Sunday, February 24, 2019

The time we have might go by fast

We don't know when our life will be over.
The time we have might go by fast - sooner than we might think.
So, don't fight with people, don't criticize others or yourself.
Don't keep putting yourself down all the time.
Don't complain so much. Try to enjoy what you have.
Don't lose sleep over your problems.
Instead of constantly talking and worrying about the problems, find a solution and try to solve them.
Stay away from the people who make you feel miserable - instead, spend time with those who make you happy.
Don't regret the past. Whatever happened has happened. It cannot be brought back. So, let it go and concentrate on the present and future. If you make a mistake, learn from it and let it go, and keep seeking your goal, your destination, your peace, and happiness.
Don't dedicate yourself just for accumulating money - for buying luxuries and comforts. 

Money is necessary for living a comfortable life, but it may not be able to provide real happiness we long for.
They say pray before going to sleep.
Why not now? 

Why not pray now instead of waiting until before going to sleep?
We celebrate special occasions such as birthdays or death anniversaries to remember our loved ones. 
Why not every day? 
Why not keep their memories always alive in our hearts rather than connecting it to certain days?
Why wait for special occasions like Diwali or Michhami Dukadam - New Year's or Reunions to ask for forgiveness? 

Why not call now? Why not forgive now?
We keep on postponing things for later, for another year, for when I have more time - when I have more money - until circumstances are better - till everything is perfect etc.
Everything perfect doesn't exist. 
No one can be perfect.
No one can accomplish perfection because it simply was not intended by nature or the higher power.
Life is an opportunity to learn so, we should keep on trying to learn as much as we can.
                      'Rajan Sachdvea'


  1. This is the bottom line you just explained in this post. This is the Nichoad (punjabi word).

    We stress over our problems too much that we loose the mind set to find a solution. May nirankar bless us all.

  2. Thank you for your encouraging words.

  3. Thank you so much for sharing. This what I needed today.


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...