Thursday, February 28, 2019

The Best Book to Read सबसेअच्छी किताब

The best book to read is our own mind.
         If we start reading our mind objectively - 
                Then we can find a solution to all our problems. 

दुनियाँ की सबसे अच्छी किताब हम स्वयं हैं
       अगर हम स्वयं को निष्पक्ष हो कर पढ़ने की कोशिश करें
                                      तो सब समस्याओं का समाधान मिल जाएगा

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

If everyone is happy with you

If everyone is happy with you then surely you have made many compromises in your life.
And if you are happy with everyone then surely you have ignored many faults of others. 

Forget your own unhappiness by creating little happiness for others.
Because when you do good to others, you are best to yourself as well.
Just remember - 
The things you do for yourself will be gone when you are gone
But the things you do for others will remain as your legacy. 

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

A story of Four Monks

In a monastery, four monks decided to meditate silently without speaking for two weeks. 
They began with enthusiasm, and no one said a word the whole day. 
By the nightfall of the first day, the candle began to flicker and then went out. 
The first monk blurted out, "Oh, no! The candle is out." 
The second monk said, "Hey! We are not supposed to speak!"
The third monk said in an irritated voice, "What is this? Why did you two break the silence?" 
The fourth monk smiled and said, "Wow! I'm the only one who hasn't spoken."
                         ~~~~~    ~~~~~~~~~  ~~~~~~
Each monk broke the silence for a different reason.
The first monk got distracted by one aspect of his experience (the candle) and forgot what was more important - the practice of witnessing without reacting. 
The second monk was more worried about others following the rules than actually practicing them himself. 
The third monk let his anger towards the first two monks affect him. 
The fourth monk lost his way because of pride.

As we learn to truly listen, witness, and observe without impulsively reacting with distraction, judgment, anger, and pride, then we understand the true meaning of life.

Monday, February 25, 2019

सब फैसले होते नहीं सिक्का उछाल के Sub Faisle hote nahi sikka uchaal ke

सब फैसले होते नहीं सिक्का उछाल के
ये दिल का मामला है ज़रा देखभाल के

मोबाइलों के दौर केआशिक़ को क्या पता
रखते थे कैसे ख़त में कलेजा निकाल के

ये कहके नई रोशनी रोएगी एक दिन

अच्छे थे वही  लोग पुराने  ख़याल के

आंधी उड़ा के ले गई ये और बात है
कहने को हम भी पत्ते थे मजबूत डाल के

तुमसे मिला है प्यार सभी रत्न मिल गए
अब क्या करेंगे और समंदर खंगाल के
                                      " उदय प्रताप सिंह "

Sub Faislay hotay nahin sikka uchhaal kay
Ye dil ka maamlaa hai zaraa dekh-bhaal kay

Mobaaiilon kay daur kay aashiq ko kya pataa
Rakhtay thay kaisay khat mein kalezaa nikaal kay

Ye keh kay nayi raushani royegi ek din
Achhay thay wahi log puraanay khyaal kay

Aandhi udaa kay lay gayi ye aur baat hai
Kehnay ko hum bhi pattay thay majboot daal kay

Tum say milaa hai pyaar sabhi ratn mil gaye
Ab kya karengay aur samandar khangaal kay

                                        " Uday Pratap Singh "

Sikka uchhaal kay   -       By flipping a coin 
Ratn                        -       Jewels, Pearls 
Khangaal                -       Stir, Churn  

Sunday, February 24, 2019

The time we have might go by fast

We don't know when our life will be over.
The time we have might go by fast - sooner than we might think.
So, don't fight with people, don't criticize others or yourself.
Don't keep putting yourself down all the time.
Don't complain so much. Try to enjoy what you have.
Don't lose sleep over your problems.
Instead of constantly talking and worrying about the problems, find a solution and try to solve them.
Stay away from the people who make you feel miserable - instead, spend time with those who make you happy.
Don't regret the past. Whatever happened has happened. It cannot be brought back. So, let it go and concentrate on the present and future. If you make a mistake, learn from it and let it go, and keep seeking your goal, your destination, your peace, and happiness.
Don't dedicate yourself just for accumulating money - for buying luxuries and comforts. 

Money is necessary for living a comfortable life, but it may not be able to provide real happiness we long for.
They say pray before going to sleep.
Why not now? 

Why not pray now instead of waiting until before going to sleep?
We celebrate special occasions such as birthdays or death anniversaries to remember our loved ones. 
Why not every day? 
Why not keep their memories always alive in our hearts rather than connecting it to certain days?
Why wait for special occasions like Diwali or Michhami Dukadam - New Year's or Reunions to ask for forgiveness? 

