Tuesday, October 30, 2018

अगर वो पूछ लें हम से Agar Vo Poochh lain hum say

अगर वो पूछ लें हम से 
           तुम्हें किस बात का ग़म है ? 
तो फिर किस बात का ग़म हो 
                अगर वो पूछ लें हम से?

Agar vo poochh lain hum say
               Tumhen kis baat ka gham hai ? 
To phir kis baat ka gham ho
                Agar vo poochh lain hum say ?

Monday, October 29, 2018

Anyone Can Run it Smoothly

Starting a new business, an organization or a corporation requires vision, new ideas, proper planning and lot of hard work. 
Making a new road requires planning and great effort; creating proper road maps, gathering material for construction along with hard labor, and it usually takes a long time. Once the road is made, any vehicle can be driven on it easily by almost anyone - smoothly and at a faster pace towards the destination. 
Similarly, anyone can run it smoothly and even improve it if given a good platform, a well-running business or an already growing organization. 
It’s not the improvements or achievements that decide the rate of your success.
It’s the failures in your life - and how you handle it, that decides how successful you are, and how effective you will be in the future. 
More important than your thoughts and actions to solve the problem – it’s the attitude with which you handle the situation. It is your attitude that can turn your rivals and adverse situations in your favor. But at the same time, your attitude can also turn a favorable situation against you. 
Learning from the past mistakes and planning the future with positive attitude is the key to success. 

                           ‘Rajan Sachdeva’

Friday, October 26, 2018

God lives in such Innocence

God lives in such Innocence
Author and lecturer, Leo Buscaglia, once talked about a contest he was asked to judge.
The purpose of the contest was to find the most caring child.
The winner was:
A four-year-old child, whose next door neighbor was an elderly gentleman, who had recently lost his wife.
Upon seeing the man cry, the little boy went into the old man's yard, climbed onto his lap, and just sat there.
When his mother asked him what he had said to the neighbor, the little boy just said: 
'Nothing, I just helped him cry.'
Students, of class one in a school, were discussing a student's family picture. One little boy in the picture had a hair color, different from the other family members.
One of the other students suggested that he was adopted.
A little girl said: 'I know all about adoption because I was adopted..' 
'What does it mean to be adopted ?' asked another child. 
'It means', said the girl, 'that you grew in your mommy's heart, instead of her tummy.!'

 Whenever I'm disappointed with my life, I stop and think about little Jamie Scott.
 Jamie was trying out for a part in the school play.
His mother told me that he'd set his heart on being in it, though she feared he would not be chosen.  
On the day the parts were awarded, I went with her to collect him after school.
Jamie rushed up to her, eyes shining with pride and excitement... 
'Guess what, Mom,' he shouted, "I've been chosen to clap and cheer."

These words - spoken by a young child will remain a lesson to me forever...
Because this is what 'Accepting every situation with happiness' means.

Thursday, October 25, 2018

मैं देख कर भी आँख चुराता चला गया Main dekh kar bhee aankh churaata chala gaya

मैं देख कर भी आँख चुराता चला गया 
हर अक़्स अपने दिल से मिटाता चला गया
'राजन ' महरमों का तो मशकूर हूँ बेशक़ 
मैं राहज़नों का शुकर मनाता चला गया 
                'राजन सचदेव '

Main dekh kar bhee aankh churaata chala gaya 
Har aqs apnay dil say mitaata chalaa gaya
'Rajan' meharamon ka to mashkoor hoon beshaq 
Mein raah-zanon ka shukar manaata chalaa gaya
                           " Rajan Sachdeva "

महरम   Meharam  -- Well -wishers 
मशकूर  Mashkor  -   Thankful, Greatful  
बेशक़   Beshaq --      Undoubtedly 
राहज़न Raah-zan --  Robber, Cheater, who intentionally misguides - puts on the wrong path in order to cheat or loot.

