Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Lord Krishna and the Demon

One night, when they were traveling, lord Krishna, his older brother Balram and his friend Satyeki got lost in the middle of a dense forest. Since it was getting dark, they decided to rest for the night in the forest – and decided that all three of them would take turns keeping vigil while the other two sleep.
First, Satyeki i kept watch, while the other two slept. A little later, a demon descended from a tree and challenged Satyeki for a fight. Satyeki became very angry and started to fight the demon. The more the demon riled Satyeki up, the more aggressively would Satyeki fight. And the more aggressive Satyeki became, the more would the demon increase in size! As a result, Satyeki suffered a lot of injuries. As he fell to the ground, the demon walked away.

In the second shift, the elder brother Balram woke up and started to keep watch. Without saying a word about his encounter, Satyeki went off to sleep. Now Balram heard the demon's screams too. He also engaged in a fight. The same scenario played again: the more aggression Balram showed, the more would the demon blow up in size! Many hours passed while the two fought. Ultimately Balram too suffered the same fate as Satyeki.

The last was lord Krishna's shift. Just like his predecessor had done, Balram too went off to sleep without saying a word to lord Krishna. Now the demon challenged lord Krishna too. But lord Krishna kept his composure. The more aggression the demon showed, the more would lord Krishna smile, and in response, the demon would shrink. In the end, the demon became the size of an ant. At this time lord Krishna picked him up and put it in his pocket.

In the morning, when Balram and Satyeki told lord Krishna about their encounters, he took out the ant-sized demon from his pocket and said “this is the demon - with whom both of you had been fighting”. 
They were surprised and asked how was that possible?
Krishna said it was the anger hidden in your subconscious that appeared in the form of a demon in front of you and challenged you. The angrier you became, bigger and stronger that demon became. You could not control your anger and ended up hurting yourselves.”
On the other hand, Lord Krishna remained calm when he faced the demon and kept smiling. The more he smiled and remained calm, smaller the demon became. 

The moral of this story is that to win anger over, we too should keep calm and composed, and the anger will be destroyed by itself! 

 Translated from Hindi by Mandar Purekar, Michigan


  1. Thank you for sharing this story ji...

    I see this method can be used for all other vices as well. The more we try to fight them the more the desire increases to commit them. ๐Ÿ™

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