Monday, May 13, 2019

Blissful Memories - Baba Hardev Singh ji - # 2

I had the privilege of knowing Baba Hardev Singh ji personally and somewhat closely from his early youth and I always found him modest, humble, and quite shy by nature from his very childhood.
When I was a Junior Lecturer at the Govt. women college Patiala, he was studying at YPS - Yadvindra Public School - which was right across the road from my college. I used to visit him occasionally - sometimes to deliver messages from Rajmata ji or Bhai Sahib Amar Singh ji. He was always shy and quiet by nature. Knowing that he would be the next Sadguru, I always treated him with the utmost respect - by doing Dandaut Namaskar (knees on the ground in front of him and placing my head on his feet) - just like I saw Bhapa Ram Chand ji doing whenever he met him. However, Bhola ji (his childhood nickname) always objected and asked me not to do it - especially in front of his friends and teachers. I smiled at his innocence in my heart - but, humbly and respectfully disregarded what he said and continued to do it anyway - Always. 
Later, when I moved to Jammu, he used to visit there a few times every year on business or pleasure trip along with his best friend Babu (Hardyal Singh). Fortunately, I always got the opportunity to be his host and to accompany him around in Jammu and the surrounding area - which gave me the privilege to know him better and interact with him closely.
I can never forget one incidence that happened a couple of years later. 
Once I met him in Delhi. By this time - he was known as Seth ji. When I did namaskar to him the same way, he said: "Rajan ji, Tusi is taraan naa kareya karo. Tusi Gyan Pracharak vee ho - main taan kujh vee nahin haan." 
        (Please don't do this - you are a Gyan-Pracharak while I am nothing).
I was so impressed and humbled by his humility. 
I said "Aap ji maalik ho aur mere layi Baba Gurbachn Singh ji da hee roop ho - 
You are not only the son of my Satguru - I see you just like him as well - just like Baba Gurbachan Singh ji, and I have the utmost respect for you in my heart. Please do not ever take this privilege away from me."

Though we became friends and had come a little closer, yet two things - his modesty and my respect for him never changed. I always felt that, just as my respect for him was genuine, his humility and sincerity was not just for the sake of courtesy but a part of his true nature. 

Seldom we get the opportunity and privilege of seeing the great and noble personalities closely - before they become big and famous. I feel fortunate and grateful for getting the privilege of knowing him personally for all those years - before he became the Sadguru in 1980 - and then also afterward. 

Everyone who knew him - knows what he did for the Mission and wanted to do for humanity in general, but the unforgettable, personal memories always stay very close to our hearts for the rest of our lives. 
                                            'Rajan Sachdeva '


  1. Being humble is one of the signs of a pure heart. I have seen many great achievers and successful people, but they have pride/ego their heart but these negative emotions create distance between a man the God. Being humble and removing ego i think is a giant step towards being spiritual.

  2. Really blissful memories....

  3. Beautiful. Thank you Ji for sharing.

  4. Blissful memories, Will inspire others, Thanks for sharing.

  5. Blissful jee
    "Kaun Rooha da Raja, mere huzoor jeha..."


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...