Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Celebrate Navraatri.. With its Deep Spiritual Meaning

                 Deep Spiritual Meaning of Navratri.

Every Life comes from Motherhood.
The very first Guru is the Mother - life stems and grows from feminine intelligence. Navaratri or The Nine Nights is a symbolic festival of its subtle realization - a symbol of nine months, which a new human life takes to fully develop in the mother's womb.
Durga, the fiercest, worshipped on the first three days, vanquishes the ego in Madhu and Kaitabha - Sweetness and Bitterness. The one who is stuck with deep ego is swayed either by sweet praise or bitter scolding. It takes immense Durga Shakti or divine energy to overcome egoistic limitations. Without the ego, the person is now ready to be fully active in working for riches of the world.
The next three days, She destroys Chand and Mund - Aggression and Laziness. To the one who has earned worldly richness, comes the pride of ownership and the deluded comfort of sloth. Shreevidya or Lakshmi; the awakening of inner richness through meditation, is that which shifts the Consciousness beyond limitations of fleeting pleasure towards inner awareness. 
The final three days, She slays Shumbha and Nishumba - Self-Doubt and Mistrust of others. Along with inner awareness comes a variety of doubts on your own mind and its patterns and how others affect you and your relationships, and how you feel insecure with people around you. 
Saraswati awakens the subtle intelligence to look beyond all subtle questions and answers, and become well-settled into divine wisdom.
Thus, The Devi pierces the Trishool or the three shifts in the three Gunas of Consciousness, right into the throat of the buffalo natured Mahishasura - the throat specifically being the center of the Vishuddha Chakra, purifying the soul for final ascension.
Then, it is Vijaya-Dashmi... The tenth day, the day of Victory - of full ascension to the Sahasrara, where Kundalini unites with the SHIVATVA... The Self-unites with its source - the Super-Soul.
                (From the web - with minor changes and additions)


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...