। 
अगर हम पिछली पीढ़ियों द्वारा की गई गलतियों को न दोहराएं और उनके द्वारा किए गए अच्छे कामों की नकल करें 
तो हम अपने भविष्य को बेहतर बना सकते हैं।
लेकिन स्पष्ट है कि ऐसा करने के लिए दूरदर्शिता और समय के साथ बदलने की आवश्यकता है। 
                             ' राजन सचदेव '

Saturday, January 25, 2020

Does history repeat itself ?

It is often said that history repeats itself.
Does it mean that whatever happened in the past - a year ago, a hundred or a thousand years ago - will happen again in the same course? Of course not. It only means that if we keep doing the same things we (or our ancestors) did before, then history will also keep repeating itself with similar consequences as before.
Einstein said insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
History should be studied and analyzed to learn from it. We can learn from the past - change our ways and consequently change the outcome for the future. But if we do not learn from the mistakes made in the past and keep on making the same mistakes again, then history will also repeat itself in the same way.
We cannot step into the same water twice in a flowing river.
The time that has passed - the events that happened in the past - cannot be brought back - neither we can go back into time and change the course of history. Nothing can be achieved simply by talking about the glorious past - or just by glorifying the people and the heroes of the yesterday.
Nevertheless, we can learn many things by studying and analyzing history.
By avoiding the mistakes our previous generations made, and copying and implying the good things they did - we can make our future better.
Although, this requires an open mind curiosity and a willingness to change with the times.
'Rajan Sachdeva '

Friday, January 24, 2020

Paraadheen Sapnehu Sukh Nahin

                          "Paraadheen Sapnehu Sukh Nahin"
                                                 (Tulasi Das - Ram Charit Maanas)
One who is dependent on others, can not be happy even in his dreams. 
Whether we are slaves to others or our own beliefs and habits - it does not let us grow. 
While preconceived notions keep us restricted and imprisoned -
Freedom from acquired beliefs and dogmas allows us to embrace new ideas and ways to improve.

पराधीन सपनेहुँ सुख नाहीं

                                 पराधीन सपनेहुँ सुख नाहीं 
                                              (राम चरित मानस)

जो दूसरों पर निर्भर है, पराधीन है - वह कभी स्वप्न में भी प्रसन्न नहीं रह सकता।
चाहे हम दूसरों के गुलाम हों या स्वयं अपनी मान्यताओं एवं स्वभाव के आधीन हों - हम विकसित नहीं हो सकते।
पूर्व अधिग्रहित मान्यताएँ हमें प्रतिबंधित और कैद में रखती हैं - हमें विकसित नहीं होने देतीं।
पुरानी धारणाओं से मुक्त हो कर ही हम नए विचारों को अपना सकते हैं और जीवन में आगे बढ़ सकते हैं।

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Happy Subhash Chandra Bose Jayanti

To commemorate his contribution to India's struggle for independence, 
Subhash Chandra Bose Jayanti is celebrated across the country every year on 23rd January.
Today, in 2020, it will mark his 124th birth anniversary.

The Backward Law

'Wanting positive experience is a negative experience;
 Accepting a negative experience is a positive experience'. 

It's what the philosopher Allan Watts used to refer to as 'the backward law' -
- the idea that the more you pursue feeling better all the time, the less satisfied you become - 
as pursuing something only reinforces the fact that you lack it in the first place. 
The more you desperately want to be rich, the poorer and unworthy you feel, regardless of how much money you actually make. 
The more you desperately want to be sexy and desired, the uglier you come to see yourself, regardless of your actual physical appearance. 
The more you desperately want to be happy and loved, the lonelier and more afraid you become, regardless of those who surround you. 
The more you want to be spiritually enlightened, the more self-centered and shallow you become in trying to get there. 
                      ~  ~   ~   ~  ~   ~   ~  ~   ~   ~  ~   ~
Simply put, the harder we work at something, the less effective we might be.
A great example of this could be insomnia - sleeplessness. 
The more you think about sleeping - the harder you try to sleep, the harder it becomes to fall asleep.
Another example can be of swimming. 
When you are trying hard to swim - to float -  you start to sink. 
If you relax and let go, let your body sink - your body fights against you to push you back toward the surface. 
Similarly, when we try to push our conscious mind toward spirituality, but the subconscious mind wants something else - when the conscious mind and the subconscious mind are in conflict, the subconscious mind always wins - and we fail to achieve what the conscious mind wants to accomplish. 
Therefore, do not force your mind for meditation and Sumiran. 
Instead, relax and let go of everything - all thoughts and efforts. 
Spirituality is a subject of the Subconscious - not of a conscious mind.
                        (Partially taken from the Web)

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Concept of Hell in Hinduism

Question: Is there a concept of Hell in Hinduism?
Answer:   NO

According to western religions, God resides up in heaven, and the hell is below - under Satan's control.
Therefore, hell would be without God.