Monday, October 22, 2018

सकल जगत स्यों करिए सद ब्योहार Sakal Jagat Syon kariye Sad-byohaar

संत जना मिल करो विवेक विचार 
सकल जगत स्यों करिए सद ब्योहार 

वैर विरोध में  काहे  मन उरझायो 
प्रेम  से  होती  है  ऊर्जा  संचार 

खूब कमाओ धन - पर याद रहे 
छोड़ के जाना है इक दिन संसार 

ऐसे जन को चिंता नाहीं कोई  
जिसके मन मांहि बस्यो निरंकार 

मैं  नाहीं - जो  है  सब  तू ही है 
तेरी  दया  मया  है  अपरम्पार 

पूरी करो ये 'राजन' की अरदास 
सुमिरन ही हो जीवन का आधार 

Sant janaa mil karo vivek vichaar 
Sakal jagat syon kariye sad byohaar 

Vair virodh mein kaahay man urjhaayo 
Prem say hotee hai oorja sanchaar 

Khoob kamaao dhan - par yaad rahay 
Chhod kay jaana hai ik din sansaar 

Aise jan ko chintaa naaheen koyi
Jis kay man maanhi basyo Nirankaar 

Mein naahin - jo hai sab tu hee hai 
Teree dayaa mayaa hai aparam-paar 

Poori karo ye 'Rajan' kee ardaas 
Sumiran hee ho jeevan ka aadhaar
                     'Rajan Sachdeva'

Saturday, October 20, 2018

लस्सी !! (एक सच्ची घटना)

                                                         लस्सी !! (एक सच्ची घटना) 

लस्सी का ऑर्डर देकर हम सब आराम से बैठकर एक दूसरे की खिंचाई और हंसी-मजाक में लगे ही थे कि एक लगभग 70-75 साल की माताजी कुछ पैसे मांगते हुए मेरे सामने हाथ फैलाकर खड़ी हो गईं....!
उनकी कमर झुकी हुई थी,. चेहरे की झुर्रियों में भूख तैर रही थी... आंखें भीतर को धंसी हुई किन्तु सजल थीं... उनको देखकर मन मे न जाने क्या आया कि मैने जेब मे सिक्के निकालने के लिए डाला हुआ हाथ वापस खींचते हुए उनसे पूछ लिया......
"दादी लस्सी पियोगी ?"
मेरी इस बात पर दादी कम अचंभित हुईं और मेरे मित्र अधिक... क्योंकि अगर मैं उनको पैसे देता तो बस 5 या 10 रुपए ही देता लेकिन लस्सी तो 35 रुपए की है... इसलिए लस्सी पिलाने से मेरे गरीब हो जाने की और उस बूढ़ी दादी के द्वारा मुझे ठग कर अमीर हो जाने की संभावना बहुत अधिक बढ़ गई थी!
दादी ने सकुचाते हुए हामी भरी और अपने पास जो मांग कर जमा किए हुए 6-7 रुपए थे वो अपने कांपते हाथों से मेरी ओर बढ़ाए... 
मुझे कुछ समझ नही आया तो मैने उनसे पूछा...
"ये किस लिए?"
"इनको मिलाकर मेरी लस्सी के पैसे चुका देना बाबूजी !"
भावुक तो मैं उनको देखकर ही हो गया था... रही बची कसर उनकी इस बात ने पूरी कर दी!
एकाएक मेरी आंखें छलछला आईं और मैंने भरभराए हुए गले से उसे अपने पैसे रखने के लिए कहा और दुकान वाले से एक लस्सी बढ़ाने को कहा... उन्होने अपने पैसे वापस मुट्ठी मे बंद कर लिए और पास ही जमीन पर बैठ गईं...
अब मुझे अपनी लाचारी का अनुभव हुआ क्योंकि चाहते हुए भी मैं वहां पर मौजूद दुकानदार, अपने दोस्तों और कई अन्य ग्राहकों की वजह से उनको कुर्सी पर बैठने के लिए नहीं कह सका!
मुझे डर था कि कहीं कोई टोक ना दे.....कहीं किसी को एक भीख मांगने वाली बूढ़ी महिला को उनके बराबर में बिठाए जाने पर आपत्ति न हो जाये... लेकिन वो कुर्सी जिसपर मैं बैठा था, मुझे काट रही थी......
लस्सी कुल्लड़ों मे भरकर हम सब मित्रों और बूढ़ी दादी के हाथों मे आते ही मैं अपना कुल्लड़ पकड़कर दादी के पास ही जमीन पर बैठ गया क्योंकि ऐसा करने के लिए तो मैं  स्वतंत्र था... इससे किसी को  आपत्ति नही हो सकती थी... 
हां! मेरे दोस्तों ने मुझे एक पल को घूरा... लेकिन वो कुछ कहते उससे पहले ही दुकान के मालिक ने आगे बढ़कर दादी को उठाकर कुर्सी पर बैठा दिया और मेरी ओर मुस्कुराते हुए हाथ जोड़कर कहा.......
"ऊपर बैठ जाइए साहब! मेरे यहां ग्राहक तो बहुत आते हैं किन्तु इंसान कभी-कभार ही आता है"