Why not call now? Why not forgive now?
We keep on postponing things for later, for another year, for when I have more time - when I have more money - until circumstances are better - till everything is perfect etc.
Everything perfect doesn't exist. 
No one can be perfect.
No one can accomplish perfection because it simply was not intended by nature or the higher power.
Life is an opportunity to learn so, we should keep on trying to learn as much as we can.
                      'Rajan Sachdvea'

Thursday, February 21, 2019

In the middle of difficulty

“In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity.”
                                                    - Albert Einstein -

Let’s grab the opportunity 
                        rather than focusing on the difficulty

घर जाकर मत कहना

साथी -घर जाकर मत कहना - संकेतो में बतला देना !!
यदि हाल मेरी माता पूछे तो जलता दीप बुझा देना !
इस पर भी न समझे तो ,दो आंसू तुम छलका देना !!

साथी -घर जाकर मत कहना - संकेतो में बतला देना
यदि हाल मेरी बहना पूछे तो सूनी कलाई दिखला देना !
इतने पर भी न समझे तो राखी तोड़ देखा देना !!

साथी -घर जाकर मत कहना -संकेतो में बतला देना !
यदि हाल मेरी पत्नी पूछे तो मस्तक तुम झुका लेना !
इतने पर भी न समझे तो मांग का सिन्दूर मिटा देना !!

साथी -घर जाकर मत कहना - संकेतो में बतला देना !
यदि हाल मेरे पिता पूछें तो हाथों को सहला देना !
इतने पर भी न समझे तो लाठी तोड़ दिखा देना !!

साथी -घर जाकर मत कहना -संकेतो में बतला देना !
यदि हाल मेरा बेटा पूछे तो सर उसका तुम सहला देना !
इतने पर भी ना समझे तो सीने से उसे लगा लेना !!

साथी -घर जाकर मत कहना - संकेतो में बतला देना !
यदि हाल मेरा भाई पूछे तो खाली राह दिखा देना !
इतने पर भी ना समझे तो सैनिक धर्म बता देना !!
पुलवामा के शहीद वीर जवानों को समर्पित )
                       (लेखक - अज्ञात )

Saathi - Ghar jaakar mat kehnaa

Saathi - ghar jaakar mat kehnaa, Sanketon mein batlaa denaa
yadi haal meri maata poochhay to jaltaa deep bujhaa denaa!
itnay par bhee na samjhay to do aansu tum chhalkaa denaa!!

Saathi - ghar jaakar mat kehnaa Sanketon mein batlaa denaa
yadi haal meri behnaa poochhay to sooni kalaayee dikhlaa denaa!
itnay par bhee na samjhay to raakhee tod dikhaa denaa !!

Saathi -ghar jaakar mat kehnaa Sanketon mein batlaa denaa
yadi haal meri patni poochhay to mastak tum jhukaa lenaa!
itnay par bhee na samjhay to maang ka sindur mitaa denaa!!

Saathi -ghar jaakar mat kehnaa Sanketon mein batlaa denaa
yadi haal meray pitaa poochhain to haatho ko sehlaa denaa!
itnay par bhee na samjhay to laathi  tod dikhaa denaa!!

Saathi -ghar jaakar mat kehnaa Sanketon mein batlaa denaa
yadi haal meraa betaa poochhay to sar us kaa tum sehlaa denaa!
itnay par bhee na samjhay to seenay say usay lagaa lenaa!!

Saathi - ghar jaakar mat kehnaa Sanketon mein batlaa denaa
yadi haal mera bhaayi poochhay to khaali raah dikhaa denaa!
itnay par bhee na samjhay to Sainik dharm bataa denaa !!
      Dedicated to the brave soldiers who died in Pulwama
                                       (Writer unknown) 

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Seek No Path

O' Seeker, seek no path - 
Because all paths lead somewhere
The truth is right here.’
                               "Lao Tzu"
There is an interesting story about Raman Maharshi, a highly respected saint of recent times. 
While visiting southern India, a famous Christian priest heard of his fame and went to meet him. 
During the conversation, the priest asked:
“How do you know that your path is right. Have you found God? Have you reached ‘There’?”
Raman Maharshi asked in return “Reached where? 
Where do I need to go to find Him?
God is everywhere. There is nowhere to go, you are already there. 
A path is needed if you are going somewhere. If you are already there then the path is not needed at all. 
Now, the very word ‘path’ is meaningless. You just need to be aware, that's all”.
Guru Ramanad ji, Sant Kabeer ji’s guru also says:
                            ऊआं तउ जाइये जउ इहाँ ना होइ 
                        “Uaan tau jaaiye, jau ihaan na hoye”
“I would go there, only if the Lord were not here”
                                                 (SGGS page 1195)