On the other hand, according to Hinduism, God is Omnipresent - All-Pervading. 
There is absolutely no place where God is not present.

Since hell is supposedly a place where God is not present, it means there is no such place as hell.
According to the Sanatan Dharma, logically, it simply can not exist as a physical plane. 
Heaven and hell are right here - in this life - 
in the form of pleasure and pain - joy and suffering - love and hatred. 

दुनिया का दस्तूर Duniya ka dastoor

अजीब है भगवान तेरी दुनिया का दस्तूर
जिसको गले लगाओ वो ही हो जाता है दूर

Ajeeb hai Bhagvaan teri duniya ka dastoor
Jisko galay lagaao - vohi ho jaata hai door 

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

The unbelievable story of Dr. Abdul Kalam - the late President of India

A MUST-READ Unbelievable information.

D. D. Podhigai telecast an interview with Mr. P. M. Nair, (retired IAS officer, who was the Secretary to Dr. Abdul Kalam when he was the President.)
 Mr. Nair authored a book titled 'Kalam Effect.
Summary of the points he spoke in a voice choked with emotion:

1. Dr. Kalam used to receive costly gifts whenever he went abroad - as it is customary for many nations to give gifts to the visiting Heads of State. 
Refusing the gift would become an insult to the nation and an embarrassment for India. So, he received them, and on his return, Dr. Kalam asked the gifts to be photographed and then cataloged and handed over to the archives. 
Afterward, he never even looked at them. 
He did not take even a single pencil from the gifts received when he left Rashtrapathi Bhavan.

2. In 2002, the year Dr. Kalam took over, the Ramadan month came in July-August. It was a regular practice for the President to host an iftar party. 
Dr. Kalam asked Mr. Nair, why he should host a party to people who are already well-fed, and asked him to find out how much would be the cost. 
Mr. Nair told it would cost around Rs. 22 lakhs. 
Dr. Kalam asked him to donate that amount to a few selected orphanages in the form of food, dresses, and blankets. 
The selection of orphanages was left to a team in Rashtrapathi Bhavan, and Dr. Kalam had no role in it. 
After the selection was made, Dr. Kalam asked Mr. Nair to come inside his room and gave him a cheque for Rs 1 lakh. He said that he was giving some amount from his personal savings for the party, and this should not be informed to anyone.
Mr. Nair was so shocked - he said: "Sir, I will go outside and tell everyone. People should know that there is a man who not only donated what he should have spent, but he is giving his own money also". 
Dr. Kalam, though he was a devout Muslim, did not have Iftar parties in the years in which he was the President. 

3. Dr. Kalam did not like the 'Yes Sir" type of people. 
     Once, when the Chief Justice of India had come and on some point, Dr. Kalam expressed his views and asked Mr. Nair: 'Do you agree?
 Mr. Nair said, 'No Sir - I do not agree with you. 
The Chief Justice was shocked - he could not believe his ears.  
A civil servant couldn't disagree with the President and that too so openly. 
Mr. Nair told him that the President would question him afterward why he disagreed, and if the reason was logical, then he would surely change his mind.

4. Once Dr. Kalam invited fifty of his relatives to come to Delhi, and they all stayed in Rashtrapathi Bhavan.
 He organized a bus for them to go around the city, which was paid for by him. No official car was used. Their stay and food were all calculated as per the instructions of Dr. Kalam. The bill came to Rs 2 lakhs, which he paid from his pocket. 
In the history of this country, no one has ever done it. 

Now, wait for the climax, Dr. Kalam's elder brother stayed with him in his room for the entire one week as Dr. Kalam wanted his brother to stay with him. When he left, Dr. Kalam wanted to pay rent for that room also. 

Imagine the President of a country paying rent for the room in which he is staying.
Anyway, this was not agreed to by the staff, who thought the honesty was getting too much to handle!!!.

