Wednesday, May 8, 2019

The Vampire and How to Control it

The concept of a Vampire is that he sucks the blood of a living person and thus the life out of the body. Before the advancement of modern medicine, people did not know the reality of certain fatal diseases such as cancer. 
If some people had a fatal disease like cancer and their energy was drawn out slowly - they were becoming weaker and sicker by the day, then they thought that some invisible evil force was sucking the life out of them. 
They called it a Vampire. 
Now we know that the cause of such symptoms is fatal diseases such as cancer.
There is another invisible evil force like the Vampire that works in our mind. This evil force is called Negativity. 
Negative thoughts also suck out energy from our brain, as well as from our body.
We all, at one point or the other, become a victim of this Mind Vampire. However, we must not give in to its evil power. We must focus on positive thoughts, and not allow negativity to take over.
Thoughts influence our minds and also our surroundings.
Just like a small stone, thrown into the still waters of a lake can cause ripples up to a great distance, our thoughts can also create a similar effect in the universe. 
Whenever we have a thought or desire, whether negative or positive, the whole universe begins to work towards fulfilling that desire.
Once, I heard a story from Baba Avtar Singh ji that a man was traveling through a desert. It was a hot day, and he soon became exhausted. He craved to find a tree so he could rest under its shade, and suddenly he saw a tree in front of him. He promptly sat down in the shade under the tree.  Little did he know that it was the Kalp-Vriksh; the tree that provides everything one wishes for while sitting under it.
He was tired and thirsty - he wished he had some water with him and suddenly a bucket of water appeared under the tree. Then he thought how great it would be to have some food as he was hungry too, and in a matter of seconds, a plate full of food appeared under the tree. 
While eating, he began to wonder, since there is no one else around, who is fulfilling all of my wishes?  
He thought: "There must be a ghost around here who keeps providing everything I wish for,"  
With that thought, suddenly a ghost appeared in front of him. He started trembling with fear, and he thinks, "what if the ghost eats me?"
At which point, the ghost proceeds to eat him.
After narrating this story, Shehanshah Ji explained that our thoughts though invisible, are very powerful. Whether they are negative or positive, they have a strong influence on our lives. It's like living under a Kalpa-Vriksha. When we think negative - something negative happens, and if we start thinking positively - something positive is bound to happen. 
So, we must control our thoughts at all times.
We must try to change our thinking process - By reminding ourselves constantly to stay positive.
With positive thoughts, we can find the cause for every effect and solution to every problem. 
Our thoughts can heal our illnesses, troubled minds, and broken hearts.
As now it has been proven by science also - our mind is a powerful thing. 
All experiences, events, conditions, and actions that happen are indeed the reactions to our thoughts. 
Therefore, first of all, we must believe that our mind is quite powerful. 
To achieve the desired outcomes, we must realize the mind's power first. 
However, the mind works on the principle of faith. It's a strong faith - the conviction that brings the results. 
Therefore, we must be careful about what we believe. Believing in myths and superstitions, or the religious fears that are widespread in the world may lead to a negative impact on us. 
Therefore, we should only believe in the Eternal Truth. 

The mind is an empty ground, and our thoughts are the seeds. 
The thoughts we sow in our mind lead to the outcome of our life.  
Holy Scriptures have repeatedly proclaimed:
Change your thoughts, and you can change your destiny. 
                 Ye yatha maam prapadyantay, Tanstathaiv Bhajaamyaham: 
"Howsoever people approach me, I respond to them in the same way."
                                                       (Bhagavad Gita 4:11)
(The word 'Me and I' should be understood here as nature, the universe or the Most-high - whatever we want to call the Supreme power.)
Meaning - if our approach is negative, then negative will come back to us, and if we approach it positively, then positive will happen. 
By accepting whatever happens without complaints, we can find peace within ourselves, as well as with our surroundings and situations - by shifting our focus from negativity to positivity.

There was a potter in a small village who used to make clay pots. One morning, when he was getting ready to begin his work, his neighbor came and asked him what he was going to make that day. The potter said he was planning to make a Chilam, a small clay stove which is used to burn tobacco in Hukka - a smoking pot. The neighbor stood there to watch him work. The potter took some clay, placed it on the moving wheel, and with his hands started to give it shape. When the potter finished, the neighbor saw that what he had made was not a Chilam - it was a Suraahi,  a long-necked jar that keeps water cold in summer.
The neighbor was surprised. "you said you were going to make a Chilam, but I see that this is a Suraahi'. He asked.
The potter replied: "I know, but while working on it, I changed my mind'.
Hearing this, the Suraahi said, 
"My dear potter, by changing your mind, you have changed my destiny - my entire life. If you had made me a Chilam, then I had to burn all the time - and all those who would come in contact with me would also be affected. Now that I am a Suraahi, not only I will stay cool myself - I will also help others to stay cool by providing cold water to them."
Just because the potter changed his mind, the vessel's destiny changed. 
Similarly, by shifting our thoughts - we can also change our destiny. 
                                             'Rajan Sachdeva'


  1. Nicely written Guru Ji. You have emphasized the importance of being in control of our thoughts (feelings, which can also be the outcome of a thoughts). Now, it would be nice if you write about how one can be the master of his own thoughts or feelings. I hope you will write another article to address that.

    1. Dear Sheikh Sama - Thank you for your comments. In a nutshell, the answer to your question is three Ps. The secret that my Gurus told me and I passed it on to you when you came to learn with me.
      The three P's are - Practice, Practice, and Practice. ��


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...