Baba Avtar Singh ji also used to say the same: 
“Path is required for something that is somewhere else - somewhere far away. For example, there might be a few different paths to reach to you or to touch this microphone in front of me. But what path do I need to reach to myself? There are no paths.
Since God is everywhere, and right here, then what paths do we need? And similarly, Mukti can also be achieved right now and right here.
You just need awareness. You need to be aware, that's all”.
Sometimes he would hold a scarf in front of his face and say: “Do you think I am not here now?
No, I am not gone anywhere. You don’t see me because of this veil. And if I remove the veil, you can see me again.
God is also right here. We don’t see Him because there is a veil of ignorance, the ego. We don’t need to go anywhere to find Him. All we need to do is, to remove the veil of ignorance. And he would add a quote:
                        घर महि घर दिखलाए दे सो सत्गुर परख सुजान 
“Ghar mahin ghar dikhlaye de, So Satguru purkh sujaan"
Satguru simply removes that veil; gives awareness, the Gyana to see the Almighty all around and within.”
He used to tell the story of a lion's pup whose mother died after giving birth. The pup was raised by a sheep. While living and growing among the herd of sheep, this lion's pup also thought of himself as a sheep. One day, seeing a big lion, out of fear, he also started running along with all other sheep. The big Lion was surprised, and instead of chasing the sheep, he grabbed this pup and asked why he was scared and running away. The pup said, “Because I am a sheep and you are a lion."
The lion said “No. You are not a sheep. You are one of us."
He took the pup to a river and asked him to look into the water and see if he resembled him or the sheep? Looking at his image and comparing with that of the lion, he immediately realized who he was.
Nothing was changed, only his ignorance was removed. No path or effort was required, just the awareness.
After knowing God, one can realize the self as well.
                            'Rajan Sachdeva'

Monday, February 18, 2019

चेतना की स्वतंत्रता

एक संध्या एक पहाड़ी सराय में एक नया अतिथि आकर ठहरा। सूरज ढलने को था, पहाड़ उदास और अंधेरे में छिपने को तैयार हो गए थे। पक्षी अपने निबिड़ में वापस लौट आए थे। तभी उस पहाड़ी सराय में वह नया अतिथि पहुंचा। सराय में पहुंचते ही उसे एक बड़ी मार्मिक और दुख भरी आवाज सुनाई पड़ी। पता नहीं कौन चिल्ला रहा था?
पहाड़ की सारी घाटियां उस आवाज से गूँज रही थीं। कोई बहुत जोर से चिल्ला रहा था--स्वतंत्रता, स्वतंत्रता, स्वतंत्रता।
वह अतिथि सोचता हुआ आया, - किन प्राणों से यह आवाज उठ रही है? कौन प्यासा है स्वतंत्रता को? कौन गुलामी के बंधनों को तोड़ देना चाहता है? कौन है ये जो आत्मा यह पुकार कर रही है - प्रार्थना कर रही है ?
और जब वह सराय के पास पहुंचा, तो उसे पता चला, यह किसी मनुष्य की आवाज नहीं थी, सराय के द्वार पर लटका हुआ एक तोता स्वतंत्रता की आवाज लगा रहा था।
वह अतिथि भी स्वतंत्रता की खोज में जीवन भर भटका था। उसके मन को भी उस तोते की आवाज ने छू लिया।
रात जब वह सोने लगा तो उसने सोचा, क्यों न मैं इस तोते के पिंजड़े को खोल दूं - ताकि यह मुक्त हो जाए। ताकि इसकी प्रार्थना पूरी हो जाए। अतिथि उठा, सराय का मालिक सो चुका था, पूरी सराय सो गई थी। तोता भी निद्रा में था, उसने तोते के पिंजड़े का द्वार खोला, पिंजड़े के द्वार खोलते ही तोते की नींद खुल गई, उसने जोर से सींकचों को पकड़ लिया और चिल्लाने लगा--स्वतंत्रता, स्वतंत्रता, स्वतंत्रता।
वह अतिथि हैरान हुआ। द्वार खुला है, तोता उड़ सकता था, लेकिन उसने तो सींकचे को पकड़ रखा था। उड़ने की बात दूर, वह शायद द्वार खुला देख कर घबड़ा आया, कहीं मालिक न जाग जाए। उस अतिथि ने अपने हाथ को भीतर डाल कर तोते को जबरदस्ती बाहर निकाला। तोते ने उसके हाथ पर चोटें भी कर दीं। लेकिन अतिथि ने उस तोते को बाहर निकाल कर उड़ा दिया।
निश्चिंत होकर वह मेहमान सोया उस रात - अत्यंत आनंद से भरा हुआ। एक आत्मा को उसने मुक्ति दी थी। एक प्राण स्वतंत्र हुआ था। किसी की प्रार्थना पूरी करने में वह सहयोगी बना। वह रात सोया और सुबह जब उसकी नींद खुली, तो उसे फिर वही आवाज सुनाई पड़ी।  तोता चिल्ला रहा था--स्वतंत्रता, स्वतंत्रता।
वह बाहर आया, देखा, तोता वापस अपने पिंजड़े में बैठा हुआ है। द्वार खुला है और तोता चिल्ला रहा है--स्वतंत्रता, स्वतंत्रता। वह अतिथि बहुत हैरान हुआ। उसने सराय के मालिक को जाकर पूछा, यह तोता पागल है क्या? रात मैंने इसे मुक्त कर दिया था, यह अपने आप पिंजड़े में वापस आ गया है और फिर भी चिल्ला रहा है - स्वतंत्रता?
सराय का मालिक ने  कहा, तुम भी भूल में पड़ गए। इस सराय में जितने मेहमान ठहरते हैं, सभी इसी भूल में पड़ जाते हैं। तोता जो चिल्ला रहा है, वह उसकी अपनी आकांक्षा नहीं, सिखाए हुए शब्द हैं। 
तोता जो चिल्ला रहा है, वह उसकी अपनी प्रार्थना नहीं, सिखाए हुए शब्द हैं, यांत्रिक शब्द हैं। तोता स्वतंत्रता नहीं चाहता, केवल मैंने जो सिखाया है वही चिल्ला रहा है। तोता इसीलिए वापस लौट आता है। हर रात यही होता है, कोई अतिथि दया खाकर तोते को मुक्त कर देता है। लेकिन सुबह तोता वापस लौट आता है।