5. When Kalam Sir was to leave Rashtrapathi Bhavan at the end of his tenure, every staff member went and met him and paid their respects. Mr. Nair went to him alone, as his wife had fractured her leg and was confined to bed. Dr. Kalam asked him why his wife did not come. He replied that she was in bed due to an accident. 
The next day, Mr.Nair saw a lot of policemen around his house and asked what had happened. 
They said that the President of India was coming to visit him at his house. He came and met his wife and chatted for some time. 
Mr. Nair says that no president of any country would visit a civil servant's house and that too on such a simple pretext.

The younger brother of APJ Abdul Kalam runs an umbrella repairing shop. 
When Mr. Nair met him during Kalam’s funeral,  he touched his feet, in token of respect for both Mr. Nair and Brother.

I (the author of this article) thought I should give these details, as many of you may not have seen the telecast.
Such information should be widely shared on social media.

The property left behind by Dr.A.P.J.Abdul Kalam was estimated as follows:

6 pants    (2 DRDO uniforms)
4 shirts    (2 DRDO uniforms)
3 suits      (1 western, 2 Indian)
2500    books 
1 flat (which he has donated)
1 Padmashri Award
1 Padmabhushan Award
1 Bharat Ratna Award
16 doctorates  
1 website
1 twitter account
1 email id
He didn't have any TV, AC, car, jewelry, shares, land, or bank balance.
He had even donated his last 8 years' pension towards the development of his village.

He was a real patriot and true Indian.
India will forever be grateful to you, sir.

                                        (From the Web)

There are so many exceptionally great and incredible people in every part of the world -
But most of us hardly know about them.

Monday, January 20, 2020

Sunaa hai aaj Kashmir mein barf padee hai !!

Himaachhaadit parvat shrinkhlaa sajee dhajee hai 
Chahun or shvet see prakriti nistabdh khadee hai 
Nanhen nanhen shvet golon kee lagee jhadee hai 
Sunaa hai aaj Kashmir mein barf padee hai !!

log baag kambal kay neechay badan chhupaatay hongay

Simtay-sikuday naukar-chaakar chaai banaatay hongay
Kehtay hongay log - aaj to thand kadee hai 
Sunaa hai aaj Kashmir mein barf padee hai !!

Dal jheel ka paani bhee to jam gayaa hogaa 

Paryatkon ka aanaa jaanaa tham gayaa hogaa 
Laal chauk mein bhee na koyi bheed khadee hai 
Sunaa hai aaj Kashmir mein barf padee hai !!

Nishat - Shaalimar barf say dhak gaye hongay 

Chashme-Shaahi kay chashmay bhee jam gaye hongay
Dhartee lagtee hogee jaisay rajat jadee hai 
Sunaa hai aaj Kashmir mein barf padee hai !!

Qudrat nay husno-naaz say jisko navaazaa hai 

Us sarzameen ki yaad dil mein aaj bhee taazaa hai 
Bhoolay bisray khwaabon ki bhee lagee jhadee hai 
Sunaa hai aaj Kashmir mein barf padee hai !!

Rishiyon Muniyon kee ghaatee kyonkar ujdee hai 

Bar-ru-e-zameen firdaus* kee soorat kyon bigdee hai 
Kyon mazahab - millat ki vahaan diwaar khadee hai 
Jannat jaisee ghaatee kyon sunsaan padee hai 

Rab nay to sab bandon ko yaksaan banaayaa thaa 

Saanjhee dhartee - saanjhaa aasmaan banaaya thaa
Valiyon peeron nay prem ka paath padhaaya thaa
Aapas mein miljul kay rehnaa hee sikhaaya tha 

Na Hindu badaa hai - na Musalman badaa hai 

Insaaaniyat ka dharm hee duniya mein badaa hai 
Jang-o-jahad say zameen pay kuchh na bachega 
Chain-aman say rehnay mein hee sab ka bhala hai 

Nafraton say 'Rajan' kuchh bhee faayada nahin 

Bandon say vair - bandgee ka qaayada nahin 
Pyaar kee aatish jalaao - thand kadee hai 
Vaadiyon ko phir sanvaarnay ki ghadi hai
Sunaa hai aaj Kashmir mein barf padee hai !!
                                 'Rajan Sachdeva'

Himaachhaadit                               Covered with snow
Parvat shrinkhlaa                         Mountain range, Chain of mountains
Nistabdh                                        Quiet, Silent
Paryatk                                           Visitors
Rajat jadee                                    Silver plated, Covered with Silver
Ghaatee                                          Valley
Bar-ru-e-zameen firdaus            Paradise on the face of the earth

Majahb-0-Millat                           Religionism
Yaksaan                                          Equal, Similar
Jang-o-jahad                                 Wars, Fightings, Hostilities 

Aatish                                             Fire, Flame, Spark

Note :
There is a saying in Persian about Kashmir :
      *Cho bar Roo-e-zameen Firdaus ast
        Hamee ast - hamee ast - hamee ast 
If there is paradise on the face of the earth, 
This is it - This is it - This is it.

