Friday, September 28, 2018

Be Content

Be content with what you have;
              Rejoice in the way things are.
When you realize there is nothing lacking,
                 The whole world belongs to you.
                                 ~ Lao Tzu ~


  1. Its a nice thought Rajan Ji, but it is really hard to be content in our current world of Materialism, where ambition and the teaching of not to be Content comes keep moving forward.

    How would you say we balance ambition with contentment ? Baba ji used to say stay Easy Busy. Meaning be busy but dont take life so seriously also.

    1. First, we have to see what our priorities are.
      If we want to progress in materialism, then being more ambitious and ‘no-contentment’ might be important. But those who are more spiritual - do not have much ambitions left and naturally become content.
      Now, if we want to progress in both materialistic and Spiritual worlds – which many people do - even then we need to set the limits – not only how much ambitions - but what kind of ambitions as well. Are we ambitious to get some power, and name & fame among the spiritually inclined people to become rich and famous by delivering inspirational lectures?
      Or, are we more ambitious towards moving forward into the realms of pure Spirituality – to achieve self-peace – and at the same time, trying to make more money to live a comfortable worldly life?
      As long as our intentions are honest and not to harm anyone in anyway, such ambitions may not be wrong.
      To be content or ambitious – and to what degree – I think is an individual choice.

  2. Thank you Uncle Ji your wisdom always gives clarity. Thank You !


Discussion vs Argument चर्चा बनाम बहस

Discussion - is an exchange of    Thoughts & Knowledge            Promote it. Argument - is an exchange of   Ego & Ignorance        ...