जब मैंने यह कहानी सुनी तो मैं हैरान होकर सोचने लगा, क्या हम सारे मनुष्यों की भी स्थिति यही नहीं है? क्या हम सब भी जीवन भर ऐसा ही नहीं चिल्लाते हैं-- मोक्ष चाहिए, स्वतंत्रता चाहिए, सत्य चाहिए, आत्मा का ज्ञान चाहिए, परमात्मा चाहिए? 
हम चिल्लाते तो जरूर हैं, लेकिन हम उन्हीं सींकचों को भी पकड़े हुए बैठे रहते हैं जो हमारे बंधन हैं। 
हम चिल्लाते हैं, मुक्ति चाहिए, और हम उन्हीं बंधनों की पूजा करते रहते हैं जो हमारा पिंजड़ा बन चूका है - हमारा कारागृह बन गया है। कहीं ऐसा तो नहीं है कि यह मुक्ति की प्रार्थना भी सिखाई गई प्रार्थना हो ? यह हमारे मन की, प्राणों की आवाज न हो? अन्यथा कितने लोग स्वतंत्र होने की बातें करते हैं, मुक्त होने की, मोक्ष पाने की, प्रभु को पाने कीबातें करते हैं । लेकिन कोई मुक्त हुआ दिखाई नहीं पड़ता। हम रोज देखते हैं कि  लोग अपने पिंजड़ों में वापस बैठे हैं - अपने सींकचों  को पकड़े हुए - अपने कारागृह में बंद हैं। लेकिन निरंतर उनकी वही मुक्ति पाने की आकांक्षा बनी रहती है।
सारी मनुष्य-जाति का इतिहास यही है। आदमी शायद व्यर्थ ही मांग करता है स्वतंत्रता की।क्योंकि ये सीखे हुए शब्द हैं। शास्त्रों से, परंपराओं से, हजारों वर्ष के प्रभाव से सीखे हुए शब्द हैं। 
क्या हम सच में स्वतंत्रता चाहते हैं? 
और स्मरण रहे कि जो व्यक्ति अपनी चेतना को स्वतंत्र करने में समर्थ नहीं हो पाता, उसके जीवन में आनंद की कोई झलक कभी उपलब्ध नहीं हो सकती ।
स्वतंत्र हुए बिना आनंद का कोई मार्ग नहीं है।

Mukti - Liberation - Freedom of Consciousness

One evening, a traveler arrived at a hill resort. The sun was about to set - the mountains were ready to hide in darkness. The birds had returned to their nests. As soon as he reached the inn, he heard a loud, wailing voice. He did not know who was screaming.
All the surrounding mountains were echoing with someone’s loud voice, shouting - freedom, freedom, freedom!
As the guest approached the hill resort, he could not stop thinking where those voices were coming from? Who was so thirsty for freedom? Who wants to break the bonds of confinement? Which soul is crying out for help?
And when he reached the inn and asked about the source of these screams, he was told that it was a parrot - hanging in a cage at the entrance of the inn - who was crying for freedom.
Since the guest had also wandered in search of freedom for most of his life, his heart was touched by the parrot's cryings.
Later that night, when he lay in his bed, he thought, “I should open the parrot’s cage so it can be set free.
The guest got up and made sure that the owner of the inn had fallen asleep. The parrot was also sleeping in the cage. As he opened the door to the cage, the parrot woke up, he grabbed the metal bars of the cage and started shouting - freedom, freedom, freedom.
That guest was astonished as the door was now open and the parrot could fly, but the bird kept holding on to the bars of the cage. Instead of flying away, he looked frightened to see the door open! The guest put his arm inside the cage and pulled the parrot out forcibly. The parrot even bit the guest on his arm in all this commotion while he tried to pull the bird out. Finally, the guest was successful in releasing the parrot from its cage.
For the rest of the night, the guest slept peacefully and contently, knowing that he had given freedom to a soul. Someone was finally free. He had played a significant part in answering someone's prayer. But when he woke up in the morning, he heard the same agonizing voice - the parrot was still around and was screaming - freedom, freedom.
He came out of his room and was astonished to see the parrot sitting in his cage. The cage door was open, yet the parrot was screaming - Mukti, Mukti - Freedom, Freedom. He went to the owner of the inn and said: last night I had set the bird free. Why has he returned to his cage and continuing to scream for freedom?
The owner of the inn smiled and said– “You also got duped!”.
He said that many guests have also made the same mistake. What this parrot is shouting is neither his longing nor his prayer. These are mere words taught to him. This parrot keeps coming back to the cage because he does not seek freedom. He is merely repeating the words that I have taught him. The same pattern repeats every night. Some guest or the other shows mercy and frees the parrot. And the next morning, the parrot returns to its cage.