अब सबके हाथों मे लस्सी के कुल्लड़ और होठों पर सहज मुस्कुराहट थी, बस एक वो दादी ही थीं जिनकी आंखों मे तृप्ति के आंसूं... होंठों पर मलाई के कुछ अंश और दिल में सैकड़ों दुआएं थीं!

                                                       (कहानी - एक मित्र की ज़ुबानी)


Lassi - Sweet Buttermilk (a true story)

                                 Lassi - Sweet Buttermilk (a true story)

After placing an order for Lassi (sweet buttermilk), my friends and I were relaxing comfortably, joking and having a good time. An old lady in her mid-seventies approached me and begged for some money.
She was very frail and her back was bent over completely. Hunger was showing through her heavily wrinkled face. Her eyes were sunken deep but still had light in them. As I reached in my pocket to take out a few coins, I found myself asking her: “Daadi (Grandma) would you like to drink Lassi?”
The old lady was taken aback, and so were my friends. Because while I could have got away with giving her mere 5 or 10 rupees, now I would have to shell out 35 rupees for the cost of a glass of lassi! It seemed that I was getting poorer while she was getting richer because of getting a good deal out of it!
The old lady took a deep breath, gained composure - took out 6 or 7 rupees that she had collected so far, and gave them to me. 
“What is this for?”, I asked her. 
“Son, please take this money that I have, and add whatever more is required to pay for my Lassi”. she replied. 
I was already emotional on seeing this old lady’s grace. And then she topped it with her generosity! With teary eyes, I told the owner of stall to bring one more glass of lassi, and told the lady to keep her money. She put the money away and sat down on the floor, waiting for the lassi…
Now a feeling of shame came over me because, in front of my friends, the stall owner, and other customers, I could not muster the courage to tell her to sit on a chair with us - not on the floor! I was afraid that others would take an exception to me for letting a beggar lady sit on a chair with the rest of the crowd. But me sitting on a chair and her on the floor - was making me very uncomfortable…
When we got our glasses of lassi, I instinctively left my chair and sat down on the floor beside the old lady. While I could not ask her to sit on a chair, I was free to sit by her. And moreover, nobody could object to that. My friends angrily stared at me. But before anyone could say a word, the stall owner came forward and gently helped the old lady sit on an empty chair. He smiled at me, and with folded hands, said “Sir, please sit on your chair … I get a lot of customers, but rarely does a real human being pays a visit here...”
Now, everyone had a smile on their faces, and a glass of lassi in their hands. Only the old lady had tears of satisfaction in her eyes, heart full of blessings, and lips covered with lassi...

                              ~ Received from a friend ~
          (Translated from Hindi by Mandar Purekar, Michigan)

Friday, October 19, 2018

परवरदिगारे-आलम की रहमत पे अक़ीदा भी है

Yesterday, while driving, a Mercedes was waiting at the red light in front of my car 
I saw a homeless person approaching the driver and asking for some money. 
The driver of Mercedes signaled him to get lost. 
Suddenly a Sher came to my mind and then the whole Ghazal later.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
एक ही शहर में शहनशाह भी है, गदा भी है        
अमीर की अना भी है - ग़रीब की सदा भी है          

यूं तो गूंजते हैं महफिलों में कहकहे मगर  

मुस्कुराती आँख में इक अश्क़ पोशीदा भी है            

बेवजह  होती  नहीं  हैं  दोस्तों  में  रंजिशें 

रंजिशें हैं दिल में तो आख़िर कोई वजा भी है 

चाह कर भी हो नहीं पाती है आख़िर बात क्यों 
शायद ग़लतफ़हमियों का दरमियाँ परदा भी है 

