Thursday, May 30, 2019

If I think I don't need ... अगर मैं सोचता हूँ कि ....

अगर मैं सोचता हूँ कि मुझे 
                किसी की ज़रुरत नहीं - 
                                        तो ये मेरा अहम है 
 और अगर मैं सोचता हूँ कि 
                        सबको मेरी ज़रुरत है - 
                                                तो ये मेरा वहम है

If I think I don't need anyone - 
                                                          it is Ego.
And if I think everyone needs me - 
                                                   it is blindness.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Mark of an Educated Mind

It's the mark of an educated mind -
to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.
                                    — Aristotle 

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Do we need to be told?

Do we really need to be told to treat others well - to respect - to be kind - to be fair and to give? 
To judge less - To love more - To look after our families. 
Do we need to do these things out of fear of God - or to please Him or someone we respect? To get into heaven and enjoy a better afterlife? 
We are told to be kind and considerate to preserve the family's honor -for the sake of our community or the religion. 
Why can't we do these things just for the sake of doing - out of love? 
- Simply because these are the natural qualities of human beings.
The problem in doing things just for the sake of others is - that if for some reason, we lose respect for them, we might stop doing all these good things too. 
On the other hand, if we make these attributes a part of our nature, then these qualities - regardless of the circumstances, will remain with us for the rest of our lives. 
The best ideal is: 
Treat others as you want to be treated by others. 
And don't do to others what you don't want to be done to you.
                                     ' Rajan Sachdeva '

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Great, Average and Small Minds

Great minds discuss ideas.
Average minds discuss events.
Small minds discuss people.

Great minds listen to great ideas from anyone.
Average minds only listen to what they like.
Small minds want others to listen to them. 

Great minds admire and act upon the great ideas.
Average minds admire and worship great people for their ideas.
Small minds oppose any great idea - if it is not theirs.

Great people strive to help others.
Average people talk about helping others.
Small people want to get credit for it.

Great people get the map and move on to their journey.
Average people want someone to hold their hand throughout the journey.
Small people think they can pay someone to walk on their behalf. 

Great minds focus on ideology and achieve their goal.
Average minds lose their focus and struggle to achieve.
Small minds don't even try.
                              ' Rajan Sachdeva '

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

If you lose faith in God

If being hurt by the Church, Temple or Gurdwara, etc. causes you to lose faith in God
- Then your faith was wrongly placed in people, not in God.
Search your heart and see where your faith is.
If you have placed your faith solely on people, no matter how high regards you may have - if you ever find any shortcoming in them - your faith will be destroyed. No one is perfect. Imperfections are the natural part of every form - every object and every human being. If you try to find people without any faults, then you will be left alone. 
Having faith in All-pervading, Almighty God will always keep you stable and secure. 
Respect people - along with their faults and shortcomings - -
But have faith in Almighty formless & flawless Nirankar God. 
                               ' Rajan Sachdeva '

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

तमन्नाएं कम नहीं होंगी Tamannayen kum nahin hongi

तमन्नाएं उमर भर कभी कम नहीं होंगी
मुश्किलें भी शायद कभी हल नहीं होंगी 
फिर भी जी रहे हैं हम वर्षों से इस तमन्ना में
कि समस्याएं जो आज हैं वो शायद कल नहीं होंगी 

Tamannayen umar bhar kabhee kum nahin hongi
Mushkilen bhee shaayad kabhee hal nahin hongi 
Phir bhee jee rahay hain hum varshon say is tamanna mein
Ki Samasyayen  jo aaj hain vo shaayad kal nahin hongi

Those who are having a hard time

For those who are having a hard time right now
                 This is only Temporary