Upon hearing this story, I began to wonder, isn’t the situation of most of us same as this parrot?
Don’t we all keep looking for similar things all of our lives?
We too keep repeating the words like I want Mukti - I want salvation - I want freedom - I seek the truth.
Even though we keep demanding these things, yet we keep holding on to the bars of the self-made cage - made of our worldly bonds. We pray for salvation, and yet we keep on worshipping those bonds of attachments which are the cages - the prisons.
Sometimes, we leave one cage and enter into another one. Eventually, that new cage becomes our new prison, and we continue to live in this illusion. Liberation is not something that can be taught. It should be the voice of our soul.
So many people talk about wanting to be free, attaining salvation, getting close to the Lord. But no one seems to be looking in the right direction for this freedom, to achieve this salvation. Like the parrot, every day we see people are sitting in their proverbial cages, locked in their self-made prisons. And yet they continue to have this same aspiration - praying and asking for Mukti - Salvation - Freedom.
Such is the story of most of the people - who demand freedom in vain. These are just the words that we have learned. These words have been taught to us for thousands of years in the scriptures, and we keep on repeating them.
So, the question is; do we actually want the Mukti - the freedom or salvation?
Remember: if we are unable to liberate our consciousness, we cannot be happy. There is no happiness without freedom.

                                              'Rajan Sachdeva'

Sunday, February 17, 2019

उमर जन्नत में रह कर Umar jannat me reh kar

उमर जन्नत में रह कर उसे उजाड़ने में गुज़ार दी
और जिहाद बस इस बात की थी कि मरने के बाद जन्नत मिले

Umar jannat me reh kar usay ujaadne me guzaar dee
Aur jihaad is baat kee thi ki marnay ke baad jannat milay


Saturday, February 16, 2019

Is Just Praying Enough?

Quite often - either from others or within their own mind - many people face this question: 
Is Just Praying enough to change a particular situation?

Praying to a higher power - may we call it nature, universe or God, is a device that no other species have. This faculty is only available to humans. However, along with prayer, some action is also required by us. For example, before we start praying for winning a lottery, we must buy a lottery ticket. We cannot win a lottery only by praying unless we buy a ticket. Similarly, some action is always needed if we want to achieve anything. 
It might be possible to achieve some goals with a little or no action at all, while some others may require a lot of effort from us. It depends on situations - on what we want to achieve.
Lately, the Dalai Lama, when asked the same question in a press conference, said:
Only praying is not enough. We have been praying for peace for centuries, but we have not achieved it yet. A time comes when we may have to fight for it".
When all negotiations and everything else failed, Lord Krishna also asked Arjun to fight for his rights. 
Guru Gobind Singh ji fought for his rights too. 
He did not tell his people to just sit and pray for peace and do nothing. 
Shiva ji, Rana Pratap and Rani Jhansi and many others -although they were great devotees and worshippers of God - had to stand up against the evil forces - to fight for their rights and maintain the peace.
Praying is great, but, Karma; the action - our effort is also quite important.
Even for small tasks, such as eating the food from the plate that is right in front of us, we need some effort.
While prayer gives us hope and strength, Karma is the law of nature. 
We cannot underestimate the power of either one of these. 
However, Prayer and Karma together can do wonders and bring miracles. 

                                        'Rajan Sachdeva '

आज मेरा दिल किसी की याद में रोया है Aaj mera dil kisi ki yaad me royaa hai

ज़िंदगी के सफ़र को मैंने लफ़्ज़ों में पिरोया है
अपनी हर ग़ज़ल को मैंने  दर्द में  भिगोया है
गुजारिश है तुमसे कि आज वाह-वाह न कहना
क्योंकि आज मेरा दिल किसी की याद में रोया है

Zindagi kay safar ko maine lafzon me piroyaa hai

Apni har ghazal ko maine dard me bhigoyaa hai 
Guzaarish hai tumsay ki aaj wah wah na kehnaa
Kyonki aaj mera dil kisi ki yaad me royaa hai 

Friday, February 15, 2019

Freedom is Expensive

Yesterday was a very sad day

Terrorism in Kashmir! Absolutely horrendous news.
Terrorists attacked the CRPF team with a car bomb.
Yesterday was a sad day in Indian history when 44 CRPF soldiers were martyred in Kashmir and many others wounded.
It's not only a few soldiers died but-
Many young women became widows.
Many children became orphans.
Many young boys and girls lost their brothers.
Many old mothers and fathers lost their sons - the only hope for their old age.
And they died, not fighting an enemy directly, but by a terrorist whom they did not know, had not seen coming - by a suicide bomber who blew up a convey of the CRPF Jawans.
It's unimaginable how a human can kill so many other human beings in such cold blood and thinks that God will be pleased with him - that he will be awarded a place in heaven for such a horrendous act of violence.
Don't they have any common sense? Don't they have any regard whatsoever for life?
For other fellow human beings?
Strangely, when someone dies, we pray for them to Rest in peace - why can't we live in peace too?

