Friday, February 15, 2019

Yesterday was a very sad day

Terrorism in Kashmir! Absolutely horrendous news.
Terrorists attacked the CRPF team with a car bomb.
Yesterday was a sad day in Indian history when 44 CRPF soldiers were martyred in Kashmir and many others wounded.
It's not only a few soldiers died but-
Many young women became widows.
Many children became orphans.
Many young boys and girls lost their brothers.
Many old mothers and fathers lost their sons - the only hope for their old age.
And they died, not fighting an enemy directly, but by a terrorist whom they did not know, had not seen coming - by a suicide bomber who blew up a convey of the CRPF Jawans.
It's unimaginable how a human can kill so many other human beings in such cold blood and thinks that God will be pleased with him - that he will be awarded a place in heaven for such a horrendous act of violence.
Don't they have any common sense? Don't they have any regard whatsoever for life?
For other fellow human beings?
Strangely, when someone dies, we pray for them to Rest in peace - why can't we live in peace too?

Soldiers die for the sake of the country, but they are hardly remembered - hardly given much credit for what they do. They die fighting for our country and us, so that we could live peacefully with our families and children, without giving a second thought as to what would happen to their families and children if they did not return.
We are forever in their debt - but merely stating this fact and just talking about it is not enough - we need to do our bit too in whatever way possible to help their families.
Although the loss of a family member can never be replaced, however, we should try our best to ease their pain in any way we can.
That is the real purpose of religion.
That is humanity in a real sense.
                                          'Rajan Sachdeva '


  1. ❤ Sacrificing one's life is the highest sacrifice one can make. Who doesn't want to live and hold onto dear life as long as one can? Armymen embrace the inherent danger of losing their lives when they join forces. In the world where people are busy selfishly leading their lives, living for just themselves, these soldiers put their lives at stake for their countrymen. No one can ever pay back soldiers ever! Even when alive they live away from their near and dear ones to fulfill their duty to their country and countrymen. Salute to these selfless souls!
    P.S. I pray the pilot(s) captured return to their families safe and sound.

    1. You are absolutely right. We can never pay back for what they do for us - for the country. But, unfortunately, people who do the most sacrifice, do not get the credit they deserve. Thanks for your comments and We are also praying for the safe return of the captured pilot and for peace as well.


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...