Monday, May 13, 2019

Blissful Memories - Baba Hardev Singh ji - # 2

I had the privilege of knowing Baba Hardev Singh ji personally and somewhat closely from his early youth and I always found him modest, humble, and quite shy by nature from his very childhood.
When I was a Junior Lecturer at the Govt. women college Patiala, he was studying at YPS - Yadvindra Public School - which was right across the road from my college. I used to visit him occasionally - sometimes to deliver messages from Rajmata ji or Bhai Sahib Amar Singh ji. He was always shy and quiet by nature. Knowing that he would be the next Sadguru, I always treated him with the utmost respect - by doing Dandaut Namaskar (knees on the ground in front of him and placing my head on his feet) - just like I saw Bhapa Ram Chand ji doing whenever he met him. However, Bhola ji (his childhood nickname) always objected and asked me not to do it - especially in front of his friends and teachers. I smiled at his innocence in my heart - but, humbly and respectfully disregarded what he said and continued to do it anyway - Always. 
Later, when I moved to Jammu, he used to visit there a few times every year on business or pleasure trip along with his best friend Babu (Hardyal Singh). Fortunately, I always got the opportunity to be his host and to accompany him around in Jammu and the surrounding area - which gave me the privilege to know him better and interact with him closely.
I can never forget one incidence that happened a couple of years later. 
Once I met him in Delhi. By this time - he was known as Seth ji. When I did namaskar to him the same way, he said: "Rajan ji, Tusi is taraan naa kareya karo. Tusi Gyan Pracharak vee ho - main taan kujh vee nahin haan." 
        (Please don't do this - you are a Gyan-Pracharak while I am nothing).
I was so impressed and humbled by his humility. 
I said "Aap ji maalik ho aur mere layi Baba Gurbachn Singh ji da hee roop ho - 
You are not only the son of my Satguru - I see you just like him as well - just like Baba Gurbachan Singh ji, and I have the utmost respect for you in my heart. Please do not ever take this privilege away from me."

Though we became friends and had come a little closer, yet two things - his modesty and my respect for him never changed. I always felt that, just as my respect for him was genuine, his humility and sincerity was not just for the sake of courtesy but a part of his true nature. 

Seldom we get the opportunity and privilege of seeing the great and noble personalities closely - before they become big and famous. I feel fortunate and grateful for getting the privilege of knowing him personally for all those years - before he became the Sadguru in 1980 - and then also afterward. 

Everyone who knew him - knows what he did for the Mission and wanted to do for humanity in general, but the unforgettable, personal memories always stay very close to our hearts for the rest of our lives. 
                                            'Rajan Sachdeva '

Sunday, May 12, 2019

लब लरजते रहे पर Lab Larajatay Rahay par

                                      Scroll down for Roman script

लब लरजते रहे पर न कुछ बात की 
यूँ तमन्ना बहुत थी मुलाकात की 

सोचता हूं जिसे अपनी साँसों में मैं 

एक मूरत हो तुम वो ख़्यालात की 

तुमको पाया तो मुझको मिली ज़िंदगी 

बख़्श दो बंदगी मुझको दिन रात की 

एक पत्थर में दिल है धड़कने लगा

क्या कहूं तुमने कैसी करामात की 

मंज़िलों की डगर में अंधेरे बहुत 

रोशनी मुझको देना ख़्यालात की

 ज़िंदगी क्या है तुमने बताया हमें 

एक हम थे कि बस बात पे बात की

एक मालिक की संतान हैं हम सभी 

बात क्यों फिर हुई धर्म की, जात की 

छोड़कर अब तेरा दर कहां जाऊंगा 

तुमने बदली है तस्वीर हालात की 

तुम हो पूर्ण कि हम सब गुनहगार हैं 

शुक्र है तुमने रहमत की बरसात की
                 (प्रदुमन भल्ला - कैथल हरियाणा)

Lab larajatay rahay par na kuchh baat kee 
Yoon tamanna bahut thee mulaakaat kee 

Sochata hoon jisay apnee saanson mein main 
Ek moorat ho tum vo khyaalaat kee 

Tum ko paaya to mujh ko milee Zindagi
Bakhsh do bandgee mujh ko din raat kee 

Ek patthar mein dil hai dhadaknay lagaa
Kya kahoon tum nay kaisi karaamaat kee 

Manzilon kee dagar mein andheray bahut 
Roshnee mujh ko dena khyaalaat kee

Zindgee kya hai tum nay bataaya hamen 
Ek ham thay ki bas baat pay baat kee

Ek maalik kee santaan hain ham sabhee 
Baat kyon phir huyi dharm kee, jaat kee 

Chhod kar ab tera dar kahaan jaoonga 
Tum nay badlee hai tasveer haalaat kee 

Tum ho poorn ki ham sab gunahgaar hain 
Shukar hai tum nay rehmat kee barsaat kee
                                               By: Parduman Bhalla
                                                  (Kaithal Haryana)

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Spirituality is a Process

Spirituality is a process - 
which starts with Jigyaasa - curiosity. 