Soldiers die for the sake of the country, but they are hardly remembered - hardly given much credit for what they do. They die fighting for our country and us, so that we could live peacefully with our families and children, without giving a second thought as to what would happen to their families and children if they did not return.
We are forever in their debt - but merely stating this fact and just talking about it is not enough - we need to do our bit too in whatever way possible to help their families.
Although the loss of a family member can never be replaced, however, we should try our best to ease their pain in any way we can.
That is the real purpose of religion.
That is humanity in a real sense.
                                          'Rajan Sachdeva '

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Care vs Control

When we care for people, 
we usually want to control them as well - there is a subtle control hidden behind any apparent care. 
However, there is a difference between caring and controlling. 
Care is an expression of love while control is an expression of ego.
Care unites - Control separates
Care connects - Control cuts
Care heals - Control hurts 
Too much control creates negativity and turns people away or makes them rebellious. 
So, keep caring for people but don't try to control them, 
Because no one likes to be controlled.

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

अमीर-ए-शहर Ameer-e-Shehar

अमीर-ए-शहर - ग़रीबों को लूट लेता है 
कभी बहीला-ए-मज़हब कभी बनामे-वतन 

Ameer-e-Shehar, gareebon ko loot laitaa hai 
Kabhi baheelaa-e-mazahab, kabhi banaame-watan
                            (Writer unknown)

अमीर-ए-शहर Ameer-e-shehar                 -  Ruler of the city, country, corporation or Religious authority.
बहीला-ए-मज़हब  Baheelaa-e-mazahab   -  For the sake of religion
बनामे-वतन Banaame-watan                     -   In the name of the country

The rich and powerful people always try to exploit the poor -either in the name of religion or for the sake of their country. They very skillfully convince them to lay down their lives for the cause while themselves sit and enjoy in the comfort of their luxurious homes. 
If the goal is achieved, then it's the leaders who reap all the benefits, but if they lose, the leaders are still safe. 
Gradually, the wealthy become wealthier and the powerful and dominant gain more power. 
Sad, but true. 

He who knows

He who knows, and knows not that he knows - is asleep. 
                      Wake him.
He who knows not, and knows that he knows not - is ignorant. 
                      Change him.
He who knows not, and knows not that he knows not - is a fool. 
                      Shun him.
He who knows, and knows that he knows - is wise. 
                     Follow him.

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

​आज उसी ​से​ ​सीख ​रहा हूँ Aaj usi say Seekh rahaa Hoon

मोबाइल चलाना ​आज उसी ​से​ ​सीख ​रहा हूँ मैं
पहला शब्द लिखना​​ ​जिसे मैंने ​सिखाया था !!!!

Mobile chalaanaa aaj usi say seekh rahaa hoon main 

Pehlaa shabd likhnaa jise maine sikhaaya tha

There are only Two ways

There are only two ways to be. 
                      One is at war with reality 
                                    and the other is at peace.

                        The choice is ours

Saturday, February 9, 2019

Reply to some comments on चाहत कुछ तो होगी Chaahat kuchh to rahi hogi

Received a nice comment for a previous post and I thought I would post my reply over here for everyone. 
You can read the comments of Dr. BM in the comment section. 

Thank you for your beautiful comments. 
As I mentioned in the beginning, people look at the same thing from different angles - different perspectives - such as children or elders or intellectuals. The Shayar however, is a different breed altogether - and I am saying this with great regards for them. It's not a question of if they know about the law of gravity or not. These days, almost everyone has a basic knowledge of physics and how things work. However, the poets look at things from another emotional angle also. It's amazing to see how a shayar looks at small - common incidences in different ways - at a deeper level. Normally, we do not pay any special attention to a common phenomenon such as rain. So, when I read that sher, I was amazed at how he related the drops of rain coming down to touch the ground because they must have some unfulfilled desires left. At the same time, he beautifully pointed out to a deep psychological tendency that after reaching to certain heights, no one wants to come down to the ground level to mingle with so-called ordinary people. 
I admired the hidden depth behind this couplet, so I wanted to share it with everyone. 
What you said next, is absolutely true. 
“Whatever goes up, comes down” is undoubtedly another law of nature. This is a fact which Shayars, Kavi, Poets keep presenting in their own different ways - with different analogies. You have mentioned a very famous sher with a similar example:
                    मिटा दे अपनी हस्ती को अगर कुछ मरतबा चाहे 
                    कि दाना ख़ाक़ में मिलकर गुल-ओ-गुलज़ार होता है...
                Mitaa day apni hasti ko agar kuchh martabaa chaahay
               Ki daanaa khaaq me mil kar gulo-o-gulzaar hota hai 
kill your ego - all desires and ambitions if you want to achieve some status (in the spiritual realm). 
A seed only blooms into a flower and a garden after it is buried deep in the ground. 
But then again, there is another way of looking at the same thing - a different approach to achieve the same goal:
                ख़ुदी को कर बुलंद इतना कि हर तक़दीर से पहले 
                ख़ुदा बंदे से खुद पूछे - बता तेरी रज़ा क्या है 
            Khudi ko kar buland itnaa ki har taqdeer say pehlay
            Khuada banday say khud poochhay bataa teri razaa kya hai?
Raise your self (your thoughts and actions) to such a high level that even God Himself - before creating the destiny - would ask the man what his desire is. 
So, from which angle a Shayar looks at certain things or incidence may really depend upon the mood of the Shayar at the time.
I thank you again for taking the time to post your comments and please continue to share your thoughts.
                                    'Rajan Sachdeva'

