Wednesday, May 15, 2019

If you lose faith in God

If being hurt by the Church, Temple or Gurdwara, etc. causes you to lose faith in God
- Then your faith was wrongly placed in people, not in God.
Search your heart and see where your faith is.
If you have placed your faith solely on people, no matter how high regards you may have - if you ever find any shortcoming in them - your faith will be destroyed. No one is perfect. Imperfections are the natural part of every form - every object and every human being. If you try to find people without any faults, then you will be left alone. 
Having faith in All-pervading, Almighty God will always keep you stable and secure. 
Respect people - along with their faults and shortcomings - -
But have faith in Almighty formless & flawless Nirankar God. 
                               ' Rajan Sachdeva '


  1. Thank you ji, this is all I needed right now.

  2. Thanks for sharing this ๐Ÿ™Œ

  3. Thank you ji for sharing this. Time and again I fall into the trap of putting people on a pedestal & having expectations from them. Often the other person is not even aware of the expectations I’ve had of them in my mind & when they dont live up to it, it causes pain. All through, the other person is not even aware of the expectations I have had of them.

    As you said, I need to respect everyone & have faith completely in Nirankar ��


Discussion vs Argument เคšเคฐ्เคšा เคฌเคจाเคฎ เคฌเคนเคธ

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...