To find the answers, just like in every other field, we need to trust the teacher or the Guru and have some faith in the system.
While all faiths and religions demand absolute trust, it's crucial to use our minds and logic also. 
Having faith in something or someone is what makes us human - it's a part of our nature. But don’t just walk blindly. Ask deep questions - assess, evaluate, process, and know it for yourself - This step is called Gyana.

Life does not always fit in the neat little boxes of ideas we have from childhood. Eyes are opened only through personal experiences. The ideologies that are contrary to our experiences may not make any sense anymore. 
So, analyze - examine - and put to the test whatever you have learned - This is called Manthan or Manan.

Then go deep into Sumiran - without names or any forms - deep into meditation in a state of thoughtlessness - called Dhyana and experience the peace. 
That is the final goal of Spirituality. 
                               ' Rajan Sachdeva '

Friday, May 10, 2019

Hasad ki Aag हसद की आग

कभी उठती है धारा प्रेम की सबके लिए दिल में 
कभी बढ़ता किसी को देख दिल में हूक उठती है  

हसद की आग की फितरत बड़ी अजीब है 'राजन '
उसी को ही जलाती है ये जिस के दिल में रहती है 

Kabhi uthti hai dhaara prem ki sab kay liye dil me
Kabhi badhtaa kisi ko dekh dil may hook uthti hai

Hasad ki aag ki fitrat badi ajeeb hai 'Rajan'

Usi ko hi Jalaati hai ye jis kay dil me rehti hai 
                                               'Rajan Sachdeva'

Hasad       -         Jealousey 

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Zindagi Tasveer ya Taqdeer? ज़िंदगी तस्वीर है या तक़दीर

ज़िंदगी तस्वीर भी है - तक़दीर भी है
                                 फ़र्क़ सिर्फ रंगों का है
मन चाहे रंगों से बने तो तस्वीर
               और अनजाने रंगों से बने तो तक़दीर

Zindagi tasveer bhi hai- taqdeer bhi hai
                                         Faraq siraf rangon ka hai
Man-chaahay rangon say banay to Tasveer
                     aur anjaanay rangon say banay to Taqdeer

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

The Vampire and How to Control it

The concept of a Vampire is that he sucks the blood of a living person and thus the life out of the body. Before the advancement of modern medicine, people did not know the reality of certain fatal diseases such as cancer. 
If some people had a fatal disease like cancer and their energy was drawn out slowly - they were becoming weaker and sicker by the day, then they thought that some invisible evil force was sucking the life out of them. 
They called it a Vampire. 
Now we know that the cause of such symptoms is fatal diseases such as cancer.
There is another invisible evil force like the Vampire that works in our mind. This evil force is called Negativity. 
Negative thoughts also suck out energy from our brain, as well as from our body.
We all, at one point or the other, become a victim of this Mind Vampire. However, we must not give in to its evil power. We must focus on positive thoughts, and not allow negativity to take over.
Thoughts influence our minds and also our surroundings.
Just like a small stone, thrown into the still waters of a lake can cause ripples up to a great distance, our thoughts can also create a similar effect in the universe. 
Whenever we have a thought or desire, whether negative or positive, the whole universe begins to work towards fulfilling that desire.
Once, I heard a story from Baba Avtar Singh ji that a man was traveling through a desert. It was a hot day, and he soon became exhausted. He craved to find a tree so he could rest under its shade, and suddenly he saw a tree in front of him. He promptly sat down in the shade under the tree.  Little did he know that it was the Kalp-Vriksh; the tree that provides everything one wishes for while sitting under it.
He was tired and thirsty - he wished he had some water with him and suddenly a bucket of water appeared under the tree. Then he thought how great it would be to have some food as he was hungry too, and in a matter of seconds, a plate full of food appeared under the tree. 
While eating, he began to wonder, since there is no one else around, who is fulfilling all of my wishes?  
He thought: "There must be a ghost around here who keeps providing everything I wish for,"  
With that thought, suddenly a ghost appeared in front of him. He started trembling with fear, and he thinks, "what if the ghost eats me?"
At which point, the ghost proceeds to eat him.
After narrating this story, Shehanshah Ji explained that our thoughts though invisible, are very powerful. Whether they are negative or positive, they have a strong influence on our lives. It's like living under a Kalpa-Vriksha. When we think negative - something negative happens, and if we start thinking positively - something positive is bound to happen. 
So, we must control our thoughts at all times.
We must try to change our thinking process - By reminding ourselves constantly to stay positive.
With positive thoughts, we can find the cause for every effect and solution to every problem. 
Our thoughts can heal our illnesses, troubled minds, and broken hearts.
As now it has been proven by science also - our mind is a powerful thing. 
All experiences, events, conditions, and actions that happen are indeed the reactions to our thoughts. 
Therefore, first of all, we must believe that our mind is quite powerful. 
To achieve the desired outcomes, we must realize the mind's power first. 
However, the mind works on the principle of faith. It's a strong faith - the conviction that brings the results. 
Therefore, we must be careful about what we believe. Believing in myths and superstitions, or the religious fears that are widespread in the world may lead to a negative impact on us. 
Therefore, we should only believe in the Eternal Truth. 