Friday, February 8, 2019

We are Taught to Believe in a God.....

We are taught to believe in a jealous God who does favors to those who worship him, and hold them for those who don’t - God, that wants constant appreciations, favors, and sacrifices and wants to be worshipped all the time. 
We believe he showers blessings upon his favorite ones, or becomes angry and throws wrath upon those who disobey him.
Interestingly, some people even believe that they have the responsibility of ‘protecting God from his enemies’ and that it’s their duty to establish his rule over all people and bring the whole world under the control of “their God”. As if some of the worlds might be ruled by the other gods, the enemies of their own god.
If the whole universe is created and controlled by the ‘one supreme God’ - if he is all-powerful and omnipotent, then why does he need help from his faithful and obedient people to destroy his enemies and disobedient ones? 
It is said in the Bible that ‘God made man in His own image’.
We think since we are his image, then he must be like us.
Therefore, we perceive Him just like a human being - but are these the qualities of a true, just, most merciful and loving God?   
We attribute man-like qualities to God because we cannot think beyond our own perceptions, and expectations. So we create and perceive a God in our own image.
In reality:
                        "मूढ़ोअयम् नाभिजानाति लोको मामजमव्ययम् "
                        “Moodho Ayam Naabhi Janaati Loko Maamajmavayam”     
The ignorant do not know that I (God) am beyond birth and death and without attributes)   
                                        ‘Bhagvad Gita’ (Chapter 8, Shlok 25)

                           रूपु न रेख न रंगु किछु त्रिहु गुण ते प्रभ भिंन ॥

                          Roop na rang na rekh kichhu, Trihu gun tay Prabh bhinn 
God is beyond any form, shape or color, and any attributes or characteristics whatsoever
                                             (Sukhmani Sahib) 
                      Roop Rang tay rekhon nyaaray tainu lakh pranaam karaan
                                                      (Avtar Bani)
The great Vedas proclaim Him as ‘Svayambhu’, one who is by Himself, without a second… neither created nor can be attributed to any worldly qualities.
‘Svayambhu’ is translated as ‘Saibhang’ in Gurubani.

                         “Thaapeyaa na jaye, Keetaa na hoye
                           Aapay aap Niranjan soye”      
                                                             (Japuji Sahib)
                   Neither can be established nor can be created,
                   He is simply - Himself.
Knowing thus can set us free from delusions and misconceptions about God and Truth.

                                      ‘Rajan Sachdeva’ 

Thursday, February 7, 2019

चाहत कुछ तो रही होगी Chaahat kuchh to rahi hogi

It is interesting to see how people look at things in different ways. 
Lately, there have been some hail storms in Punjab and Delhi. 
While children might be running around and playing with the icy hails,
old people are complaining about how cold it is. 
And intellectuals are talking about the global change in the weather. 

However, a Kavi, a shayar or poet looks at everything from a philosophical angle.
Seeing the drops of rain or hail rushing to touch the ground, an emotional Shayar (poet) says:

                         चाहत कुछ तो रही होगी इन बूंदों की भी वरना
                         कौन छूता है ज़मीन - आसमां पे पहुंच कर 

            Chaahat kuchh to rahi hogi in boondon ki bhi warnaa 
            Kaun chhootaa hai zameen - aasman pay pahunch kar       
                                ' Rajan Sachdeva '