क्या हुआ, कि ख़त्म दिलों से आशनाई हो गई 

हुई जो तर्क़ - तो कुछ बाइसे तर्क़े वफ़ा भी है 

"हुज़ूर - मुझे आपकी  सूरत भी गंवारा  नहीं "
बात में तल्ख़ी है उसकी  -अदब का लहजा भी है 

यूँ ही बेमतलब नहीं होती कभी ख़ामोशियाँ   

ख़ामुशी में छुपा कोई तूफ़ान शोरीदा भी है

क्यों मगर उठते हैं दिल में वलवले 'राजन' अगर 

परवरदिगारे-आलम की रहमत पे अक़ीदा भी है                    
                            "राजन सचदेव "

गदा  (भिखारी)  सदा  (प्रार्थना)  पोशीदा  (Hidden )  तर्क़  (तोड़ना ,टूटना)  तल्ख़ (कड़वी Bitter )
बाइसे-तर्क़े-वफ़ा (वफ़ा, मोहब्बत टूटने या ख़त्म होने का कारण)  शोरीदा (शोर) अक़ीदा (विश्वास)

Paravar-digaare-Aalam kee Rehmat pay Aqeedaa

Yesterday, while driving, a Mercedes was waiting at the red light in front of my car.
I saw a homeless person approaching the driver and asking for some money. 
The driver of Mercedes signaled him to get lost. 
Suddenly a sher came to my mind and then the whole Ghazal later.

Ek hee shehar mein shehanshah bhee hai, gadaa bhee hai
Ameer kee anaa bhee hai - gareeb kee sadaa bhee hai

Yoon to goonjtay hain mehafilon mein keh-kahay magar
Muskuraatee aankh mein ik ashq posheeda bhee hai

Bevajah hotee nahin hain doston mein ranjishen
Ranjishen hain dil mein to aakhir koyi vaja bhee hai

Chaah kar bhee ho nahin paati hai aakhir baat kyon
Shaayad galat-fehamiyon ka darmiyaan pardaa bhee hai

Kya huaa, jo khatam dilon say aashnayee ho gayee
Huyee jo tarq - to kuchh baaisay tarqe-vafaa bhee hai

"Huzoor - mujhay aapkee soorat bhee ganvaara nahin"
Baat mein talkhi hai uski  -  adab ka lehjaa bhee hai

Yoon hee be-matalab nahin hotee kabhee khamoshiyaan
Khaamushee mein chhupaa koyi toofaan shoreeda bhee hai
Kyon magar uthtay hain dil mein valvalay 'Rajan' agar
Paravar-digaare-aalam kee rehmat pay aqeedaa bhee hai

                            "Rajan Sachdeva"

Gadaa                                Beggar, Poor
Anaa                                  Ego, pride
Sadaa                                Call, Cry for help
Keh-kahay                         Loud laugh
Posheeda                           Hidden
Aashnaayi                          Love, Affection
Tarq                                    Break, To end
Baaise-tarqe-wafaa            Reason for the break-up
Talkhi                                 Bitterness, Rudeness
Adab                                   Respect, Courteous
Shoreeda                            Noisy

Father - Son Relationship

लालयेत पंच वर्षेषु - दश वर्षेषु ताड़येत
प्राप्ते तु षोडशे वर्षे - पुत्रे मित्र वदाचरेत

Laalyait Panch varsheshu - Dash  varsheshu  Taadyait

Praaptay tu Shodshay varshay - Putray mitra vadaacharait
   (From Subhaashita - An Ancient Sanskrit Scripture)

For the first five years, give all your love – provide as much as you can.
For the next ten years, teach strongly with an iron fist (the proper Samskaaras, principles, and morals - to build up his character); with strict discipline.
After he reaches the age of sixteen*, a son should be treated as a friend; as an equal - with respect for his knowledge; his views and judgments.

Note: Nowadays, sixteen might be too young to be considered as a responsible, mature adult. Perhaps we should add a few more years and change this to twenty-one or so.