The mind is an empty ground, and our thoughts are the seeds. 
The thoughts we sow in our mind lead to the outcome of our life.  
Holy Scriptures have repeatedly proclaimed:
Change your thoughts, and you can change your destiny. 
                 Ye yatha maam prapadyantay, Tanstathaiv Bhajaamyaham: 
"Howsoever people approach me, I respond to them in the same way."
                                                       (Bhagavad Gita 4:11)
(The word 'Me and I' should be understood here as nature, the universe or the Most-high - whatever we want to call the Supreme power.)
Meaning - if our approach is negative, then negative will come back to us, and if we approach it positively, then positive will happen. 
By accepting whatever happens without complaints, we can find peace within ourselves, as well as with our surroundings and situations - by shifting our focus from negativity to positivity.

There was a potter in a small village who used to make clay pots. One morning, when he was getting ready to begin his work, his neighbor came and asked him what he was going to make that day. The potter said he was planning to make a Chilam, a small clay stove which is used to burn tobacco in Hukka - a smoking pot. The neighbor stood there to watch him work. The potter took some clay, placed it on the moving wheel, and with his hands started to give it shape. When the potter finished, the neighbor saw that what he had made was not a Chilam - it was a Suraahi,  a long-necked jar that keeps water cold in summer.
The neighbor was surprised. "you said you were going to make a Chilam, but I see that this is a Suraahi'. He asked.
The potter replied: "I know, but while working on it, I changed my mind'.
Hearing this, the Suraahi said, 
"My dear potter, by changing your mind, you have changed my destiny - my entire life. If you had made me a Chilam, then I had to burn all the time - and all those who would come in contact with me would also be affected. Now that I am a Suraahi, not only I will stay cool myself - I will also help others to stay cool by providing cold water to them."
Just because the potter changed his mind, the vessel's destiny changed. 
Similarly, by shifting our thoughts - we can also change our destiny. 
                                             'Rajan Sachdeva'

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

ये चमन आबाद था - आबाद है

                                ये चमन आबाद था - आबाद है 
                                लापता लाखों सिकंदर हो गए 

ये दुनिया पहले भी आबाद थी आज भी  है और आगे भी रहेगी 
लाखों सिकंदर आए और चले गए  - मिट्टी में मिल गए 
लाखों और नए सिकंदर आएंगे और  मिटटी में मिल जायेंगे 
दुनिया के काम न पहले रुके - न आगे रुकेंगे 

                        तू चाहे या न चाहे  -  तू माने या न माने 
                     चलता रहेगा यूं ही इस दुनिया का सिलसिला 
                                                                 (जगननाथ 'आज़ाद')

हमारे चाहने या न चाहने से कुछ नहीं होगा 
हमसे पहले भी दुनिया चलती थी  - हमारे बाद भी चलती रहेगी 
हम इस बात को मानें या न मानें - इससे क्या फ़र्क़ पड़ेगा ?

Ye chaman Aabaad thaa - Aabaad hai

                     Ye chaman Aabaad thaa - Aabaad hai
                     Laapta Laakhon Sikandar ho gaye
This garden; the world flourished before and continues to thrive
Though, millions of Alexanders came and perished - buried in dust.
Great or ordinary, no one stays here forever 

And nothing stops - the world continues without them.

                Tu chaahay ya na chaahay - tu maanay ya na maanay
                     Chaltaa rahegaa yoon hi is duniya ka silsilaa
(Jagan Nath 'Azaad')

Whether you want it or not - Whether you accept it or not
Everything in the world will continue as it is - without you.