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

All Experiences are Subjective to Interpretation

Our senses constantly keep gathering information from the outer world and sending it to the brain. The brain then analyzes it and interprets it by comparing it with the information previously stored in its memory bank.
There is no understanding or feeling without interpretation.
Therefore, all that we experience is subjective.
We create our world. We interpret and experience everything we see according to our perceptions.
Since our mind sees the world by drawing conclusions from the information provided by our senses and from the previous memory - so, all we see and know is filtered. We cannot truly see the world as it is.
Therefore, there is no such thing as objectivity or direct knowledge. Everything is relative because we are all sentenced to our specific conditioned frames of mind. As long as we all have different perspectives, as long as our perception relies on our senses and memory, we cannot realize the absolute truth. All knowledge which is based upon perception and interpretation is imperfect and conditional. Only when we stop to interpret, we see the truth.
Inner truth can only be glimpsed by disconnecting the mechanism of interpretation.
As Lord Krishna says in Bhagavad Gita:
                   Yatha deepo Nivaatastho Naingatay Sopmaasmrita
                   Yogino YatChittasya Yunjato Yogmaatmanah          
Just as the flame of a lamp does not flicker in a windless place, similarly the subdued mind of a yogi is always focused on the 'Self.       (Bhagavad Gita 6:19)

If we can withdraw the activities of the senses and isolate that part of the mind responsible for filtering sensory input, then we can temporarily shut off the ongoing process of interaction with the outside world and turn inward.
We will then be in a neutral place that is free of interpretations. We will then be in an absolute state, entirely without distinction or relativity.
This state is called Nothingness, and this is the Truth underlying all things.

Know Well

Know well what you know not.
Unlearn what ill you know.

A wise man frees himself from defects
by regarding defects as defects.

Tuesday, February 5, 2019


At one time or the other, we all run into certain situations when we feel hurt by the actions or behaviors of others - may it be friends, relatives, loved ones or even strangers. 
Often, when we feel hurt, we become angry and feel like taking revenge. And then, depending upon our Sanskaars - our upbringing and the ideology - we might hear an inner voice saying - Let it go - Forgive - and Forget. 
But it's not that easy, and depending on the severity of the incidence, we start pondering upon the question whether to forgive or not. 
Before we make the final decision, we should first try to understand what forgiveness means and who will benefit from it more. 
Forgiveness isn't something we do only for those who hurt us; it is something we do for ourselves as well.
When we feel cheated, abused and hurt, we constantly keep on thinking about it. We don't know if the other person even remembers it or not, but we keep on feeling angry and hurt inside.  
Therefore, eventually, it is us who will receive more benefit from forgiving.  
                        Can we forget the incidence altogether?
Letting it go and forgetting the incidence is never easy.
However, by forgiving, we will be accepting the reality of what happened and finding a way to live in a state of resolution with it. By forgiving, we will be putting our own mind at peace. We will become free of anger and anxiety, even if we do not tell the person that he or she is forgiven.  
It may be hard to do. If we are not able to forgive immediately, then we can try to achieve it in a gradual process - if we have the willingness to forgive. 
However, the sooner we forgive, the sooner we will feel relieved and at peace with our-self. 
                                           ' Rajan Sachdeva '

Sunday, February 3, 2019

Dr. Satish Vyas - A good friend - who left us yesterday

Dr. Satish Vyas, a very good friend of mine and a well-known member of our whole community left us yesterday.
Tall, with a bigger than life and jolly personality, he was always seen laughing and making everyone else laugh with him. He always became the center of attraction for the artists as well as the audiences in every Urdu Mushaira or Hindi Kavi-Sammelan that took place in town. 
His religion was humanity and to serve humanity was his Pooja (worship). Every year, he spent a couple of months to perform free plastic surgeries in India and Philipines to help the poor who could not afford to pay.
While I feel sad, thinking that we won't be able to see him anymore - yet at the same time - feel proud to have him as a friend for a long time, and admire him for the way he lived his life.
Suddenly, this Rubaayi written by Sahir Ludhianavi comes to my mind which nicely and briefly portrays his personality and ideology about life:

                     न मुँह छुपा के जीए हम न सर झुका के जीए 
                     सितमगरों की नज़र से नज़र मिला के जीए  
                    अब एक रात अगर कम जीए तो कम ही सही 
                    यही बहुत है कि हम मशअलें जला के जीए 
Na munh chhupaa kay jeeye hum na sar jhuka kay jeeye 
Sitamgaron kee nazar say nazar milaa kay jeeye  
Ab ek raat agar kum jeeye - to kum hee sahi 
Yahi bahut hai ki hum mash'alen jalaa kay jeeye 
                                              'Rajan Sachdeva'
 Mash'alen ----- Lamps, Big Torches 

Saturday, February 2, 2019

नदिया और कुंआ

नदिया ने कुएँ से कहा:
तेरा और मेरा क्या मुकाबला....  
जानते हो तुझमें और मुझमें कितना फ़र्क़ है?

कुँए  ने कहा:
जितना फ़र्क़ भटकाव में और ठहराव में है 
जितना फ़र्क़ बेसबरी से भागने में और शान्ति से बैठने में है 
दूसरा - तुम प्यासे के पास चल कर जाती हो और मेरे पास प्यासा ख़ुद चल कर आता है 
तीसरा और सबसे ज़्यादा मह्त्वपूर्ण अंतर ये है कि तुम ऊपर से नीचे की ओर जाती हो इसलिए खारी हो जाती हो 
और मैं नीचे से ऊपर जाता हूँ इसलिए हमेशा मीठा ही रहता हूँ 


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...