Thursday, October 18, 2018

उल्फत बदल गई Ulfat Badal Gayi

उल्फ़त बदल गई - कभी नीयत बदल गई
ख़ुदग़र्ज़ जब हुए, तो फिर सीरत बदल गई
अपना कुसूर, दूसरों के सर पर डाल कर
कुछ लोग सोचते हैं, हक़ीक़त बदल गई

Ulfat badal gayi - kabhi neeyat badal gayi
Khudgarz jab huye to phir seerat badal gayi
Apnaa qusoor dusron kay sar pay daal kar
Kuchh log sochtay hain haqeeqat badal gayi 

Seerat   ---    Nature, Behaviors, Character  

Monday, October 15, 2018

धर्म मज़हब दे नां ते लड़दे लोक Dharm mazhab day naan te ladaday lok

इक्को रब्ब दे बंदे - हिन्दू, मुस्लिम, सिख, ईसाई 
पर इक दूजे लई दिलां विच प्यार नहीं हुंदा 

अपने धर्म दी सिफ़तां हर कोई चाहुंदा ए करना 
दूजे  धरमां लई  मगर  सत्कार नहीं  हुंदा 

कठ्ठे  बह जांदे ने  सिनमे ते मयख़ाने विच 
ओथे आपस विच कदी तक़रार नहीं  हुंदा 

धर्म मज़हब दे नां ते 'राजन' लड़दे मरदे लोक 
करना होए वपार तां कोई  इन्कार नहीं  हुंदा 

Ikko rabb day banday- Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Isaayi
Par ik doojay layee dilaan vich pyaar nahin hunda 

Apnay dharm dee sifataan har koyi chaahundaa ae karnaa 
Doojay dharmaan layee magar  satkaar nahin hunda 

Katthay beh jaanday nay sinmay tay maykhaanay vich 
Otthay  aapas  vich  kadi  taqraar  nahin  hunda 

Dharm mazhab day naan tay 'Rajan' ladaday marday lok 
Karnaa hoye  vapaar  taan koyee inkaar nahin hunda

Sinmay                  Movie theatre 
Vapaar                  Business transactions  

Friday, October 12, 2018

दर्शन में कमीं रह जाए तो... Darshan mein kamee reh jaye to...

दर्शन में कमीं रह भी जाए ... तो चलेगा  
      -   लेकिन प्रदर्शन से अवश्य बचना

वन्दन में कमीं रह भी जाए .... .तो चलेगा  
         -    लेकिन बंधन से अवश्य बचना

प्रवचन में कमीं रह भी जाए ....तो चलेगा  
           -   लेकिन दुर्वचन से अवश्य बचना

श्रवण में कमीं रह भी जाए ....तो चलेगा  
         -  लेकिन कुश्रवण से अवश्य बचना

भोजन का उपवास नहीं भी कर सको ....तो चलेगा   
    -  लेकिन किसी का उपहास करने से अवश्य बचना

केश-विलोचन नहीं भी कर सको ..तो चलेगा  
          -  लेकिन क्लेश-विलोचन अवश्य करना

प्रतिक्रमण में कमीं रह भी जाए ....तो चलेगा  
             -   लेकिन अतिक्रमण से अवश्य बचना

Darshan mein kamee reh bhee jaye ... to Chalega
          -  Lekin Pradarshan say zaroor bachnaa

Vandan mein kamee reh bhee jaye ... to Chalega
               -  Lekin Bandhan say zaroor bachnaa

Pravachan mein kamee reh bhee jaye ... to Chalega
                -  Lekin Durvachan say zaroor bachnaa

Shravan mein kamee reh bhee jaye ...to Chalega
                -  Lekin Ku-shravan say zaroor bachnaa

Bhojan ka upavaas nahin bhee kar sako ... to Chalega
           - Lekin Kisee ka upahaas karnay say zaroor bachnaa

Kesh-vilochan nahin bhee kar sako ... to Chalega
            -  Lekin Klesh-vilochan zaroor karnaa

Pratikraman mein kamee reh bhee jaye ... to Chalega
            -   Lekin Atikraman say zaroor bachnaa