Monday, May 6, 2019

रंगों की इतनी क़दर क्यों है?

चेहरों की इतनी फ़िकर क्यों है ?
रंगों की इतनी क़दर क्यों है ?

हुसन असल किरदार का है
गोरा काले से बेहतर क्यों है ?

हसरत को कैसे समझाऊँ
इतनी छोटी चादर क्यों है ?

नीयत का दोष ही सारा है
तो फ़िर बदनाम नज़र क्यों है ?

सब एक ख़ुदा के बच्चे हैं
तो फ़िर मस्जिद-मंदिर क्यों है ?

वो भी तो बस इक इंसाँ है
उस के सजदे में सर क्यों है ?

सब मिलके साथ नहीं रहते
इतने छोटे अब घर क्यों है ? 

जिनकी जेबें ही ख़ाली हैं
उन को रहज़न से डर क्यों है ?

ये फ़िक़र बहुत है दुनिया को
 'अल्फ़ाज़ ' इतना बे-फ़िक़र क्यों है ?
                   'अल्फ़ाज़ '

रहज़न             राह में लूट लेने  वाला , डाकू , चोर  Robber

Rangon Ki Itni Qadr Kyun Hai?

Chehron Ki Itni Fikar Kyon Hai?
Rangon Ki Itni Qadar Kyon Hai?

Husn Asal Kirdaar Ka Hai

Gora Kaalay Say Behtar Kyon Hai?

Hasrat Ko Kaisay Samjhaaun

Itni Chhoti Chaadar Kyon Hai?

Neeyat Ka Dosh Hi Sara Hai

To phir Badnaam Nazar Kyon Hai?

Sab Ek Khuda Kay Bachay Hain

To phir Masjid-Mandir Kyon Hai?

Wo Bhi To Bus Ek Insan Hai

Uskay Sajday Mein Sar Kyon Hai?

Sab Mil Kay Saath Nahin Rehtay

Itnay Chhotay Ab Ghar Kyon Hai?

Jin ki Jaiben Hi Khaali Hain

Unko Rahzan Say Dar Kyon Hai?

Ye Fikar Bahut Hai Duniya Ko

‘Alfaaz’ Itna Be-Fikar Kyon Ha
                        By:  'Alfaaz'

Fikar                         = Concern, Anxiety
Qadar                        = Dignity, Honor, Merit, Value
Kirdaar                      = Character
Hasrat                       = Desire
Neeyat                      = Intention, Purpose
Rahzan                     = A Robber
Be-Fikar                   = Careless

Friday, May 3, 2019

Talab ki shiddat तलब की शिद्दत

ख़ुदग़र्ज़ बना देती है सबको तलब की शिद्दत 
प्यासे को कोई दूसरा प्यासा नहीं लगता 
                                                      (अज्ञात )

Khudgarz banaa deti hai sabko talab ki shiddat
Pyaasay ko koi doosra pyaasa nahin lagtaa
Khudgarz          Selfish
Talab                 Desire, Necessity
Shiddat             Intensity

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Are You Sure?

Today I was deleting some photos from my phone.
As soon as I pressed the delete button, my smart phone asked:
"Are You Sure?"
I was surprised that a machine was seeking confirmation to erase the relationship with the photos stored inside it.
But how did the people running this machine become so careless? 
What has happened today?
Before breaking a relationship or turning away from relationships, their heart does not even ask once - 
"Are You Sure?"

Are You Sure? (Hindi)

आज मैं अपने फोन से कुछ फोटो डिलीट कर रहा था 
जैसे ही मैंने डिलीट का बटन दबाया तो फोन ने मुझ से पूछा 
"Are You Sure?" 
मैं अचरज में पड़ गया कि एक मशीन भी अपने अंदर स्टोर की हुई तस्वीरों के रिश्तों को मिटाने के लिए कन्फर्मेशन मांग रही है
लेकिन इस मशीन को चलाने वाले इंसान आखिर इतने लापरवाह कैसे हो गए? 
आज ऐसा क्या हो गया है कि रिश्तों को तोड़ने या संबंधों से मुँह फेरने से पहले उन का दिल एक बार भी ना पूछे कि -
"Are You Sure?"
                          (रुपिन्द्र बामरा के सौजन्य से)

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

When you start your day

Decide to be happy when you start your day
Put a little joy in whatever comes your way
You may be hurt by what someone might say
But don't let anyone spoil your day

Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...