Wednesday, February 13, 2019

अमीर-ए-शहर Ameer-e-Shehar

अमीर-ए-शहर - ग़रीबों को लूट लेता है 
कभी बहीला-ए-मज़हब कभी बनामे-वतन 

Ameer-e-Shehar, gareebon ko loot laitaa hai 
Kabhi baheelaa-e-mazahab, kabhi banaame-watan
                            (Writer unknown)

अमीर-ए-शहर Ameer-e-shehar                 -  Ruler of the city, country, corporation or Religious authority.
बहीला-ए-मज़हब  Baheelaa-e-mazahab   -  For the sake of religion
बनामे-वतन Banaame-watan                     -   In the name of the country

The rich and powerful people always try to exploit the poor -either in the name of religion or for the sake of their country. They very skillfully convince them to lay down their lives for the cause while themselves sit and enjoy in the comfort of their luxurious homes. 
If the goal is achieved, then it's the leaders who reap all the benefits, but if they lose, the leaders are still safe. 
Gradually, the wealthy become wealthier and the powerful and dominant gain more power. 
Sad, but true. 

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Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...