Pradarshan     -----        Show off, Display
Vandan            -----        Worship
Bandhan         ------       Bondage
Pravachan      ------       Discourse, preaching
Durvachan     ------       Bad words, speaking ill about others
Shravan         -------       Listening 
Ku-shravan   -------       Listening to bad things, Gossips etc.
Upavaas         -------       Fasting
Upahaas        -------       Make fun of others, to insult
Kesh-vilochan -------    Pulling hair from head
Kalesh-vilochan -----   Avoid fighting, Abstain from quarreling
Pratikraman        -----   Repetition (of a phrase or Mantras)  
Atikraman        -------   Encroachment, Intrusion, invasion on other’s rights & territory

Thursday, October 11, 2018

An Eyewitness Account

An eyewitness account from New York City, on a cold day in December.
A little boy, about 10-years-old, was standing before a shoe store on the road, barefooted, peering through the window, and shivering with cold.
 A lady approached the young boy and said: 'My, but you're in such deep thought staring in that window!'
The boy replied: I was asking God to give me a pair of shoes.'

The lady took him by the hand, went into the store, and asked the clerk to get half a dozen pairs of socks and a pair of shoes for the boy.
She then asked if he could give her a basin of water and a towel.
He quickly brought them to her. 
She took the little fellow to the back part of the store and, removing her gloves, knelt down, washed his little feet, and dried them with the towel.  
By this time, the clerk had returned with the socks.
Placing a pair upon the boy's feet, she gave him the pair of shoes. 
She tied up the remaining pairs of socks and gave them to him. She patted him on the head and said, 
'No doubt, you will be more  comfortable now..' 
As she turned to go, the astonished kid caught her by  the hand, and looking up into her face, with tears
in his eyes, asked her:
                         'Are you God's wife.........?'        

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Celebrate Navraatri.. With its Deep Spiritual Meaning

                 Deep Spiritual Meaning of Navratri.

Every Life comes from Motherhood.
The very first Guru is the Mother - life stems and grows from feminine intelligence. Navaratri or The Nine Nights is a symbolic festival of its subtle realization - a symbol of nine months, which a new human life takes to fully develop in the mother's womb.
Durga, the fiercest, worshipped on the first three days, vanquishes the ego in Madhu and Kaitabha - Sweetness and Bitterness. The one who is stuck with deep ego is swayed either by sweet praise or bitter scolding. It takes immense Durga Shakti or divine energy to overcome egoistic limitations. Without the ego, the person is now ready to be fully active in working for riches of the world.
The next three days, She destroys Chand and Mund - Aggression and Laziness. To the one who has earned worldly richness, comes the pride of ownership and the deluded comfort of sloth. Shreevidya or Lakshmi; the awakening of inner richness through meditation, is that which shifts the Consciousness beyond limitations of fleeting pleasure towards inner awareness. 
The final three days, She slays Shumbha and Nishumba - Self-Doubt and Mistrust of others. Along with inner awareness comes a variety of doubts on your own mind and its patterns and how others affect you and your relationships, and how you feel insecure with people around you. 
Saraswati awakens the subtle intelligence to look beyond all subtle questions and answers, and become well-settled into divine wisdom.
Thus, The Devi pierces the Trishool or the three shifts in the three Gunas of Consciousness, right into the throat of the buffalo natured Mahishasura - the throat specifically being the center of the Vishuddha Chakra, purifying the soul for final ascension.
Then, it is Vijaya-Dashmi... The tenth day, the day of Victory - of full ascension to the Sahasrara, where Kundalini unites with the SHIVATVA... The Self-unites with its source - the Super-Soul.
                (From the web - with minor changes and additions)

धीरज रखिए

जब जल गंदा हो जाता है
                   तो उसे हिलाते नहीं
  शांत  छोड़  देते हैं ,  धीरज रखते  हैं ....
  गंदगी अपने आप नीचे बैठ जाती है....
  साफ जल अपने आप ऊपर आ जाता है.. 
  इसलिये जो धीरज रख सकता है वह...
                                     सब कुछ पा सकता है.
गति धीमी करने से झटका नहीं लगता ।     
       उसी तरह मुसीबत कितनी भी बड़ी हो
               शांति से विचार करने पर जीवन में झटके नही लगते ।
    धीरज रखिए 
                      चलते  रहिए
                                      और सुमिरन करते रहिए 