सुना है आज काश्मीर में बरफ़ पड़ी है !!

हिमाच्छादित  पर्वत श्रृंखला सजी धजी है 
चहुंओर श्वेत सी प्रकृति निस्तब्ध खड़ी है
नन्हें नन्हें श्वेत गोलों की लगी झड़ी है
सुना है आज काश्मीर में बरफ़ पड़ी है !!

लोगबाग कंबल के नीचे बदन छिपाते होंगे
सिमटे-सिकुड़े नौकर-चाकर चाय बनाते होंगे
कहते होंगे लोग - आज तो ठण्ड कड़ी है
सुना है आज काश्मीर में बरफ़ पड़ी है !!

डल झील का पानी भी तो जम गया होगा
पर्यटकों का आना जाना थम गया होगा
लाल चौक में भी न कोई भीड़ खड़ी है
सुना है आज काश्मीर में बरफ़ पड़ी है !!

निशात - शालीमार बर्फ से ढ़क गए होंगे
चश्मे शाही के चश्मे भी जम गए होंगे
धरती लगती होगी जैसे रजत जड़ी है
सुना है आज काश्मीर में बरफ़ पड़ी है !!

क़ुदरत ने हुसनो-नाज़ से जिसको नवाज़ा है
उस सरज़मीं की याद दिल में आज भी ताज़ा है
भूले बिसरे ख़्वाबों की भी लगी झड़ी है
सुना है आज काश्मीर में बरफ़ पड़ी है..!!

ऋषियों मुनियों की घाटी क्योंकर उजड़ी है
बर-रु-ए-ज़मीं फ़िरदौस *की सूरत क्यों बिगड़ी है
क्यों मज़हब -मिल्लत की वहां दीवार खड़ी है
जन्नत जैसी घाटी क्यों सुनसान पड़ी है
रब ने तो सब बंदों को यकसां बनाया था
सांझी धरती - सांझा आसमां बनाया था
वलियों पीरों ने प्रेम का पाठ पढ़ाया था
आपस में मिलजुल के रहना ही सिखाया था

न हिन्दू बड़ा है - न मुसलमान बड़ा है
इन्सानियत का धर्म ही दुनिया में बड़ा है
जंगो -जहद से ज़मीं पे कुछ न बचेगा
चैन-अमन से रहने में ही सब का भला है

नफ़रतों से 'राजन कुछ भी फ़ायदा नहीं
बंदों से वैर  - बंदगी का क़ायदा नहीं 

प्यार की आतिश जलाओ - ठंड कड़ी है 
वादियों को फिर संवारने के घड़ी है 
सुना है आज काश्मीर में बरफ़ पड़ी है !!
                           " राजन सचदेव  "

नोट :
*काश्मीर के बारे में फ़ारसी में एक कहावत है कि
                 चो बर रु -ए -ज़मीं फ़िरदौस अस्त
                 हमी अस्त - हमी अस्त - हमी अस्त
अर्थात :
               अगर धरती पर कहीं स्वर्ग है तो
                यही है -यही है - यही है 

Sunday, January 19, 2020

I am rich and born in a high family

आढ्योऽभिजनवानस्मि कोऽन्योऽस्ति सदृशो मया।
यक्ष्ये दास्यामि मोदिष्य इत्यज्ञानविमोहिताः।।

Aadhyo-abhijanvaanasmi Ko anyo-asti sadrisho mayaa
Yakshaye daasyaami modishya itya-gyaanvimohitah
                              (Bhagavad Geeta 16 - 15)

I am rich and born in a high family -
Who else is there similar to me? 
I will perform noble deeds; I will give charity, 
and thus, I will rejoice -
Such are the thoughts deluded by ignorance.

