Thursday, May 16, 2019

Great, Average and Small Minds

Great minds discuss ideas.
Average minds discuss events.
Small minds discuss people.

Great minds listen to great ideas from anyone.
Average minds only listen to what they like.
Small minds want others to listen to them. 

Great minds admire and act upon the great ideas.
Average minds admire and worship great people for their ideas.
Small minds oppose any great idea - if it is not theirs.

Great people strive to help others.
Average people talk about helping others.
Small people want to get credit for it.

Great people get the map and move on to their journey.
Average people want someone to hold their hand throughout the journey.
Small people think they can pay someone to walk on their behalf. 

Great minds focus on ideology and achieve their goal.
Average minds lose their focus and struggle to achieve.
Small minds don't even try.
                              ' Rajan Sachdeva '


Itnay Betaab kyon hain - Why so much restlessness?

 Itnay betaab - itnay beqaraar kyon hain  Log z aroorat say zyaada hoshyaar  kyon hain  Moonh pay to sabhi dost hain lekin Peeth peechhay d...