                               Dheeraj Rakhiye
Jab jal ganda ho jaata hai
to usay hilaatay nahin
Shaant chhod detay hain ,
Dheeraj rakhtay hain ....
Gandagee apnay aap neechay baith jaatee hai....
Saaph jal apnay aap oopar aa jaata hai.. 
is liye jo dheeraj rakh saktaa hai voh...
                          Sab kuchh paa saktaa hai.
Gati (speed) dheemee karnay say jhatkaa nahin lagtaa . 
usee tarah museebat kitnee bhee badee ho
Shaanti say vichaar karnzy par jeevan mein jhatkay nahee lagtay .
Dheeraj rakhiye 
                 Chaltay rahiye
                                Aur sumiran karate rahiye

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Why Disputes Happen? What was the reason for Mahabharat?

Most everyone knows or at least has heard of the great epic of Mahabharat and think it was a family feud; the war between cousins over their kingdom. 
Whenever there are some frictions between friends and within families, there have to be some reasons behind the disputes. Many thinkers have talked about many different reasons. Some claim it was Draupadi's fault - because she passed a comment to Duryodhan, saying "Andhay ki aulaad andhaa". Others have different ideas.
I believe the real reason for the dispute that ended up in such a terrible war, is mentioned in the very first Shloka of Bhagavad Geeta - which is very important but mostly ignored shloka. Most people consider it simply the beginning passage of a long dialogue that follows.
Let's read this shloka carefully and try to analyze it. 
The Bhagavad Geeta begins with a question from Dhritrashtra to Sanjaya:
       "Dharma-kshetray kuru-kshetray samavetaa yuyutsvaah  
         Maamekah Pandavashchaiva kimakurvat Sanjaya"
"In the open field of Kurukshetra, where both the armies are standing - facing each other -
O' Sanjaya, tell me what my children and Pandava's children are doing?"
Now, if someone does not know the previous story, will ask who was Pandava?
Pandava was Dhritrashtra's brother - who died at a young age and asked Dhritrashtra to take care of his young children. Dhritrashtra promised his brother not to worry - that he will take care of them just like his own children. 
Had he considered them his own children and treated them equally - given the same love and rights to them as his own sons - then there would not have been any dispute or friction between them. 
And this discriminative state of mind on part of Dhritrashtra clearly shows in this shloka. He clearly distances himself completely from them - as they have no relationship at all by asking: "Maamekah Pandavashchaiva". 
He could have established some relationship at least by saying "Maamekah, Bhraatashchaiva" (my and my brother's children).
From the very beginning, seeing this kind of discrimination, the sons of Dhritrashtra must have grown up also with the same kind of mentality thinking the Pandava kids - their cousins as lower than them and with lesser rights. They considered themselves the real heirs of the kingdom and the Pandavas as their subordinates - that someday might become their opponents. 
So the problem was started by Dhritrashtra himself - the father, who never considered Pandava's children equal to his own - and created the same feeling of inequality in the minds of his own sons. 
So, who was at fault? What was the real cause of Mahabharata? 
Discrimination by the father who was the ruler as well. 
When elders do not treat everyone equally, the problems - disputes and frictions are bound to occur within the families and among friends and relatives. This could be true for the organizations as well.
                           'Rajan Sachdeva'

Surrender To Whom?

In Japuji Sahib, Baba Nanak says:
           "Hukam rajaayi chalnaa Nanak likheya naal"
            "Live - walk the way according to the Hukam".

Naturally, a question comes to mind - Whose Hukam?
Everyone says their hukam should be obeyed. 
Mother says: "I gave you birth - I brought you into this world bearing great pains and sufferings - 
I raised you up with great sacrifice  - so, you must obey me.
Father says he worked hard and sacrificed his desires for the sake of children, so he should be obeyed.
Children claim that times have changed. Now they are earning and taking care of them so the parents should listen to them.
Similarly; elders, teachers, priests, leaders, rulers, officers etc. all claim it's their right to command and everyone else should listen to them.
So, to live a pious, truthful life - Whose Hukam should be followed and obeyed? 
To whom should we surrender? 
Baba Nanak clarifies it in the next verses:

               "Hukmee hovan aakaar - hukam na kahiaa jaai
                Hukmee hovan jeea - hukam milai vadiaayi
                Hukamee uttam neech - hukam likh dukh sukh paayieh
                Iknaa hukamee bakhseesh - ik hukamee sadaa bhavaaiyeh
                Hukmai andar sabh ko - baahar hukam na koye 
                Nanak hukmai jay bujhai ta houmai kahai na koye"  

By the Hukam, bodies (universe - earth and heavenly bodies such as sun and stars) are created; 
The Hukam cannot be described (How and why these were created) By the Hukam, souls come into being; 
by the Hukam, glory, and greatness are obtained (by certain species). 
By the Command, the Hukam - some (life forms) are high and some are low; by the written command - the set order, pain, and pleasure are obtained**.  
Some, by the Hukam - the Command - are blessed; while others, wander aimlessly forever.   
Everyone is subject to the Hukam - the Command; no one is beyond the set Order.  
O Nanak, one who understands the Hukam; the Order, does not speak in ego - his egoism dies of itself.

In other words, all Spiritual Scholars, teachers, and Gurus have always been talking about following the natural Order of Nature, Universe, God, Super Consciousness - or whatever name you want to use. 
                   "करन कारन प्रभ एक है - दूसर नाहीं  कोइ 
                    नानक तिस बलिहारने जल थल महियल सोइ"            
                     Karn kaaran Prabh ek hai - Dusar nahi koi
                     Nanak tis baliharne jal thall mahial Soi"

There is only one creator and the cause (of creation) - No one else.
O Nanak - worship the one who is present in water and soil - everything and everywhere.

                   एको सिमरो नानका जो जल थल रिहा समाए 
                   दूजा काहे सिमरिए जो जम्मे ते मर जाए 
                  Eko Simro Nanakaa jo jal thal reha samaaye
                  Doojaa kaahay simariye jo jammay tay mar jaaye
"O Nanak, worship the ONE immortal who is everywhere -
Who is present in every fragment of water and soil.
Why worship the other (mortal) who borns and then dies"

Therefore, when the Holy Scriptures say: "Surrender and walk the path of Hukam - they are talking about surrendering to the One Almighty, Immortal Lord - not any mortal physical beings. 
                             'Rajan Sachdeva'

Monday, October 8, 2018

ज़माने को क्या हो गया है? Zamaanay ko kya ho gaya hai?

न जाने  ज़माने को क्या हो गया है 
मोहब्बत का जज़्बा कहाँ खो गया है  

दावा जो करता था अपनी वफ़ा का 
वही  शख़्स अब  बेवफ़ा  हो गया है 

कल था महकता यहाँ इक गुलिस्तां 
क्यों आज यूं  बियाबाँ हो गया है 

है कोई मसीहा जो आ कर जगाए  
ज़मीर आदमी का कहीं सो गया है  

न पूछो गया है कहाँ जाने वाला 
था आया जहां से वहीं तो गया है  

इक अश्के -नदामत गिरा ऐसा 'राजन '
कि सारे गुनाह क़ल्ब  के  धो  गया  है 

               "राजन सचदेव "

अश्के -नदामत       ----  पश्चाताप  के आंसू 
क़ल्ब                 -------   दिल, हस्ती, रूह , ज़मीर 

Na jaanay zamaanay ko kya ho gaya hai 
Mohabbat ka jazbaa kahaan kho gaya hai 

Daava jo kartaa thaa apnee wafaa kaa 
Vahee shakhs ab be-wafaa ho gaya hai 

Kal tha mehakataa yahaan ik gulistaan 
Kyon aaj yoon biyaabaan ho gaya hai 

Hai koyi maseehaa jo aa kar jagaaye 
Zameer aadmee ka kaheen so gaya hai 

Na poochho gayaa hai kahaan jaanay waala 
Tha aaya jahaan say vaheen to gaya hai 

Ik ashqe-nadaamat giraa aisaa 'Rajan'
Ki saaray gunaah qalb kay dho gaya hai
                             "Rajan Sachdeva"

Biyaabaan         -------------  Deserted 
Zameer               -------------  Consciousness 
Ashqe-nadaamat  ----------  Tears of regret 
Qalb        ---------------------  Heart, Mind, Consciousness 

Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...