Word-by-word meaning:
 आढ्यः  Aadhya                                 --  Rich
 अभिजनवान्  Abhijanvaan                --  Born in a high family
 अस्मि  Asmi                                        --   I am
 कः        Kah                                         --    who
 अन्यः     Anya                                       --   Else
 अस्ति     Asti                                         --    is
 सदृशः    Sadrishyah                            --    Equal
 मया       Mayaa                                    --    to me
 यक्ष्ये     Yakshaye                                --   will perform
 दास्यामि  Daasyaami                           --   I will give
 मोदिष्ये    Modishaye                          --    will rejoice
 इति          iti                                           --   Thus
अज्ञानविमोहिताः Agyaan vimohitah     -- Deluded by ignorance

Thursday, January 16, 2020

There is a purpose for everyone you meet.

There is a purpose for everyone you meet.
No one meets you in life without a purpose.
Some are there to help you - and some who need your help.
Some will teach you some lessons. 
Some are there to learn from you. 
Some are there to test you -
Some will use you -
and some will bring out the best in you.
We can learn from everyone - 
if we are willing and try to find out what lesson is there for us to learn from them.  

                                        From the Web

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Consulting Vaastu-Shastra for Home

Munnu Swamy made it big in business, so he spent a lot of money buying a piece of land in the city outskirts (Visakhapatnam rural) and built a 3-story farmhouse. He had an impressive swimming pool in the garden with a 100-year-old Mango Tree in the backyard to boot. In fact, he bought the property precisely because of this tree. 

During renovations, his friends urged him to get guidance from a Vaastu Pandit. Munnu Swamy never quite believed in Vaastu Shastra, yet surprising he took the advice to heart and went out of his way to engage a Vaastu Pandit from Hyderabad. The pandit was none other than Dr. Veera Reddy - who's been in the profession for 30+ years, renowned in the Vaastu Shastra. Munnu Swamy drove the Vaastu Pandit to the rural Visakhapatnam. While driving, whenever a vehicle tried to overtake, Munnu Swamy quietly pulled aside and gave way. 
The pandit laughingly remarked: "Swamy Garu, your driving is very safe." 
Munnu Swamy laughed at the remark: “Usually people who want to overtake, have some urgent matter to attend to - so we shouldn't hold them up.”

Arriving at a small town Vizianagaram, the streets grew narrow, and so Munnu Swamy slowed down.
A giggling child suddenly came out from the side lane, and as the child ran across the street, Swamy still didn't speed up. He kept his eyes on the road - as if waiting for someone. 
Suddenly, another child came out, chasing after the child ahead.
Dr. Reddy was surprised and asked: “How did you know there would be another child coming?”
Swamy smiled: "Kids are always chasing after each other. 
A child can't be running in such glee without a playmate.”
Dr. Reddy gave him a big thumbs up: “That's very considerate of you!”

Arriving at the farmhouse, they got down from the car.
Suddenly about 7 to 8 birds flew off from the backyard.
Swamy said to Pandit: “ If you don't mind, please wait here for a little while.”
“What's the matter?" Pandit asked.
"Oh, probably there are some kids stealing mangoes in the backyard. 
If we walk in now, we might frighten them. 
Let's not risk anyone falling off the old Mango Tree." Munnu Swamy replied humorously. 
Pandit Veera Reddy stayed silent for a while before making a statement: 
“This home doesn't need a Vaastu treatment.”

Swamy was shocked: “Why's that?”

 “Any place graced with your presence naturally becomes the most auspicious Vaastu. 
There is no need to perform any ritual to purify it. It is already the purest place of all.”
                                   ~~      ~~
When our minds prioritize others’ peace and happiness, it does not benefit just others, but ourselves too. 

When a person is considerate of others at all times, he or she automatically accomplishes Sainthood. 

A Saint is a person, who through benefiting others, becomes enlightened. 

Monday, January 13, 2020

Belief vs Knowledge

When we hear something over and over again - a few hundred or thousand times, we start believing it.
And when we hear a different and opposite logic a few hundred times, our belief changes and starts to shatter.
However, the belief, which comes from personal experience, becomes knowledge, and it can not be shattered or weakened. Therefore, instead of getting swayed by other people's precepts, or rumors, wise people trust their own experience and act accordingly. 
                                       'Rajan Sachdeva'

Sunday, January 12, 2020

We Must Unlearn

We must unlearn what we have learned.
A conditioned mind cannot comprehend the infinite.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

किसने हैं ये रंग बिखेरे - किसने ये तस्वीर बनाई?

कल सुबह उठ के जब खिड़की के परदे खोले - तो ये हसीं नज़ारा देखने को मिला - (See Pictures at the bottom)
                     और फिर ज़ेहन में उतरे ये चंद मिसरे ........  

किसने हैं ये रंग बिखेरे - 
किसने ये तस्वीर बनाई?
कौन मुसव्वर - सुबह सवेरे               
क्या थी उसके मन में आई?
                       ये सुर्ख़ आरिज़, सुनहरी शुआएं 
                        उफ़क पर ये कैसा शबाब आ रहा है 
कौन है जिसकी आमद से -
            आसमां हुआ गुलाबी गुलाबी 
ख़ुश्बू है फैली बाद-ए -सबा में 
     फ़िज़ा भी है लगती शराबी शराबी 
                           ये हसीन मंज़र, ये हसीं नज़ारा
                           ये सच है या कोई ख़्वाब आ रहा है 

मशरिक़ से उठने लगी हैं किरणें
         परिंदे भी सर उठाने लगे हैं 
अर्श पे लाल पीली लकीरें
         देख के चहचहाने लगे हैं 
                       आओ मिल के हम भी करें ख़ैर-मक़्दम
                        कि सुबहे-नौ ले के आफताब आ रहा है 

हर सुबह आती है नई उमंग ले कर 
एक नई आशा -उम्मीद संग ले कर 
ज़रा ग़ौर से देखना जब हो फ़ुरसत
क्या क्या नज़ारे दिखाती है क़ुदरत 
                        ले के नई उमंगें, नई उम्मीदें 'राजन '
                        ले के नए इमकान,नए असबाब आ रहा है 

                        सुप्रभात कह के करें इसका स्वागत 
                        नई सुबह ले के आफ़ताब आ रहा है 
                                                     " राजन सचदेव "

मुसव्वर                        चित्रकार    Painter
आरिज़                         चेहरा,कपाल,गाल Face, cheeks
शुआएं                         किरणें     Rays       
उफ़क                         क्षितिज    Horizon
बाद-ए-सबा                 सुबह की ताज़ा हवा  Morning breeze, a refreshing wind
मशरिक़                       पूर्व  East
अर्श                             आसमां, आकाश Sky
ख़ैर-मक़्दम                  स्वागत        Welcome
सुबहे-नौ                      नयी सुबह     New morning
इमकान                       संभावनाएं     Possibilities
असबाब                       कारण, हालात  Reason, Circumstances 


Kis nay hain ye rang bikheray - Kis nay ye tasveer banaayi?

Yesterday morning, when I opened the curtains - I saw this beautiful, astonishing scene from the window - 
 (See Pictures at the bottom)
                Then later these few lines came to my mind

Kis nay hain ye rang bikheray - 
Kis nay ye tasveer banaayi?
Kkaun musavvar - subah saveray        
Kya thee us kay man mein aayi?
                       Ye surkh aariz, sunehari shuaaen 
                       Ufuq pay ye kaisa shabaab aa raha hai 

Kaun hai jis kee aamad say -
Aasmaan huaa gulaabi gulaabi
Khushbu hai phaili baad-e-sabaa mein 
Fizaa bhee hai lagti sharaabi sharaabi 
                           ye haseen manzar, ye haseen nazaara
                           ye sach hai ya koyi khwaab aa rahaa hai 

Mashriq say uthnay lagi hain kirnen  
Parinday bhee sar uthaanay lagay hain 
Arsh pay laal peelee lakeeren 
Dekh kay chehchahaanay lagay hain 
                       Aao mil kay ham bhee karen khair-maqdam
                       Ki subah-e-nau lay kay aaftaab aa rahaa hai 

Har subah aatee hai nayi umang lay kar 
Ek nayi aashaa - ummeed sang lay kar 
Zaraa gaur say dekhnaa jab ho fursat
kya kya nazaaray dikhaati hai qudarat 
                Lay kay nayi umangen, nayi ummeeden 'Rajan 
                Lay kay naye imkaan naye asbaab aa rahaa hai
                        Suprabhaat keh kay - karen is kaa Svaagat 
                        Nayi subah lay kay aaftaab aa rahaa hai 
                                                   " Rajan Sachdeva "

Musavvar                        Painter
Aariz                                Face, Cheeks
Shuaen                            Rays
Uufuq                              Horizon
Baad-e-saba                   Morning breeze, Refreshing wind
Mashriq                          East
Arsh                                 Sky
Khair-maqdam              Welcome
Subahe-nau                     New morning
Imkaan                             Possibilities
Asbaab                             Reasons. Circumstances 

Suprabhaat                     Good Morning
Aaftaab                            Sun

Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...